Author Topic: WOW! ANTI-TRUMP REPORTER CRIED WOLF! NEW VIDEO Shows Michelle Fields Not Even Bumped by Trump Campaign Manager  (Read 4669 times)

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Case Closed!

FOX News aired a follow-up segment on the Michelle Fields media hoax leveled against Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski tonight on Special Report.

In the segment FOX played video previously posted at The Gateway Pundit that shows Corey Lewandowski walking past anti-Trump reporter Michelle Fields.

In the video Fields does not flinch. Her facial expression does not change. This proves that what Michelle Fields has been telling the media was fabricated.

Thank you FOX News and Howie Kurtz for showing the truth!

Maybe now the dishonest Cruz supporters and Cruzer media will quit spreading this lie.
The case is closed, folks.

As former police officer John Cardillo said: No honest cop or district attorney would give this case a second glance.

    Forget politics for a second. No cop or ADA in their right mind would view the new Fields/Lewandowski vid and arrest then charge w/a crime.

    — John Cardillo (@johncardillo) March 14, 2016

Via Special Report:

FOR THE RECORD: I spoke with Corey Lewandowski on Friday in St. Louis. I’d caution the anti-Trump crowd from pushing this story further.

    Very disappointing that #Cruz, #Kasich, and #Rubio are still spewing GOPe talking points in sync. Now it's "We'd have fired Lewandowski."

    — John Cardillo (@johncardillo) March 14, 2016


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Next:  Black Lives Matter activist has proof Donald Trump raped HIM at a Trump Rally.

Offline GAJohnnie

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Yep and the smear bots ignored the evidence to continue the smear today. Really sad and pathetic desperation by the GOPE


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Yep and the smear bots ignored the evidence to continue the smear today. Really sad and pathetic desperation by the GOPE


Don't forget - they are going to vote FOR HILLARY.


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I want this fiasco to end in a courtroom to bring an end to the he said/she said BS.

Offline sinkspur

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Reports: Breitbart News seeks to stop ex-employee criticism
« Reply #55 on: March 15, 2016, 08:59:10 pm »

Reports: Breitbart News seeks to stop ex-employee criticism
Posted by William A. Jacobson    

 Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 4:30pm

Invoking non-disparagement clauses and sending cease-and-desist letters.

In assessing why the Michelle Fields – Corey Lewandowski dispute had such media legs, I previously assessed that there was a great dislike of Breitbart News among other media types and bloggers in part because of its treatment of employees, The Michelle Fields controversy is only barely about Michelle Fields:

Breitbart News has a reputation for having particularly sharp elbows as to employees. And many of us know those employees and former employees and have heard stories. That doesn’t mean Breitbart News does anything it’s not legally entitled to do, but, for example, people being locked into strict contracts seems pretty rough in a business where people float around a lot for relatively little pay. The Dana Loesch lawsuit created a lot of ill will among conservative bloggers.

Non-disparagement clauses — in which parties agree not to criticize each other — long have been rumored to be part of Breitbart News employee contracts.

Indeed, there was a suggestion in the Breitbart News post about Ben Shapiro — which was taken down with an apology — that there might be legal action based on contractual provisions:

Shapiro, a Harvard lawyer and member of the State Bar of California, apparently violated virtually every clause in his employment contract during an appearance on The Kelly File last Thursday evening.

Now Politico reports that unnamed former employees have been getting cease and desist letters,

Breitbart is getting litigious.

The company sent out cease and desist letters to some of the employees who left the company in the past week, multiple sources with knowledge of the letters told POLITICO. Six staffers resigned in the past few days, citing the aftermath of how the site handled one of its reporters, Michelle Fields, accusing Donald Trump’s campaign manager of strong-arming her as she tried to ask the candidate’s attention.

Several of the now former employees issued scathing statements about the company as part of their resignations, and some have given interviews on television and in major newspapers.

There was no listing in the Politico account who got letters, but it’s not hard to imagine in includes both Fields and Shapiro, who were on TV again last night:

As well as two reporters who resigned yesterday as well, quite publicly and critically.

Former Public Relations consultant Kurt Bardella also wrote a scathing column at CNN, Why I quit over Breitbart and the Trump campaign

As published by Breitbart News, political editor Matthew Boyle exchanged a few text messages with Lewandowski in the immediate aftermath of the Fields incident where Boyle himself reveals a bias toward the Trump campaign, writing, “K I wanna make sure that this doesn’t turn into a big story. It sounds to me like it was a misunderstanding.”

That is the lens with which Breitbart has viewed this incident from the very beginning, and underscores the inherent doubt it had for Fields’ account. It clearly very much wanted Lewandowski to be exonerated and for Fields to be guilty of making up some perverse hoax….

As the story unfolded, Breitbart became obsessed with uncovering any type of “evidence” that could disprove Fields’ account, or at the very least, create a certain amount of reasonable doubt….

I think it’s worth sharing that there is a number of people at Breitbart News who vehemently disagree with the direction the company has taken. Unfortunately, not all its employees have the luxury or financial flexibility to simply walk away. People have families and obligations of which they need to be mindful. In many ways, most of the people there are trapped.

The Daily Caller names names:

Breitbart News execs have shot out cease and desist letters to three employees who recently resigned from the publication, The Mirror has learned.

The shut-up letters have been sent to Michelle Fields — who was allegedly assaulted by GOP frontrunner Donald Trump‘s resident bad boy Corey Lewandowksi — editor-at-large Ben Shapiro, and publicist Kurt Bardella.

I guess I need to research the enforceability of non-disparagement clauses. Not that they apply to me or other media, just to help fill in where this is likely to go.

You know who else likes non-disparagement clauses?

This morning I thought the story was pretty much over.

Apparently not.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 09:02:19 pm by sinkspur »
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline GAJohnnie

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No surprise the smear bots refuse to watch the video


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No surprise the smear bots refuse to watch the video

From what I've read and heard, all the people who have resigned or complaining are admitted Cruz supporters.

Go figure  :thud:

I've got nothing against Cruz, but I don't believe he has the leadership qualities necessary to affect change in D.C.