Author Topic: Governor cancels city's open-bathrooms ordinance. New North Carolina law sets anti-discrimination standards statewide  (Read 874 times)

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Governor cancels city's open-bathrooms ordinance
New North Carolina law sets anti-discrimination standards statewide
Published: 7 hours ago

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory late Wednesday signed into law a plan setting a statewide standard for anti-discrimination ordinances and requirements that was adopted by state lawmakers in a one-day special session called to overturn a Charlotte plan to open public restrooms to those of the opposite sex.

The bill was moved through the state House and Senate, including committees, in a matter of about nine hours on Wednesday in a session called by a two-thirds majority vote of lawmakers themselves.

In a statement released late Wednesday, McCrory said, “The basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settings, a restroom or locker room, for each gender was violated by government overreach and intrusion by the mayor and city council of Charlotte. This radical breach of trust and security under the false argument of equal access not only impacts the citizens of Charlotte but people who come to Charlotte to work, visit or play. This new government regulation defies common sense and basic community norms by allowing, for example, a man to use a woman’s bathroom, shower or locker room.

“While local municipalities have important priorities working to oversee police, fire, water and sewer, zoning, roads, and transit, the mayor and city council took action far out of its core responsibilities. As a result, I have signed legislation passed by a bipartisan majority to stop this breach of basic privacy and etiquette which was to go into effect April 1. Although other items included in this bill should have waited until regular session, this bill does not change existing rights under state or federal law.”

He continued, “It is now time for the city of Charlotte elected officials and state elected officials to get back to working on the issues most important to our citizens.”

WRAL reported the legislation specifies that the state, not cities, shall set the requirements for nondiscrimination policies by prohibiting cities or towns from adopting regulations that are more strict that the state’s.

The bill was in direct response to the recent adoption by council members in Charlotte of a transgender agenda that would have opened all public restrooms and locker room facilities in the city to those who say they belong to that gender.

“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists

A man who states he is a woman, therefore, would not only have had the opportunity, but the legal right, to enter a restroom for women, no matter who else would be there.

The plan was blasted by leaders no less than Billy Graham Evangelistic Association chief Franklin Graham. That organization has its headquarters in Charlotte.

Democrats in the GOP-controlled state legislature had walked out of the discussion of the issue, before the Senate voted 32-0 to adopt the law. The House earlier voted 84-24 for it.

The Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act defines biological sex as “the physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a person’s birth certificate,” and requires that bathrooms or changing facilities in schools to be designated for use “by students based on their biological sex.”

For other public agencies, the requirement will be for them to have bathrooms and changing facilities “designated for and only used by persons based on their biological sex.”

Additionally, the law states it shall “supersede and preempt any ordinance, regulation, resolution, or policy adopted or imposed by a unit of local government or other political subdivision of the state that regulates or imposes any requirement upon an employer pertaining to compensation of employees.”

WRAL reported among those testifying in favor was Chloe Jefferson, a junior at Greenville Christian Academy.

She explained she was frightened by the prospect of a boy in the girl’s bathroom or locker room.

“It’s hard enough for young girls to deal with body image without having boys around when they change clothes,” she said.

“I am not the only girl scared,” she added.

The station also reported on Heather Garofalo’s plea for the law.

“Business owners like myself, we would be forced to check our deepest-held beliefs at the door or suffer fines of $500, jail time, lawsuits,” she said. “I am asking for right to provide for my family.”

Transgenders also told the lawmakers they want to be allowed to live as they choose.

“I can’t use the men’s room. I won’t go back to the men’s room. It is unsafe for me there. People like me die there,” said a Raleigh resident who told of being bullied as a boy but who now goes by Madeleine Goss.

WRAL also noted the testimony of Skye Thomson, a 15-year-old transgender from Greenville.

“Imagine yourself in my shoes, being a boy walking into a ladies room. It’s awkward and embarrassing and can actually be dangerous,” Thomson said.

While LGBT activists have had their way in dozens of other cities around the nation, observers viewed the state action as a setback.

Just in advance of the Wednesday work, Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Kellie Fiedorek commended the lawmakers for “listening to the voices of thousands of North Carolinians and taking the common-sense action of ensuring that no women or young girls are forced to undress, shower, or engage in other private activities in the presence of men.”

In a joint statement, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, president of the Senate, and House Speaker Tim Moore had said: “The Senate and House have received the necessary number of signatures from members of the general assembly to call themselves back into session. In accordance with the State Constitution, we will so call for a special session. We aim to repeal this ordinance before it goes into effect to provide for the privacy and protection of the women and children of our state.”

“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists

Tami Fitzgerald, chief of the North Caroline Values Coalition, added, “We commend Lt. Governor Dan Forest, Senate Leader Phil Berger, and Speaker Tim Moore for listening to the voice of their constituents, those who elected them to office, who believe it is common sense – no men should be allowed in women’s bathrooms.”

The fight is over the recent vote by council members in Charlotte which would allow “people to use the bathroom of their choice.”

The issue has played out in a number of other jurisdictions across the U.S., including Houston, where voters rejected a lesbian mayor’s imposition of the same transgender protection plan.

Franklin Graham earlier had written: “I hope they will take swift action to strike down this dangerous ordinance or bring it to a referendum for voters to decide. If this were put to a vote in Charlotte, I’m sure it would be overwhelmingly defeated by Democrats and Republicans alike.”

WND previously reported the vote by the city council was 7-4 for the open restrooms plan.

“Shame on Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts and the city council members,” Graham wrote then.

He said the ordinance “would allow people to use the bathroom of their choice, not based on their biological sex.”

He praised council members Ed Driggs, Claire Fallon, Greg Phipps and Kenny Smith “for having the courage to do the right thing and vote NO.”

Just ahead of the vote, he said, “It’s hard to believe that such a ludicrous law would even be seriously considered – and even harder to believe that at least 8 of 11 council members have said they would vote for it!

“Are people just not thinking clearly? This law would allow pedophiles, perverts and predators into women’s bathrooms. This is wicked and it’s filthy. To think that my granddaughters could go into a restroom and a man be in there exposing himself … what are we setting our children and grandchildren up for? There’s not a public restroom in Charlotte that would be safe!” he said.

The Houston case lasted nearly two years, ending late in 2015 when citizens, who were allowed to vote over the mayor’s objections and only by order of the state Supreme Court, soundly rejected Parker’s agenda, 62 percent to 38 percent.


Offline Charlespg

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     “Imagine yourself in my shoes, being a boy walking into a ladies room. It’s awkward and embarrassing and can actually be dangerous,” Thomson said.         
It should be you dammed freak
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Offline 17 Oaks

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"A man who states he is a woman, therefore, would not only have had the opportunity, but the legal right, to enter a restroom for women, no matter who else would be there."

I know a few women that might argue with him, a LOT...

So there I was, my first morning with the 1st/9th Infantry (MANCHUS) I get up and we do our Bn 5 mi run, I go back to room, grab my shaving gear and head to the Officers Latrine.  I am standing at the wall urinal with a lavatory next to me and the new guy banter from the other officers.  I am looking to my left when suddenly a blonde good looking woman walks up to the lav.  WTH WTH.  She looks at me and says HI, I am Rods wife...Rods yells out as he steps out of the shower, see you met Jan.  About that time another female voice calls out to Jan.

Korea is a short tour and means dependents are not paid for.  But some of he Officers brought their wives over at their expense and the lived with them in their room.  But being an Infantry outfit we did not have female anything, so the wives just adapted.  I can honestly say it was great, we all liked having them there, no one, took their presence as offense and it was like one big family

Don:  Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...

Offline raml

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You all knew one another and adjusted. In a city the odds of you knowing the person in the bathroom unless you go with another person you do know is minimal to non existent totally different circumstances.

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 **nononono* **nononono*

I am Repub4Bush on FR '02

Online Free Vulcan

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 **nononono* **nononono*

Yep. Screw the gaystapo and the transbullies. These douchebags tell me I don't have unlimited 2nd amendment rights, then by damn their gay and tranny rights don't get to stomp over everyone elses either, especially vulnerable under-18 girls.
The Republic is lost.

Offline 17 Oaks

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You all knew one another and adjusted. In a city the odds of you knowing the person in the bathroom unless you go with another person you do know is minimal to non existent totally different circumstances.
We were all gone by about 0700, we had formations and then to our offices, so the gals would get there late, usually talk, drink coffee and and after we headed out they did their thing.  It kinda college mixed dorm only at an adult level if you can think of a bunch of Infantry officers as being adults...
Don:  Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...

