Author Topic: Mark Levin: It Is WWIII and the Enemy’s Battlefield Is Your Neighborhood  (Read 284 times)

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Mark Levin: It Is WWIII and the Enemy’s Battlefield Is Your Neighborhood

Wednesday on Levin TV [1], nationally syndicated radio show [2] host Mark Levin warned about the threat of terrorism that Americans face asking rhetorically, “Do you know where the enemy’s battlefield is? Your neighborhood.”

“The Enemy is not going to leave the battlefield,” said Mark Levin. “The enemy is expanding the battlefield. You know where the enemy’s battlefield is? Your neighborhood.”

Below is a transcript of Levin’s comments:

    “Do you imagine if our military, our intelligence services, our national security teams were unleashed to hunt down Baghdadi, to hunt down all these guys? If we could polish up our beautiful B-1, B-2 bombers and our B-52s and rain hell down on the enemy.

    “Oh, Mark, the damage that will be done.

    “Right. The damage that will be done -- done and over.

    “And I don’t want to send anymore Americans into the alleys and all the rest of it where they get shot up and butchered, where we have to keep raising these and creating these charities to help them. Let the enemy create charities, let the enemy show their so-called soldiers, the terrorists, with their heads shot up, with body parts missing.

    “I’m sick of it. I’m sick of our guys taking it. We ought to take it to this enemy.

    “Now, while I’m on this subject, I want you to see the response from the brave ISIS warriors who target innocent civilians, who go after 9-year-olds to impregnate them, who enslave married women and their daughters. Oh, the tough ISIS guys.

    “Let me tell you something about these tough ISIS guys. If they went up against the United States Marine Corps, if they went up against the United States Rangers, if they went up against the United States Special Forces, if we unleashed our men against these barbarians, we wipe the damn floor with them.

    “Let’s take a look at what they do with their little kids, how they’re breeding future generations of  terrorists.

    “Go ahead.

    “There’s a barbarian. There’s a cockroach. All cockroaches, all barbarians.

    “Now, what are they’re doing? They’re giving out candy to the kids. Isn’t that cool. They’re celebrating the slaughter of people in Belgium -- little tasty morsels.

    “This is what the Palestinians do after a particularly brutal attack on the Jews in Israel. This is what many in the Arab world did when they saw the planes hitting our, our towers in Manhattan on 9/11. They celebrated. They celebrate the death of innocent human beings, of innocent human beings jumping from the 100th floor of a building, of innocent human beings in subways and airports being slaughtered, who didn’t do anything to anybody.

    “Now this is the enemy. It is World War III.

    “Now, we can leave the battlefield. We can play isolationists. We can do what Obama did and pretend there’s no wars under Obama and so forth.

    “The enemy is not going to leave the battlefield. The enemy is expanding the battlefield. Do you know where the enemy’s battlefield is? Your neighborhood.”

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