Author Topic: Obama Veteran Pushing For SCOTUS Nominee To Appear Regularly on NBC, MSNBC  (Read 297 times)

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 Obama Veteran Pushing For SCOTUS Nominee To Appear Regularly on NBC, MSNBC
Posted By Morgan Chalfant On March 18, 2016 @ 10:32 am In Politics | No Comments

A former aide to President Obama who is heading a group pushing for the confirmation of his nominee to the Supreme Court has also landed a contributor job at NBC News and MSNBC.

The position of “political analyst” for the two major networks will offer Stephanie Cutter, Obama’s 2012 deputy campaign manager, a medium through which she can reach millions of Americans just as she gears up to fight on behalf of the president to push his Supreme Court nominee through the Senate confirmation process.

According to a report in the New York Times published Thursday, Cutter, who also advised Obama in the White House, will oversee a new group of the president’s ex-aides formed to help him put pressure on lawmakers to confirm federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland, Obama’s choice to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia, to the Supreme Court.

Separately, Cutter has secured a position as a “political analyst” for NBC News and MSNBC, according to the latest issue of  Politico Playbook distributed Friday morning. Cutter will appear on “Meet the Press,” “TODAY,” and other programs to discuss a range of topics, which could include the debate over Obama’s Supreme Court pick, currently a widely-covered issue. Cutter’s shift will begin at noon Friday when she appears on “Andrea Mitchell Reports.”

The group that Cutter will head to help her former boss in the Supreme Court battle hosted a “strategy call” with Obama Thursday on which thousands of activists and supporters listened in. Cutter spoke on the call following remarks from Obama, telling listeners to “press ‘1’ to sign up and get involved.”

The nonprofit group, called the Constitutional Responsibility Project, has recruited several former Obama aides, including Anita Dunn, Obama’s former communications director at the White House; Amy Brundage, a longtime Obama aide;  Paul Tewes, a senior official on Obama’s 2008 campaign; and Katie Beirne Fallon, Obama’s recently departed legislative director.

The Times described the group as “essentially a miniature version of Obama for America” equipped with a new mission, namely to coordinate with other liberal groups to fight for the agendas of Democratic court nominees. Cutter and other former Obama aides have already met with representatives from liberal groups like and the Center for American Progress.

Cutter has been a strong financial supporter of Democrats for years. According to Federal Election Commission records, Cutter has contributed more than $25,000 to Democratic campaigns, committees, and causes, including donating the maximum $2,700 to Clinton’s primary campaign for president.

UPDATE 2:10 P.M.: NBC News/MSNBC ended its agreement with Cutter Friday afternoon, the Washington Post reported. A spokesperson from the network said in a statement, “We look forward to Stephanie’s insights on our air during this election year, but she will appear as a guest and not as an analyst due to her leadership role in the battle over the President’s Supreme Court nomination.”

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