Author Topic: Giuliani BLASTS spineless Obama: ‘Outrageous’ he’s at ballgame when he should be in Situation Room  (Read 1304 times)

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Giuliani BLASTS spineless Obama: ‘Outrageous’ he’s at ballgame when he should be in Situation Room

March 23, 2016 | Frieda Powers 

Rudy Giuliani slammed President Obama for choosing to attend a baseball game with Cuban President Raul Castro immediately after the terrorist attack in Brussels Tuesday.

Calling Obama’s actions “outrageous” on Fox News Tuesday, the former mayor of New York City said the president’s priority is to defend our NATO ally.

“It’s outrageous that the President of the United States is not in the Situation Room right now planning on how to destroy ISIS,” said Giuliani, who is no stranger to terror attacks as he led New York in the wake of 9/11.

Giuliani blasted Obama, saying “And, what’s he doing? He’s sitting with a dictator watching a baseball game while innocent people are being killed in a war!”

“An attack on a NATO ally, in case the president ever read the treaty, is an attack on the United States of America. He has an obligation to defend that country. It’s just like an attack on us. I don’t know if he’s ever read the treaty,” Giuliani said. “The president’s knowledge of history is quite questionable. ”

Giuliani lambasted the president for not being “up all night” developing a “plan to destroy ISIS,” but is ignoring his obligation as leader of the free world.

“Go tell those people who are dead in Brussels just how well Obama’s policies are working,” he said.

Watch Giuliani’s comments in the video below.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 12:56:04 pm by rangerrebew »

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Keith Koffler, White House Dossier
ISIS Intrudes on Obama’s Havana Holiday
Posted on March 23, 2016, 10:08 am by Keith Koffler • 0 Comments

It was hardly surprising that President Obama on Tuesday was in Cuba enjoying a baseball game with a violent dictator and pursuing his ideological agenda while the world was busy dealing with another horrific terrorist attack.

While the planet has disintegrated into a disordered mess plagued by growing numbers of major terrorist attacks, the president has been careful to take at least four weeks of vacation a year, not including three- and four-day golf weekends in sunny locales around the United States. Meantime, his commitment to a politically correct, leftist agenda that views morality in relative terms has prevented him from even calling these attacks what they are: “Islamist” terrorism.

Part of Obama’s ideological profile is the one-world dream of every leftist. Nationalities and borders are so old-school, and so the president allows thousands of Syrian refugees into America while supporting European policies allowing tens of thousands more to swamp the continent and provoke the current outbreak of terrorist attacks.

“President Obama also expressed his appreciation of the chancellor’s leadership in working to address the migration crisis in Europe, in particular her recent decision to ease the burden on border countries by providing haven to Syrian refugees,” the White House said on August 26 of last year. A month later, Obama agreed with Chancellor Angela Merkel that other countries, too, must accept their “fair share” of refugees, as if cultural self-destruction and the danger to national security caused by the refugees should be spread across Europe, not just in Germany..

While assertively pursuing his agenda at home, Obama has been perhaps the most passive modern president ever with respect to threats overseas.

It is no coincidence that a vast Islamic state devoted to destroying the West has sprouted up under his watch. World affairs have always been an unwelcome intrusion disrupting the implementation of his ideological agenda at home. That’s why Obama installed a secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, with absolutely no foreign policy experience beyond dodging imaginary Serb sniper bullets. And it is why he has allowed the U.S. armed forces to deteriorate, and why he set a long-term goal of “degrading and destroying” ISIS that has barely progressed.

Obama has projected weakness at every turn, whether allowing the Syrians to breach his “red line” on the use of chemical weapons, permitting China to violate territorial rights in the South China Sea, granting Iran the future use of nuclear weapons, or kowtowing to the Palestinians while broadcasting his contempt for America’s traditional ally in the region, Israel.

The jackals of the world can swell an ounce of weakness in a gallon of bluster, and so they are on the move. Mass attacks in the United States like those plaguing Europe are not far off, former administration officials warn.

But the man who, while on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard in August 2014, hit the links just moments after addressing the ISIS beheading of journalist James Foley, is not one to allow too much bad news to mess with his schedule

Obama paused only briefly in Cuba on Tuesday to acknowledge the attacks before continuing with the excitement of his trip. The White House made sure to have the president make a brief statement in Havana on the terrorist attacks, including some political correctness about how everyone, “regardless of nationality, or race, or faith” should unite to defeat terrorism. “We can — and will — defeat those who threaten the safety and security of people all around the world,” Obama said.

