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The subject is still New York. This from the Village Voice:

The Masses Are Revolting: Why the Have-Nots in the Hamptons Are Pulling for Trump


You wouldn't normally put the words Hamptons and Trump together unless you were wagering on the guest list for a fundraiser at, say, Howard Stern's East Hampton estate. But these aren't normal times, and our man Trump is not a normal candidate. And the people supporting him are not to be found out there on the grassy expanses of Hamptons lawn parties. No, you are far more likely to find them, as I have, downtown in Sag Harbor at the LT or the Corner Bar. Trump's people out here aren't in the bought-and-paid-for, outright racist 25 percent who responded to his early campaign dog whistles like Labradors in a duck blind. His Hamptonites are by and large male and middle-aged or older, and they work with their hands for a living: They run machines in the factory on the Turnpike, or they paint houses and they repair plumbing; some of them work for the big landscaping companies that trim the Gin Lane hedges and mow Sagaponack lawns. They tend to occupy the next 25 percent, in other words — the people a suddenly gentler Trump is working to win over now, those who feel left out and left behind economically, whose thirst was supposed to be quenched by Reagan's trickle-down economics but who have been waiting nearly forty years for the first drop to fall.

Many of the people who hire Trump's legions out here run hedge funds and investment banks and real estate investment trusts. Most are Republicans, very wealthy Republicans, and as we know, these Establishment Swells are not happy with Mr. Trump — a while back they dispatched a well-dressed poodle called Mitt Romney to warn everyone how dangerous he is. But the people who work for Establishment Swells in the Hamptons, they like Mr. Trump a lot. You want to know why? Because after decades of promises and kabuki economics, they've figured out that the only trickle that's ever reached them has been from a busted pipe after a winter freeze at one of the Swells' summer houses, when they were called in to clean up the mess.


Class envy infects Republicans, it infects Democrats. This could have been written by a Sanders supporter. Trump and Sanders, two peas in a pod.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Class envy infects Republicans, it infects Democrats. This could have been written by a Sanders supporter. Trump and Sanders, two peas in a pod.

Your argument would make sense if the candidate were Mr. Smith Gone to Washington. The little guy taking on the DC establishment. But that's not who it is. It's a billionaire, with the manners of a steel worker.

That should give you a clue that your point is absurd. We're not hiring Trump because he is someone talking class envy. There's nothing even remotely like that in his message.

We're hiring Trump to do a few specific things* that only he can get done because he's the toughest son-of-a-bitch in the race for president.

*A Few Specific Things:
Build the southern wall, control immigration
Halt the influx of Syrian refugees that currently cannot be vented properly
Rebuild the military, recoup future deployment costs
Bring factories and jobs into America, rather than sign trade agreements that move jobs out of America
Improve veterans care
Reform the tax code and repatriate corporate money back to America
Respect the second amendment

There's more. But if he accomplishes half of the above, America will be better off than it is now.


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A new poll out on Thursday obliterates the latest mainstream media narrative confronting billionaire Donald Trump: That he can’t get majorities, but can only get pluralities, in election results.

The poll of New York state, conducted by Boston’s Emerson College, has Trump dominating his only two remaining competitors in the Empire State with 65 percent of Republicans there backing him. Only 12 percent back Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Trump’s closest competitor, and just one percent support Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

The poll was conducted over three days, March 14 to March 16, during two days of which Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was still in the race. Rubio dropped out on the evening of March 15 after an abysmal performance in his home state of Florida, where Trump walloped him by more than double digits. In the portion of the poll conducted before Rubio suspended his campaign, the pro-amnesty Floridian got just four percent in New York. Nineteen percent chose someone else or were undecided.

ECPS ‎@EmersonPolling
#NewYork #GOP poll: @realDonaldTrump-65%@TedCruz-12%@JohnKasich-1%

In a video accompanying the polling release, Emerson College Polling Society adviser Spencer Kimball called Trump’s towering over Cruz and Kasich a “commanding lead.”

In a direct matchup between just Cruz versus Trump, Trump still wins New York 69 percent to 25 percent—something that will probably make Cruz backers a bit uneasy, as they’ve been hoping that a head-to-head with Trump would be more beneficial to the Texas senator.

Trump’s favorables are also higher than Cruz’s or Kasich’s ratings. “Trump has the highest favorable ratings with GOP voters, 71%/23%, followed by Cruz at 52%/44% and Kasich at 54%/34%,” the polling release states. “Consistent with other primaries, Trump supporters are the most loyal, with 89% of those who see him favorably planning to cast their ballot for him. In contrast, only 21% of Republicans who have a favorable opinion of Cruz say they will vote for him.”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in the words of Emerson’s release, is also “trouncing” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) of Vermont in the Democratic primary. Clinton takes 71 percent compared to Sanders’ 23 percent, a 48-point lead for the former U.S. Senator from New York—who was elected after her time as First Lady to President Bill Clinton.

In a general election matchup, either Democrat wins easily against any of the remaining three Republicans—although Trump stands the best chance of beating either Clinton or Sanders in the Empire State. At this time, Clinton beats Trump 55 percent to 36 percent in New York,while Sanders beats Trump 53 percent to 36 percent. Clinton beats Cruz, meanwhile, 61 percent to 30 percent.

This massive lead for Trump in New York comes as the state primary looms around the corner from now on April 19. The delegate rich Empire State offers its 95 delegates proportionally, but if Trump wins this big, he could conceivably get an even bigger slice of the pie than many in the media think he will get.

Between now and then, Republicans in Arizona, Utah, and Wisconsin will make their presidential selections. Arizona’s 58 delegates are winner-take-all, while Utah’s 40 delegates are awarded proportionally. Wisconsin’s 42 delegates are awarded on a winner-take-all basis statewide and by congressional district.

Trump has a massive lead in Arizona polling, though no new polling has been done since Rubio dropped out. Both he and Cruz are hitting the trail there this weekend. Cruz is holding a press conference on the U.S. border with Mexico and several events throughout the state on Friday, while Trump is set to hold rallies over the weekend in Arizona. Previous Trump rallies in Phoenix have drawn thousands and thousands of people.

Arizona and Utah both vote this coming Tuesday, on March 22, while Wisconsin votes two weeks later on Tuesday, April 5. Then New York is two weeks after that.

It is currently mathematically impossible for Kasich to win the nomination outright before the convention, since he can’t get to 1,237 delegates at this point. For Cruz, it’s a serious uphill climb, and Trump seems to be coasting all the way there. If Trump pulls in just 42 percent of delegates from here on out, per a New York Times analysis published late Wednesday, he can hit the 1,237 mark easily by the convention.

Several Republicans, including Florida Gov. Rick Scott, are saying it’s now time for the GOP to coalesce behind Trump as the nominee heading into the general election.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Kasich gets 1%? I'll believe it when I see it.


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Kasich gets 1%? I'll believe it when I see it.

See what, that he does that well?