Author Topic: Obamacare - Illegal Aliens Already Have it!  (Read 628 times)

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Obamacare - Illegal Aliens Already Have it!
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:41:17 am »
 Obamacare - Illegal Aliens Already Have it!

    Illegal Aliens already have Obamacare, Medicaid & Medicare.

    1 million illegal aliens enrolled in Obamacare?

    Tuesday, March 15, 2016 by: J. D. Heyes

    (NaturalNews) Taxpayers are on the hook for providing health insurance coverage, via the Affordable Care Act, to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, thanks to the Obama Administration's lack of effort to prevent them from being covered by ensuring that they remain in the country.

    According to The Washington Times, administration officials have slow-walked "revoking Obamacare coverage for people who can't prove U.S. citizenship or legal residency," thus permitting perhaps 1 million of the estimated 13 million illegal immigrants in the country "to continue enjoying taxpayer-funded benefits, a Republican senator charged" recently.

    "The Obama administration is bending over backwards to give Obamacare to illegal immigrants but won't protect hardworking American citizens who are losing their health care coverage," said Sen. David Vitter, of Louisiana, who has been an outspoken critic of President Obama's healthcare law.

    "The Obama administration has been granting deadline extensions, making excuses and turning a blind eye to falsified documents by illegal immigrants," he added. "Enough is enough, and they need to provide answers to why they think illegal immigrants should be eligible for Obamacare."

    In a rebuttal, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages parts of the health law and its various coverage programs, disagreed, noting that the law specifically bans coverage for illegal aliens.

    Administration is dragging its feet

    However, as Vitter pointed out, the administration's efforts to actually verify citizenship or, at a minimum, legal status of applicants who are applying through state-based exchanges, has gone on far beyond the March 31 deadline to sign up for coverage.

    The Times reported that nearly 1 million people who applied for coverage but had what the administration termed "immigration data-matching issues" have been given half a year to provide the government with immigration documents while they are still being covered, the centers said.

    In addition, the administration has pledged to require all illegal immigrants to reimburse taxpayers for any Obamacare benefits they used during the extended time to check their documents.

    Vitter, in a letter to Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Marilyn Tavenner, demanded to know how the agency actually verifies immigration status of applicants and Obamacare recipients, as well as what further steps are taken to ensure that the illegal aliens repay taxpayers.

    The Times further reported:

    He questioned the agency's failure to set a firm date for sending cancellation notices to those who fail to produce immigration or residency documents by the established Sept. 5 deadline and the special 60-day extended enrollment period for those who miss the deadline.

    Aaron Albright, a spokesman for the CMS, told the Times that the Obama Administration has made great strides in verifying immigration status and documents, and had indeed sent out cancellation notices just recently to some who had yet to produce the required paperwork.

    Thousands remain unaccounted for

    "We are committed to assisting consumers and protecting taxpayers by helping to ensure those who are enrolled in Marketplace coverage meet the eligibility requirements," Albright told the paper. "CMS did not give individuals who did not respond to our final warning notice an additional 60 days to respond. As we announced two weeks ago, 115,000 people who did not respond to our many contacts and still did not submit information have received a letter stating that their last day of Marketplace coverage is Sept. 30."

    Anyone submitting documents and other information confirming their eligibility for benefits after the deadline could be allowed to apply for coverage during a special upcoming enrollment period, CMS officials said.

    In his response, Albright referenced a report by his department indicating that it had "received hundreds of thousands of documents" prior to a September 5 deadline, which decreased the number of cases from about 966,000 at the end of May to 115,000 by September 14.

    "To date, 115,000 individuals with citizenship and immigration data-matching issues have not responded to our numerous contacts and will be receiving notices saying their last day of federal marketplace coverage is September 30, 2014," the report said.

    Still, Vitter stood by his questions and is awaiting answers, the Times reported.

Offline 17 Oaks

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Re: Obamacare - Illegal Aliens Already Have it!
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2016, 03:01:21 pm »
What I suggest EVERYONE do is climb the 10,000 ft mountain, when you have done that and only when you have done do you begin to see the true picture or the reality that can only be seen from 10,000 ft.

Lets just look at the liberals policies collectively (the 10,000 ft view).  If you line up Obama, HildaBeast, Sanders, Reid, Soros, ____, fill in the the final analysis that not only are all saying the same things but they all have the same goals.  Does ANYONE think any of the aforementioned liberals would soil the treads on a set of Goodyears on there are by even driving into a poor, black, Mexican, whites yard, does anyone think they would pour a buck of warm pizz on one of their burning houses?

