Author Topic: Hillary Clinton: Mother of Benghazi Victim ‘Absolutely Wrong’ to Say I Lied  (Read 630 times)

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Offline Paladin

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Hillary obfuscates and essentially calls mother of Sean Smith a liar.

"Benghazi popped up as an issue at tonight’s Univision debate as Jorge Ramos asked Hillary Clinton about accusations from the mother of one of the Americans killed in Benghazi that she lied to her face.

Clinton said that she feels sympathy for all the victims’ families, including Patricia Smith, but said, “She’s wrong, she’s absolutely wrong.”

She maintained that the administration was scrambling to get information “that was changing, literally, by the hour,” and touted her testimony to the Benghazi committee and how multiple Republican-led investigations have found nothing new.

Ramos asked Clinton if she said one thing privately and another thing publicly to the families. Clinton again maintained that information was changing so fast by the hour."

Kudos to Jorge Ramos for bringing it up. The crowd was none too pleased that he did.
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

Offline Paladin

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"The mother of a Benghazi victim lashed out at Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton Thursday, saying Thursday on the Fox Business Network that “there’s a special place in hell” for her.

The blistering comments came one day after Clinton said at a Democratic debate that Patricia Smith was “absolutely wrong” about the accusation she lied to her face.

“We were nose-to-nose at the coffin ceremony. She lied to me,” Smith said, doubling down on her claim. “She told me it was the fault of the video. I said ‘are you sure?’ She says ‘yes, that’s what it was… it was the video.’ And she knew full well it wasn’t at that time. And then she says she was going to check and if it’s any different she would call me back, she would let me know.”

Smith said she had not had any contact with Clinton since

She has never once spoken to me or [has] her office,” Smith told Fox Business. “The only thing I ever got out of them is that I am not a member of the immediate family and I don’t need to know… I know what she said. I don’t lie. She’s a proven liar and I call her out for that. I know what I heard.”

The grieving mother said that she would like to talk with Clinton personally.

“I want to speak to her personally and I want to be able to ask her what happened. I want her to be able to tell me what happened. I don’t believe she has the guts to do that,” she said.

Smith concluded her interview drawing on words from Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

“There’s a special place in Hell for people like her [Clinton] and I hope she enjoys it there!”
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.