We can, and we will. But first, baseball.

From Tuesday’s White House press pool report:

“POTUS had changed out of his suit and into khaki pants and a white shirt. He was wearing sunglasses and carrying some sort of to-go cup. Secretary Kerry, also wearing khaki pants, a white shirt and sunglasses, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and others left from the same entrance before POTUS.”

So everyone’s in khakis, and the fun can begin.

“To Mr. Obama’s right are, in order, Mrs. Obama, Sasha, Malia and Marian Robinson,” the pool report stated. “As they sat down some Cuban music blasted from the speakers, bringing even more festive energy into the stadium … Before the start of the game, the Tampa players walked over to where Mr. Obama was seated. The president stood up and shook each one’s hand through the net that is hanging behind home plate. He was smiling, sunglasses on, and chewing gum.”

Same as it ever was.
Just when you think he couldn't possibly be more of an embarrassment.  **nononono*
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With all respect to the Mayor - why should the Worm be in the situation room?

1/ He's got about as much say in the immediate response as Lil Kim.

2/ If there is planning to be done to remove ISIS, it should have been done years ago.

3/ Hasty plans thrown together by politicians are invariably bad plans. There has never been an exception to this rule.

4/ I want him a continent away from any planning anyway. Leave it to the adults for once.  :shrug:
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EC wrote above:
"With all respect to the Mayor - why should the Worm be in the situation room?
1/ He's got about as much say in the immediate response as Lil Kim."

As you were sayin' -- the pic that sez it all:

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FYI, Obama is the guy in the left  corner that was photoshopped in after the fact.
The Republic is lost.

Offline ArneFufkin

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Well, now Obozo has taken his "despot tour" down to Argentina.   If another European city blows up, maybe he can find a soccer match or rodeo or something to attend.


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FYI, Obama is the guy in the left  corner that was photoshopped in after the fact.

He does seem to have three significant aversions:  White people, the situation room, and anything the military suggests. :Odance:

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"YI, Obama is the guy in the left  corner that was photoshopped in after the fact."

Hmmm, ok.

Ummmm... but isn't it just as telling that he had to be PhotoShopped into the pic, being completely absent...?


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Obama Ludicrously Defends Attending Ballgame in Cuba By Invoking David Ortiz’s Response to The Boston Marathon Bombings

By Aaron Goldstein on 3.22.16 | 7:15PM

President Obama ludicrously defended attending the baseball game between the Cuban national team and the Tampa Bay Rays in the wake of the Brussels terror attack by invoking Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz's response to the Boston Marathon Bombings:

    When Ortiz went out and said probably the only time that America didn't have a problem with somebody, a person on live TV, was when he talked about Boston, how strong it was and that it was not going to be intimidated.

The President is referring to Big Papi's "this is our f#&kin' city" remarks at Fenway Park. But Ortiz made those remarks on April 20, 2013 prior to a game against the Kansas City Royals. This was five days after the bombing and less than 24 hours after authorities detained Dzokhar Tsarnaev in a day long manhunt which shut down a good deal of the city. In fact, because of the manhunt the Red Sox-Royals game scheduled that evening was actually postponed.

In fact, the bombings took place about 40 minutes after the Red Sox had concluded its game with the Tampa Bay Rays as the team made its way to Cleveland for a three game series against the Indians. Because of the Boston Marathon and because of Patriot's Day, the Red Sox began that game at 11:05 a.m. Had the Red Sox been scheduled to play that evening the game surely would have been postponed as was the case with the Boston Bruins who were scheduled to host the Ottawa Senators at The Garden. In fact, during the manhunt, the Bruins would also postpone their game this time against the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Obama told ESPN during the game, “It’s always a challenge when you have a terrorist attack anywhere in the world, particularly in this age of 24/7 news coverage. You want to be respectful and understand the gravity of the situation, but the whole premise of terrorism is to try to disrupt people’s ordinary lives.”

As a resident of Boston, I can tell you that terrorism disrupted life here and that there sure as hell no Red Sox or Bruins game going on while the bombers were at large.

If Obama wants to demonstrate that life goes on in defiance of terrorism he should do so in Brussels, not in Havana.

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