Author Topic: FBI: Campus attacker inspired by ISIS, propaganda on laptop. Muslim student injured 4 in knife attack last fall  (Read 408 times)

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FBI: Campus attacker inspired by ISIS, propaganda on laptop
Muslim student injured 4 in knife attack last fall
Published: 6 hours ago


The FBI confirmed Thursday that a Nov. 4, 2015, attack at the University of California, Merced was inspired by the Islamic State group.

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Faisal Mohammad, 18, wounded four students in a knife attack before a campus police officer shot and killed him. Federal authorities now say Mohammad had ISIS propaganda on his laptop and other evidence proving he frequented the Islamic terrorists’ websites, the Associated Press reported.

Law enforcement agencies initially said Mohammad’s attack was not terror-related despite the fact that he was found with an ISIS flag and a manifesto to behead his fellow students.

Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke said early on that FBI agents looked into Mohammad’s background and family and found nothing to indicate terrorist ties, WND reported Nov. 5, 2015. Authorities also moved quickly to scrub Mohammad’s social-media websites before releasing his name.

Retired FBI Agent Jeff Lanza told Fox News on Nov. 11, 2015, that it was possible to classify such actions as a non-terrorism event if the motivation was deemed to be unrelated to “Some kind of agenda against our government, or our culture, or some retaliation against acts the Army is doing, or the government is doing.”

“Even though he may have been reading about Allah, had been following the activities of ISIS, the classification still has to do with motive,” Lanza said.

Islam expert Robert Spencer told WND the day after the attack that Mohammad was the ideal recruit for terrorists.

“The Islamic State (ISIS) has been calling for jihad attacks by individual Muslims against individual infidels in the U.S.,” Spencer told WND Nov. 5. “Their claim to be the caliphate has been compelling enough for 30,000 young Muslims from around the world to travel to Iraq and Syria to join them, and for many others in Western countries to heed their calls for violence. Faisal Mohammad fits the profile of a young Muslim who would find that caliphate claim attractive and be willing to act upon ISIS’ marching orders.”

Investigators now say Mohammad’s actions were terror-related but that he did not take direct orders from ISIS.

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Mohammad’s failed attempt to kill Americans in the name of Islam occurred less than one month prior to the Dec. 2, 2015, massacre in San Bernardino. Killers Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27, went on a rampage at a the Inland Regional Center that killed 14 and wounded 21.

Tashfeen Malik

Tashfeen Malik

Weapons at the terrorists’ disposal included:

    Two AR-15 rifles, pistols.
    Approximately 2,000 9 mm rounds and 2,500 .223 rifle rounds were found in Farook’s Redlands home.
    At least 75 rounds were expended during the couple’s attack on the Inland Regional Center.
    Police Chief Jarrod Burguan confirmed hundreds of tools for building “IEDs or pipe bombs” inside Farook’s home.
    Multiple pipe bombs and explosive devices (rigged to a remote-controlled toy car) were left at the site of the massacre.
    “Rollout bags” with multiple pipe bombs inside Farook’s rented black Ford Expedition.

Booth Farook and Malik died in a shootout with cops shortly after the attack. Malik had previously pledged allegiance to ISIS on a Facebook account.