Does Obama/Klinton give a damn about the health of an illegal alien?  The goal is a dictatorship under the communist-socialist banner, put the US Constitution in a museum of old worn out documents and establish a new America.

The world gave up at the end of the cold war the thought of ever taking on the US from a military perspective and that has left the only other option...crush us economically.  The stake into the heart that can kill America is healthcare or in this case universal Obamacare for every person living in America, not citizen.  And if anyone reading this thinks there are only 11 M illegals here, better let the smoke out of the room you are inhaling a bit too deeply.  [in the 80's the number of illegals in the US was pegged at 10-11 M, so in 2016 that is all we have??????  Best I can ascertain its at least 30 M, some research pushes it to almost 50M...but it AIN'T 11 M liberal speak!]

How close are we?  As of today:  US Debt $19.2 TRILLION, US Revenue $3.1 make the call!

To see what America will look like when they reach their goal one only has to look to the South at Mexico.  Historically <10% of the population have owned > 90% of the countries assets.  The rest live in squalor.

Bottom line Obamacare will go away, but not till the liberals have used it to drain even dollar from the taxpayer.
Don:  Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Obamacare - Illegal Aliens Already Have it!
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2016, 07:36:52 pm »
17 Oaks wrote:
"The world gave up at the end of the cold war the thought of ever taking on the US from a military perspective"

(Off-topic, but...)
That was then, this is now.

I sense that China is preparing for exactly this event in the future -- a direct military engagement with The United States -- one in which they expect at some point in the future to be able to win.

Offline 17 Oaks

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Re: Obamacare - Illegal Aliens Already Have it!
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2016, 01:04:29 am »
17 Oaks wrote:
"The world gave up at the end of the cold war the thought of ever taking on the US from a military perspective"

(Off-topic, but...)
That was then, this is now.

I sense that China is preparing for exactly this event in the future -- a direct military engagement with The United States -- one in which they expect at some point in the future to be able to win.
Fish, I could have gone to the mat with you over that statement but no more and I am afraid your right:

My dad went in the Army Infantry in '34 IIRC.  Later he transfer over to the HORSE Artillery, then became a pilot and he finished out in the Air Force in '62.

Dad came to visit me in '75 when I was a young Lt Infantry Officer at Ft Hood.  He spent a few days with me and I took him around training, in the barracks etc.  I never forget on his last day as we were heading to his car dad said:  Yea, son, you got an M 16 and we had a Sprg '03, your steel pot is shaped different, and so are your uniforms, but its still a Platoon, Company, Battalion and a Brigade, sure brought back a lot of memories, he saluted me and drove back home. I will never forget that.

Recently I had a similar experience.  I thanked the Sgt for his courtesy to an ole soldier and I came away remembering what my dad said to me and only 21 years after I retired I do not know or even recognize the Army I spent my career in and its not the Kevlar vs my steel pot, or the different camo uniform, but rather its the difference in the way our soldiers think and are taught to think.  We would have laughed if someone told us what was important was the integration of Lesbians and Transgenders into our ranks and we never had a staff meeting where the discussion was which bathroom can a transgender use?  We trained and trained hard for WAR, we cursed, we drank coffee all day and the F word was the most used word, we RESPECTED our Sgts and Officers, we saluted and we were not soft, we ran every morning and our "Jodies" were not for the soft of ear.  We ran 5 mi on an easy day and 10 on the not so easy.  We did not talk about 'our rights' or getting 12 weeks off when your SO had a baby.  Instead we would get a radio telephone call while out in the field at 0200 hrs and it would be the Doc and the wife telling us she was doing fine and so is the baby boy or girl and then saying 'I love you' we should be home by Friday.

No, I no longer see that once proud fighting men I served along side in war and peace standing ready to do the work of rough men...I am afraid those days are going as fast as the twilight on a winters night only there will be no dawn.

But there a faint ray of hope:  Want to fight a war, want to KICK the rag heads from here to kingdom come, easy:  I was drafted in '67, trained and shipped to Vietnam.  So DRAFT me AGAIN, and that is gonna pizz us off to no end, I am in not bad shape and dare say I can pass the Army PT test at my age.  I am already a disable vet from combat so I don't need anything from the VA or the Army when I get back.  Even if I had grandkids they would be full grown and gone and could care less about some old geezer except at Christmas.  Most of all I got nothing to lose  at this point in life and my singular goal would be to make some other poor bastard die for his country or cause.
Don:  Got here thru God, Guns and Guts, I speak John Wayne, Johnny Cash and John Deere; this make ME: Christian, Conservative, Capitalist, Constitutionalist...