Author Topic: Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Amnesty Position Even More ‘Radical’ Than Hillary’s  (Read 629 times)

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“Well, tell that to the thousands of parents who buried their children because of illegal immigration,” Miller said. “Tell that to the millions of Americans who’ve lost their jobs. And tell that to the tens of millions of Americans who have lost money and income paying for healthcare and welfare for illegal immigrants that they would rather have spent on themselves and their own children and their own schools.”


Stephen Miller, the senior policy advisor for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, told Breitbart News Daily host Stephen K. Bannon on Monday that Ohio Governor John Kasich’s support for amnesty is more “radical” than even Hillary Clinton’s.

“John Kasich has flown under the radar screen for months because he hasn’t been winning any states; he hasn’t been winning any delegates,” Miller said of the Republican candidate who is polling neck-in-neck with Trump in the crucial winner-take-all presidential primary in Ohio tomorrow.

“Quietly he’s put together a string of statements on immigration so radical Jeb Bush’s face would turn a bright shade of red if he heard them. And, of course, at the top of that is Kasich’s pledge to have an amnesty bill in the first hundred days. Not even Hillary Clinton is pledging amnesty in a hundred days,” Miller stated.

In addition to wanting “an amnesty bill in a hundred days,” Miller claims that Kasich said that “deportations are not who we are as Americans and aren’t humane.”

“Well, tell that to the thousands of parents who buried their children because of illegal immigration,” Miller said. “Tell that to the millions of Americans who’ve lost their jobs. And tell that to the tens of millions of Americans who have lost money and income paying for healthcare and welfare for illegal immigrants that they would rather have spent on themselves and their own children and their own schools.”

Miller also argued that Kasich’s support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement would be a fatal blow to Ohio’s manufacturing industry and the middle class jobs it provides.

“So, he will sign the death warrant for Ohio’s middle class through manufacturing destruction,” Miller said. “And through his amnesty initiative and his pledge to have no deportations, he’s going to institute an open borders regime on America that will result in economic devastation, a national security nightmare, and the complete hollowing out of our middle class. So, John Kasich has basically become a wild-eyed radical with a sheepish aw-shucks routine.”


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Donald Trump: The Left's Worst Nightmare

Bill Ayers protesting Donald Trump in Chicago with the rest of the Marx-hard Left (photo via Gateway Pundit from Rebel Pundit)

Donald Trump's presidential candidacy threatens the Left's strangehold in this country more than any other movement in American politics in my memory, if not modern history.

That's the simple reason thousands of Leftists mobilized in Chicago last week to shut down the democratic process -- to seize the space inside and around a Trump political rally and transform it into a morass of menace, sirens, chaos, and mobs. 

Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Rachel Maddow, Jake Tapper, Megyn Kelly et al to the woeful contrary: Nothing, but nothing, Donald Trump has said from his podium about protestors disrupting his rallies (punch him in the face, get him out of here, beat the crap out of anyone that throws tomatoes at me, I'll defend you in court -- the works) drives the anti-USA agendas of these Leftist groups; nor did it inspire them to organize the mobs that "successfully" interupted the democratic process last week in Chicago.

So what is behind it?

It is Donald Trump's political agenda that drove the Left to organize its Chicago assets to seize enough control of the streets and the auditorium to thwart peaceable assembly and disrupt free speech -- constitutional rights both (which, by the way, "Constitution defender" Cruz, once again, is so quick to surrender).

The Left reviles Trump's Wall. They revile his policy to deport illegal aliens. To halt Muslim immigration. To halt illegal immigration. To control legal immigration. Restore US sovereignty. Reverse globalizing trade policies, such as TPA and TPP. These sharp turns from our politics-as-usual-over–the-cliff is what drove the Left to the streets in Chicago. Leaders on the Right -- Cruz, Kasich and Rubio -- gave the Left cover by blaming Trump.

Below is a list of the groups and persons that helped organize or participated in the "protest" in Chicago, a city, I was surprised to find, that is nearly as Hispanic as it is black. Blacks comprise 32.9 percent of Chicago's population. "According to the U.S. census," the Chicago Tribune reports, "28.9 percent of Chicago's population identify as Hispanic. About 21.4 percent are from Mexico." More than one in five Chicagoans are from Mexico? No wonder there were Mexican flags flying over the anti-Trump throngs.

My list is cobbled together from the LA Times, Daily Caller, the Chicago Tribune, Politico, and my own perusing. It is probably not complete, given that estimated that some 60 groups and 100 student organizers put the shutdown together. Incomplete or not, however, the revolutionary Leftist agenda of the groups couldn't be clearer.

Note the congratulations from People For Bernie, described by MSNBC as "a large unofficial pro-Sanders organization founded by veterans of the Occupy movement."

Shafted political principles and naked politics aside: That Cruz, Kasich and Rubio did not grasp that the Chicago shutdown was the revolutionary Left acting to disrupt the democratic process is probably the biggest single indictment of their collective political acumen. How opportunistic, how myopic can they get.

1) The Illinois Coalition of Immigrant and Refugee Rights,

2) La Raza Chicago

3) Black Lives Matter Chicago

4) League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Illinois

5) Bill Ayers

6) Rep. Luis Guttierez

7) (which has endorsed Bernie Sanders). Note: the petition for the Stop Trump event was written by self-described "undocumented" and "queer" UIC graduate student, Jorge Mena Robles, a member of Mijente (below).

8) University of Illinois Chicago's Prof. Amallia Pallares,

9) Black Student Union

10) Muslim Student Association

11) The Fearless Undocumented Alliance ("which," as the LA Times PC-puts it, "advocates for immigrants in the country illegally")

12)  Assata's Daughters (named for escaped-to-Cuba Black Panther murderer Assata Shakur, aka Joanne Chesimard)

13) International ANSWER Chicago

14) Chicago Democratic Socialists of America (Chicago DSA)

15) SEIU Local 73

16) The Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (as reported by "Fight Back News: News and Views from the People's Struggle")

17) Mijente

18) Centro Sin Fronteras

19) Chicago Aldermen George Cardenas (12th), Raymond Lopez (15th) and Gilbert Villegas (36th), as reported by Progress Illionois

Reading this detailed account in Fight Back News, "How Students in Chicago Organized to Shut Down Trump," it strikes me that the author, Joe Iosbaker, of SEIU Local 73, who was also on-site at the UIC venue on the night of shutdown, might well have been the veteran organizer who coached these students on how to disrupt the Trump event.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 09:21:50 pm by HAPPY2BME »