Author Topic: What I Will Probably Never Understand About The Undying Affection For Donald Trump  (Read 394 times)

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What I Will Probably Never Understand About The Undying Affection For Donald Trump  John Hawkins

It’s easy for me to understand why people were so favorably disposed toward Trump at first because initially, I liked him, too. I’d read and liked Trump’s books, I found him to be gracious in person and I had friends who went to work for him. I also loved his charisma, his stance on the wall, his refreshing lack of political correctness, his scrappiness and his ability to just shrug off what would be career-ending mistakes for other Republican politicians.

Setting that aside, as I have already noted, I can understand people liking Trump early on. I have friends and family members who still like him, which is why I don’t criticize anyone for backing Trump, have nothing negative to say about the people endorsing him and won’t actively encourage people not to vote for him. I believe intelligent, well-meaning people can have differences of opinion.

However, I genuinely don’t understand why so many people think a man who is unpredictable, thin-skinned, mean spirted, vindictive and who often blurts out stupid things is the sort of person who is suited to be President of the United States. The same traits that have made Trump a success on reality TV would make him a horrible POTUS. Even if you ignore the fact that Trump is temperamentally unsuited to be President of the United States, he’s also saying creepy, fascistic things that should alarm people.
In the debate before last, the discussion was Donald Trump’s policy of “taking out” the families of terrorists. So, let’s define the ugly reality of what Trump’s glib remarks would look like in the real world. We’re talking about sending American soldiers to peaceful areas to shoot women and babies in the head because they’re related to someone who committed a terrorist attack. When the moderator noted that a former CIA director had said troops wouldn’t obey that order because it was inarguably a war crime, Trump replied, "They won’t refuse. They’re not gonna refuse me. Believe me." That’s a dangerous statement, the sort of statement you’d expect to hear from a fascist or a dictator. It becomes even more troubling when you consider it in concert with Trump’s comments about China violently suppressing a pro-democracy demonstration.
I’m of the opinion that it would be dangerous to our republic to allow someone with those kind of openly fascistic leanings to ever have control of the IRS, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, our military or nuclear weapons. While we’re at it, saying “Islam hates us” may impress people on some Internet comment boards, but that’s not an appropriate thing to say for someone who wants to be President. Additionally, when asked about the violence that occurs at his rallies, Trump essentially said he condemns the violence unless it’s deserved.
 I guarantee you that 95% of Trump’s current supporters would have considered it an insult if you told them a year ago that they’d back a celebrity birther for President who’d talk about his penis on stage at a debate, encourage violence at his rallies and mock POWs. Yet, here we are.
I don’t understand how so many parents can support a man who’s a horrible example for their children. Yes, Trump’s had a great business career, but his character is at the bottom of the barrel. He’s crude and arrogant and he treats other people like garbage.
I don’t understand how so many fundamentally decent people who were furious at Bill Clinton for degrading the presidency can back a man who mocks the disabled, lies as often as both of the Clintons put together, brags about sleeping with married women and who said, “it really doesn’t matter what they write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”


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 "I found him to be gracious in person"

Then the assault begins. How mean spirited and pathetic. The author does what he accuses Trump of. Hawkins, you are being creepy. You worked on the Hunter presidential campaign in 2008 and Duncan Hunter has endorsed Donald Trump.


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"I found him to be gracious in person"

Then the assault begins. How mean spirited and pathetic. The author does what he accuses Trump of. Hawkins, you are being creepy. You worked on the Hunter presidential campaign in 2008 and Duncan Hunter has endorsed Donald Trump.


Like he says.  He will never understand.