Offline Charlespg

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Yep. Screw the gaystapo and the transbullies. These douchebags tell me I don't have unlimited 2nd amendment rights, then by damn their gay and tranny rights don't get to stomp over everyone elses either, especially vulnerable under-18 girls.
I could not agree more .Enroll your kids in some of the more aggressive martial arts and if their too young .CCW and escort them to the bathroom and back

.I live in North Carolina and the liberals  are ready  gearing  up to overturn this  by ACLU lawyers and their lackeys in the courts
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 10:25:33 pm by Charlespg »
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Offline 17 Oaks

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I could not agree more .Enroll your kids in some of the more aggressive martial arts and if their too young .CCW and escort them to the bathroom and back

.I live in North Carolina and the liberals  are ready  gearing  up to overturn this  by ACLU lawyers and their lackeys in the courts
Friends of my in laws went to the mall on a Sunday, wife took their two kids, boy was about 8 IIRC,  maybe 9. She walked to the bathroom hall and told him to go potty.  She stood there waiting, knowing #2 would take a bit longer.  2 black hoody teens came out of the bathroom, she thought nothing of it.  Finally after a bit more time than she thought was needed she went down and opened the door and called out her son's name...she heard a muffled call "mama'.  She ran in.  He had been beaten severely, blood everywhere and later she found out at the E room he had been raped.

All she knew was:  2 black teens.  Cops told her she had gone to the wrong mall for a white family (this was in Dallas), no finger prints, no nothing a young boy who will carry this cross all of his life, mother who will carry a cross all of her life and never stop asking the question of why she allowed him in there alone.  Nothing but pain and suffering and Black Lives Matter.  How about we change that to Black Lives SPLATTER...
Don:  Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...

Offline Charlespg

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Friends of my in laws went to the mall on a Sunday, wife took their two kids, boy was about 8 IIRC,  maybe 9. She walked to the bathroom hall and told him to go potty.  She stood there waiting, knowing #2 would take a bit longer.  2 black hoody teens came out of the bathroom, she thought nothing of it.  Finally after a bit more time than she thought was needed she went down and opened the door and called out her son's name...she heard a muffled call "mama'.  She ran in.  He had been beaten severely, blood everywhere and later she found out at the E room he had been raped.

All she knew was:  2 black teens.  Cops told her she had gone to the wrong mall for a white family (this was in Dallas), no finger prints, no nothing a young boy who will carry this cross all of his life, mother who will carry a cross all of her life and never stop asking the question of why she allowed him in there alone.  Nothing but pain and suffering and Black Lives Matter.  How about we change that to Black Lives SPLATTER...
god dammed savages **nononono*

and this things like are going to lead to death squads eventually
Rather Trump Then Cackles Clinton

Offline 17 Oaks

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god dammed savages **nononono*

and this things like are going to lead to death squads eventually
It was horrible, I remember one eve they came over for dinner and we were invited, the whole family is just slammed.  The police never even came up with any suspects.  As she said, she never really noticed the two black teens, she just kept her eyes on the door to the bathroom and of course no cameras, can't violate anyones privacy.  I suggested they hire a Private Det.  I think they did, but ran out of money before he found anything out.
Don:  Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...

Offline Charlespg

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It was horrible, I remember one eve they came over for dinner and we were invited, the whole family is just slammed.  The police never even came up with any suspects.  As she said, she never really noticed the two black teens, she just kept her eyes on the door to the bathroom and of course no cameras, can't violate anyones privacy.  I suggested they hire a Private Det.  I think they did, but ran out of money before he found anything out.
Thats a dammed shame  has the church or community helped any ?

dont have to name the family but  public reward for  info might help
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Offline 17 Oaks

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Thats a dammed shame  has the church or community helped any ?

dont have to name the family but  public reward for  info might help

As I remember it did not even make the news.  She had taken the kids over to a mall she had never been to in S Dallas which is about 90% + black, I think it was Red Bird mall IIRC.  Seems like there was something the mall was doing and she took her kids to see.  But Dallas is big, very big and for those whose live in far N Dallas you begin to think the world is more white and safe then black and dangerous...I have been to that mall and a white woman, nicely dressed and 2 young white children would stand out.  I remember her saying she felt uncomfortable and again the guilt that says she should have left....I am no longer married to the girl and never talked with my in laws after the divorce so I have no idea beyond what I have said...
Don:  Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...