Author Topic: "Violence is Inevitable... Don’t Make Us Bring Ferguson to New York City"  (Read 422 times)

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"Violence is Inevitable... Don’t Make Us Bring Ferguson to New York City"
March 25, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

I certainly hope the media and fellow Democrats condemn this trouble incitement to violence. If they don't, then they are endorsing it.

This is from a year ago, but it's nearly the same speech.

The background of this story is that due to Obama's anti-police atmosphere, the left's lynch mob targeted police officers where they could. Officer Peter Liang of the NYPD was fed to the wolves over the shooting of drug dealer Akai Gurley. But just as he had been railroaded, the Chinese-American community found its voice and began protesting in his defense. Even while left-wing sellouts like Margaret Chin tried to silence them, the rallies were big enough to send a message. And the message was received by the Democratic establishment. Officer Liang won't be going to jail.

So the race-baiters reacted with exactly the dignity and restraint you would expect. Especially former Black Panther Charles Barron, who was endorsed by David Duke.

    Assemblyman Charles Barron ​on Thursday warned of riots, saying “violence is inevitable” if former NYPD officer Peter Liang gets the no-jail sentence recommended by Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson.

    “We will not forget this,” Barron bellowed to an angry throng of protesters gathered outside Thompson’s downtown Brooklyn office. “Some of our people are saying an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.”

    “Even Martin Luther King — the prince of peace — said that riots are the voices of the unheard,” said Barron, a former Black Panther.

    “Am I saying we should be violent? I’m saying the system will decide.”

    “Don’t make us bring Ferguson to New York City,” ​Barron threatened.

Don't "make us" commit crimes. This is how criminals talk and think. Why does Barron talk and think this way? Well he's a former Black Panther. He's been an ally of Sharpton and other racists. Then he ran for mayor on a platform of being a huge racist.

    City Councilman Charles Barron (D-Brooklyn), a former Black Panther, plans to announce his campaign for mayor Jan. 19 on the steps of City Hall.

    “White men have too much power in this city,” Barron told The Post.

Also he hates Jews and Thomas Jefferson. And all white people.

    Addressing the crowd at an August 2002 “Millions for Reparations” rally in Washington, DC, Barron called on the federal government to pay slavery reparations to black Americans. Among his remarks that day, was this infamous quote: “I want to go up to the closest white person and say, ‘You can’t understand this, it’s a black thing,’ and then slap him just for my mental health.

Yes, this is what the New York Democratic Party looks like now.

    At a rally in August 2010, Barron appeared in Harlem with members of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) who, during the event, referred to Fox News as "Fox Jews," and to New York City as "Jew York City." Shortly afterward, Barron expressed his allegiance with the Panthers, saying that he and the NBPP “are embracing each other with unity...”

So now Barron is threatening riots.

    The assemblyman threatened that, if not, “we will shut this city down, Ken Thompson. Wherever you go, we should be there.”

    Assemblywoman Inez Barron also addressed the increasingly unsettled crowd and the absent DA, saying that “we are revolted by your actions, and we will never forget. Don’t come to us for anything.”

    “Ken Thompson, you are forewarned,” she ye​​lled. “This is not the end.”

Ken Thompson, by the way, is black.