Author Topic: Tatjana Festerling on the Soros-Brokered Migration Deal Between Europe and Turkey  (Read 245 times)

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Offline Sanguine

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Tatjana Festerling gave this magnificent speech at the PEGIDA rally in Dresden last Monday, the night before the Brussels massacres. Her talk zeroes in on the NWO brokers — especially George Soros — who arranged the deal between Europe and Turkey on the migration crisis, a “solution” championed by Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Rembrandt Clancy has translated and subtitled the speech, and includes an informative introduction as well as a transcript.

    “How can it be that one man is training this Chancellor in a refugee course; that this average woman is making irreversible decisions on her own, which annihilate a people and a culture; and no parliament is consulted, no ballot and no discussion about it takes place?

by Rembrandt Clancy

On Monday, the 21st of March 2016 Tatjana Festerling delivered a speech at the weekly demonstration in Dresden.

Her main theme was the extra-parliamentary influences on Chancellor Angela Merkel in the context of mass Islamic migration into Europe. In particular, Frau Festerling draws attention to George Soros’ Project Syndicate (26 September 2015), a six-point “comprehensive plan” or manifesto for managing an annual influx of “at least a million asylum-seekers” into Europe for the “foreseeable future”. The scheme calls for putting into place a highly centralised administration for the management of what amounts to the thinning out of the native European ethnic populations — if that is not putting it too mildly....

...As recently as the 26th of September the so-called star-investor, George Soros, on his website, spoke in a six-point plan under the name of “Project Syndicate” about the building of a European asylum system.

It was his answer to Viktor Orbán, who had previously attacked him sharply and had identified him as the principal mastermind behind the stream of refugees bound for Europe. The tenor of the Soros text reads: “Europe must”; “Europe has to do”; “Europe is obligated to pay” and “Europe has to absorb and integrate more than a million asylum-seekers and migrants annually”. Soros expressly complains that some EU member states egoistically represent their own national interests; he rails against the “patchwork of 28 separate asylum systems” and blatantly demands a European central government.