Author Topic: Marine Veteran Tony Porta – Stumping for Trump  (Read 770 times)

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Marine Veteran Tony Porta – Stumping for Trump
« on: March 13, 2016, 06:51:24 pm »
"When you become president, I don’t want you to work for those guys who are giving tons of money to a lot of people. I want you to work for us.”

Marine Veteran Tony Porta – Stumping for Trump

Corporal Tony Porta isn’t your average Marine. He joined the US Marine Corps in 2005 so he could do his “part” to serve his “new country.” He is from Peru. But the journey to get this far has been a nightmare of major proportions after an IED changed his life dramatically. Now he is a spokesman for Veterans for Trump.

May 5, 2007 Iraq

Cpl Tony Porta in Iraq before the IED explosion

The long road to restoration

It’s been nearly 9 years since an IED blew up the Humvee in which Porta and his two best friends were riding. They were both killed. He was badly burned, lost his right arm and fingers on his left hand. The scarring is a constant source of pain.

It has taken over 100 surgeries to restore his face to what it is now.  But he is a US Marine on a mission.

“I am really, really hurt about my two friends. But I’m here for a reason. I’m here to fight, I’m here to help my fellow veterans.” Ronny “Tony” Porta

He has been mocked, and disrespected by the whispers of “monster” behind his back. One man asked  him if his injuries were “worth it.” His “home” hasn’t felt like “home” because of the way people respond to his injuries.

The battlefield came back to the U.S. with him. So in true USMC fashion, he has turned his difficulties into strength.

The VA has not been good to Cpl. Porta due to long waits for needed treatments. Only one smaller VA was what Porta described as better. Wherever he can, he talks to groups about the needs of fellow veterans. The high suicide rate, the lack of care at VA medical centers, they are all part of his mission. But now his mission has turned to supporting Donald Trump for President.

On stage with Donald Trump and Sean Hannity, Tony Porta tells his story and asks Donald what he will do to help veterans

A Trump Townhall Meeting – “I want you to work for us”

As a spokesman for Veterans for Trump, he point blank asked The Donald what he was going to do to help the veterans.

Trump responded that the “VA is corrupt” and suggested a possible system of private vouchers so that veterans could see any doctor they needed. “We’re gonna take care of our veterans. They’ll have great medical care.”

Porta’s life story is one of difficulty and struggle, but he is not alone. Thousands of Military members suffered horrific burns and loss of limbs from the price of war. Porta wants help for all veterans. So he looked Donald Trump in the eye and said something that brought instant applause from the audience:

When you become president, I don’t want you to work for those guys who are giving tons of money to a lot of people. I want you to work for us.” Cpl Tony Porta