Author Topic: Kerry Represented PLO in Negotiations with Israel  (Read 270 times)

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Kerry Represented PLO in Negotiations with Israel
« on: March 19, 2016, 09:08:47 am »
Kerry Represented PLO in Negotiations with Israel

March 18, 2016
Daniel Greenfield
by Edgar Davidson

This Haaretz piece on why the last Obama/Kerry attempt to force a deal on Israel with the terrorists failed is interesting. Since it's Haaretz, a radical left-wing paper, it's also unreliable, but some parts do ring true.

Particularly this sleazy move by Kerry.

    "There were no intensive discussions with the Palestinians of the sort that were held with the Israelis. One reason for this was technical: the difficulty of holding secure video talks with the Muqata – the Ramallah-based headquarters of the Palestinian Authority."

Considering the kinds of resources available, it's impossible to believe that a secure videochat setup couldn't have been set up. There was no desire to do so.

    Warning lights began to go on among the Israeli team at a quite early stage of the negotiations. It wasn’t clear to Netanyahu and his aides what exactly the Palestinians thought about each of the clauses in the draft framework document that were hammering out with the Americans.

    “At one point we discovered that throughout the entire period, the Americans didn’t actually talk to the Palestinians, only to us,” a senior Israeli official said.

    A senior American official who took part in the talks admits that the bulk of the work on the document was done with the Israelis. He explained that this was due to the fact that because the Americans viewed themselves as being closer to the Palestinian approach on a large number of the issues, their major effort had to be invested in trying to get Netanyahu to soften his positions.

Translation, Kerry was actually as the proxy negotiator for the PLO. The PLO was cut out of the process because Obama had dispatched Kerry to represent the interests of an Islamic terror group.

But Abbas predictably rejected it anyway, as he has every proposal, including the latest Biden one.

    The Kerry-Abbas meeting in Paris was a total bust... Throughout the whole succeeding month, the Americans tried to extract from Abbas a response or a comment on the framework document, but to no avail. Abbas viewed the document as part of a plot against him. Things came to a head on March 17, when Abbas met with President Obama at the Oval Office for more than two hours and declined to give Obama anything other than a vague promise that he would get back to him in a few days about the framework document. Which he never did.

But there are no New York Times editorials complaining that Abbas had insulted Obama. Obama doesn't whine to Jeffrey Goldberg about how much Abbas disappointed him, the way he did about Netanyahu. Because Obama is on the side of Abbas, the PLO and Islamic terrorists. No matter how much they slap him around, he'll always blame Israel.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 09:09:30 am by rangerrebew »