Author Topic: Robert Spencer in the Detroit News: Blame multicultural fantasies for Brussels attacks  (Read 195 times)

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Robert Spencer in the Detroit News: Blame multicultural fantasies for Brussels attacks

March 23, 2016 8:35 am By Robert Spencer 

In the Detroit News today I discuss the real lesson of the Brussels jihad massacre:

    The death toll in Tuesday morning’s jihadist attacks in Brussels is now 31. The political toll is almost as catastrophic: These jihad attacks in Brussels show anew the abject failure of Europe’s policies regarding Muslim immigration and multiculturalism.

    Last year, the Islamic State warned that it was going to flood Europe with 500,000 refugees, among whom there would be an unknown number of jihadists. Now ISIS has done it. Europeans need to repudiate these policies and lawfully remove the politicians who are responsible for them.

    Europe’s very survival as a home of free people is at stake.

    The same thing goes for the United States, but we’re just getting more of the same. Hillary Clinton, in her response to the Brussels attacks, said that the mass murders were “deeply distressing,” but the “dream of a whole, free Europe … should not be walked away from,” and “we’ve got to work this through consistent with our values.”

    The implication was clear: Any response to what is rapidly becoming a state of war in Europe must not reject the multicultural fantasies that created the problem in the first place. Muslim migrants, including any number of jihadists, must continue to stream into Europe, for to stop them would end the “dream of a whole, free Europe” and not be “consistent with our values.”

    It’s time to say enough to all this. The political elites need to be repudiated, because they have failed. The existing governments are woefully inadequate for the task at hand. They are responsible for policies that have turned Europe into a war zone — and that war is just beginning. The political and media elites have failed Europe and the free world, and put Europe on a course toward civil war and more bloodshed.

    Brussels is engulfed in chaos. Europe, if it is to survive as a home of free people, must turn out its entire political and media establishment.

    Europe needs governments that recognize the “refugees” storming into their countries now include an untold number of jihad murderers who mean to kill their people and destroy their societies. Europe needs the courage to stand up and stop that refugee flow, and turn it back.

    This is a war. It is a war for survival. It is a war that will determine whether Europe (and North America is not far behind) will live in freedom or slavery. Which side will win is by no means determined.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 02:06:12 pm by rangerrebew »