Author Topic: Obama Admin. Wants Teachers to Report “Extremist” Children  (Read 483 times)

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Obama Admin. Wants Teachers to Report “Extremist” Children
March 12, 2016

The Obama administration is asking teachers to report “extremist” children.   What does that mean?   Take a look…

The New American reports – In one of its most Orwellian schemes to date, the Obama administration is taking a page from Communist East Germany’s infamous Statsi by asking school teachers to start spying on American students so “extremists” can be reported to the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies. Among others in the federal government’s cross-hairs: pro-life activists, anarchists, environmentalists, animal-rights activists, Muslims, religious students critical of “Western corruption,” constitutionalists, and even children who simply criticize or question authorities too much.

In a January 2016 unclassified FBI document about “preventing violent extremism in schools,” the FBI comes across as paranoiacs imagining that there are “extremist” children hiding under every bed. “High school students are ideal targets for recruitment by violent extremists seeking support for their radical ideologies,” claims the agency, which has become increasingly politicized under the Obama administration. “High schools must remain vigilant in educating their students about catalysts that drive violent extremism and the potential consequences of embracing extremist beliefs.” It claims there is a “very fine line” between protected speech and thought crimes.

Much of the document sounds unhinged and downright preposterous. For example, the document frets about “violent propaganda,” suggesting the federal government now believes free speech can somehow be violent. The FBI scheme also warns that children are supposedly “embracing violent extremism by maintaining biases towards others due to their race, religion, or sexual orientation.” In other words, mere disapproval of homosexuality, Islam, and more can now considered “extremism,” and the Obama FBI wants schools and teachers to join the war on such “extremism.” In Communist East Germany, the murderous dictatorship and its “State Security” agency, known as the Statsi, were also infamous for using teachers as snitches in adition to their brainwashing duties.

The Obama FBI warns schools that “more youth” are supposedly ready to “embrace extremist ideologies.” Some of them even “view hatred” as an “acceptable outlet for their grievances.” Why the FBI believes its job description includes students’ ideologies, biases, or hatreds is not made clear in the document, despite the ham-handed effort to equate “ideologies” the government dislikes — such as “anti-government views” and “abortion [pro-life] extremism” — with terrorism and violence. The Obama administration has previously claimed that returning veterans, constitutionalists, pro-life activists, liberty lovers, people suspicious of federal authority, anti-immigration activists, Ron Paul supporters, and others are extremists or even potential terrorists, too.

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« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 07:58:05 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Obama Admin. Wants Teachers to Report “Extremist” Children
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2016, 07:54:26 pm »
Do not report them, of course, if they are muzzie or black. :whistle: