Author Topic: Muslim preacher jailed for inciting hate against Jews. 'They will not escape us. The children of Israel will all be exterminated'  (Read 237 times)

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Muslim preacher jailed for inciting hate against Jews
'They will not escape us. The children of Israel will all be exterminated'
Published: 8 hours ago

A Muslim preacher caught on video accusing Jews of killing children to make bread and warning they will be “exterminated” by Muslims has begun serving an 11-month prison term for making the wild statements, authorities said.

The case against Khaled al-Mughrabi, who spoke regularly at the al-Aqsa mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, was pursued when Palestinian Media Watch published his comments.

According to Israel National News, the district court in Jerusalem sentenced Mughrabi for “fomenting racist and religious hatred against Jews so as to spur attacks against them.”

The report said the indictment “accused Mughrabi of aiming via his sermons to encourage racist attitudes towards Jews, to incite violence against them and to foment hatred on the basis of race, religion and nationality.”

“It further stated that he fully intended for his words to be translated into violent action, in the form of terrorist attacks against Israeli security forces and Jewish civilians.”

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The legal-rights group Honenu issued a statement welcoming the verdict and jail sentence.

“Unfortunately, only our involvement and the lodging of repeated complaints on the basis of material exposed by the Palestinian Media Watch organization, and even an appeal to the attorney general and Jerusalem district prosecutor, led the authorities to (finally) deal with Mughrabi.”

The organization warned there are others still preaching similar messages.

In his own defense, the Muslim preacher said: “We are Muslims. We have a right to say ‘Allah said.'”

He said if it’s in the Quran, it is part of his faith.

In one statement, he said Allah could annihilate all of the Jews.

“He only says ‘be,’ and it is,” he said.

But he said that Muslims should work toward that goal because Allah “wants us to fulfill his command.”

See a report on the case outcome:

PMW said it has submitted information several times on the anti-Semitism being preached by the Muslim.

"Al-Mughrabi has been teaching Islam twice a week at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, posting his lessons on YouTube. In these lessons, he has taught that the Jews will eventually be exterminated by Muslims, explaining that it is Allah's wish that Muslims/Palestinians bring this about," PMW reported.

"Al-Mughrabi has also taught that Jews make matzah bread from children's blood, sacrifice human beings to Satan, and that Jews symbolize the Devil and worship him."

One of the outlandish statements was that Jews kidnapped and killed children.

"The Children of Israel ... would look for a small child, kidnap and steal him, bring a barrel called the barrel of nails. ... They would put the small child in the barrel and his body would be pierced by these nails," the Muslim claimed.

"In the bottom of the barrel they would put a faucet and pour the blood.

"These stories are known. There is proof of them," he continued, "They are in court files. ... Write: 'Jews' bread' in Google. ... You will see all of these stories, and for all of them there is proof and evidence, with dates and police files in which the material is found."

He also has claimed that Freemason lodges "are witchcraft gatherings of the Children of Israel."

"If someone wants to be accepted as a new member, or rise in rank ... he has to somehow bring one of his sons or daughters, or his wife or one of his male or female relatives, and put them on the table and slaughter them with his own hands as a sacrifice to Satan. ... My brothers, this exists until today."

See some of Mughrabi's remarks:

PMW said using anti-Semitism to promote hatred is common in the Palestinian Authority.

The organization said religious lessons in all the mosques are supervised by the Palestinian Authority and require prior approval.

The report said: "As explained by then PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash: 'The mosques and everything related to them belong to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, from the employees – the imam, the speaker, the Quran teacher, the librarian, the caretakers and custodians. ...' He noted that the religious lessons, Quran study and other activities going on in the mosques require prior approval by the Ministry."

PMW also released an excerpt from Mughrabi's sermons.

"I will show you the ways of Satan, through which he deceives the Children of Israel," he said. "... The first way is the promise of eternal life. ... The American film industry is owned by the Children of Israel. Among the most notable film [themes] that this film industry focuses on is the idea of eternal life. You can see films, all of which are about vampires. On what is this idea based? On the fact that if you killed a human being and drank his blood in a certain way, you would attain eternal life. Why did Satan put this in their minds? To cause them to spill each other's blood. One will kill the other and drink his blood, and thus attain eternal life."

PMW said it also fought off Mughrabi's demand that YouTube take down the videos of his speeches, claiming copyright violation. But the media monitor fought back, claiming fair use.

The Muslim preacher claimed he was making the statements about Jews "to save the person."

"We do not talk about the Children of Israel because we hate the Children of Israel. Rather the opposite. It is the Children of Israel who hate all the nations. But we [Muslims] don't hate anyone, praise Allah. It is not in our hearts. We, the nation of Muhammad – He [Allah] did not put hatred of other nations in our hearts. When we talk about religious matters, and when we talk about the Children of Israel, we talk about them because we are trying to save them from the punishment they inflict upon themselves in the fire of Hell."

He continued: "We give advice in order to save the person we are advising, whoever he may be, whether Jew or Christian or Buddhist, or of any religion. What is our goal? To save him from the fire of Hell. To get him into the Garden of Eden... If you give advice to a Jew, he immediately says: You're inciting to racism, you're an anti-Semite. Immediately. It has become a cliché for them, a permanent sentence, a cliché, which they stick on every person who gives them advice."

See the video: