Author Topic: Three Big “Republicans” Helping Hillary - Sen. Ben Sasse, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell  (Read 474 times)

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Three prominent Republican men are using their influence to help Hillary win in 2016, and they deserve our shaming. Far more traitors than these three foxes are hiding behind the wall of anonymity. But these three are particularly powerful and set the tone for others.

“Listen, there are Republicans in Washington who are privately saying that [they would vote for Hillary]. Maybe some don’t publicly say it,” Fox News chief political anchor Bret Baier told TheWrap last week.

Strong and energetic conservative messages helped Republicans win big in the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections. Moderate flip-floppers helped the GOP lose the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. But the Republicans listed below show themselves to care more about their personal political careers than saving our country.

It’s up to you and me to expose their dark plans—and urge them to change course— before they cast shadows upon our dreams. After all, there’s a strong rumor that at least one of these three men is already considering changing his mind.

#1 Sen. Ben Sasse

You likely first heard of Sasse by hearing him on the Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck radio shows. Both hosts had him on regularly when he first ran for office in 2014. They praised him profusely for millions of listeners to hear. Without their help, you still wouldn’t know of him.

If Trump becomes the Republican nominee my expectation is that I'll look for some 3rd candidate – a conservative option, a Constitutionalist,” Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse tweeted recently. I beg your pardon, but you don’t have to go third party to find a constitutional conservative who can beat Hillary. Ted Cruz is standing right in front of you.

A wicked quick memory is one of Cruz’s greatest strengths. It helps him in debates. It causes his corrupt congressional colleagues to shake in their boots. It also helped him memorize the Constitution at the young age of 13 with a group of friends called the “Constitutional Collaborators.”

Young Barack Obama was in a pot-smoking “Choom Gang.” Young Cruz hung with a group of teens who loved freedom so much that they memorized the Constitution. Then, Cruz and his friends spent the next four years traveling the great state of Texas—delivering some 80 empowering speeches on the Constitution’s greatness.

Far from hurting Trump, Sasse’s silence helps Trump advance. Cruz is a constitutionalist, plus the only candidate with enough delegates to beat Trump. And whereas polls show Hillary beats Trump, polls show Cruz beats Hillary. Sasse should follow Carly Fiorina and Sen. Mike Lee’s leads and rally for Cruz instead of sitting on his hands and mumbling about going third party.

#2 House Speaker Paul Ryan

A little known fact about Paul Ryan is that he was introduced to politics by interning under former house speaker John Boehner. (The guy we thought we were getting rid of.) Ryan learned Boehner’s best tricks, especially how to roll over whenever Obama promised to throw him a bone. Ryan passed a $1.15 trillion spending bill – bigger than we ever had when Democrats Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi ran Congress.

Obama was so enthused that he picked up the phone and called Ryan to thank him for “helping government work.”

Ryan has vocalized his disgust with the language of Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, which he calls “something that runs counter to who we are as a party and as a country.” Ryan, Sasse and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell even attended a secret meeting in Georgia this month to discuss how to take out Trump.

Ryan is willing to criticize Trump yet he refuses to endorse the lone conservative who could overtake Trump and then crush Hillary in a general election: Ted Cruz. This behavior only helps Hillary by sending more Americans to Trump.

As a Minnesota girl talking to a Wisconsin boy, I ask—for the love of Midwestern cheese, beer and football—do the right thing and stand for Cruz.

#3 Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

That’s a “flat-out lie,” Sen. Cruz challenged McConnell on the Senate floor last summer.

Cruz asked McConnell if he cut a deal to “enrich” select members of Congress and select corporations in order to get the votes to pass a trade deal for Obama. (Ryan was not the only one who attended Boehner’s Dog Obedience School. McConnell also enjoys rolling over when Obama says the word.) McConnell responded: “There is no deal. There is no deal. There is no deal.”

Cruz called him out. And now McConnell is on the Never Trump bandwagon—but unwilling to endorse Cruz for president.

To 74-year-old McConnell, an energetic 45-year-old reformer is scary. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks and he only knows two: how to lie and how to roll over for a despotic master.

For the good of our country and your children, ask these three prominent Republicans—who owe us their jobs—to return the favor and stop helping Hillary.