Author Topic: U.S. soldiers trained on 'white privilege.' Watchdog: Army course 'outrageous, raw racist indoctrination'  (Read 319 times)

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U.S. soldiers trained on 'white privilege'
Watchdog: Army course 'outrageous, raw racist indoctrination'
Published: 2 days ago

U.S. soldiers were given training on “white privilege.”

Soldiers with the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon, Georgia, were provided a “white privilege” training session that underscored how lucky Caucasians are when compared to blacks and other minorities, according to documents obtained by the government watchdog, Judicial Watch.

A PowerPoint presentation shown to about 400 of the soldiers stationed at Fort Gordon in 2014 included such phrases as: “Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual” and “Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans,” Judicial Watch said.

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The training seminar went on to say “powerful sources [are] everywhere” that prevent those of different ethnic backgrounds from feeling similarly valued and appreciated, but “we act as if it doesn’t exist,” the release from Judicial Watch reported.

And the result? A “yawning divide” in income and class, the PowerPoint said.

And as Judicial Watch noted, the course also included a description of a black woman who wasn’t actually aware she was black until she came to America, and discovered “white racism” and the belief the country is “organized according to race.”

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. The PowerPoint was part of an Equal Opportunity Training segment called “Power and Privilege” and included the definition of “race privilege” as something that “gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them.” That particular slide also included this unattributed quote: “To be white in [America] means not having to think about it.”

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Another phrase on the PowerPoint, Judicial Watch found: “Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual regardless of your social class.”

And another: “The trouble we’re in can’t be solved unless the ‘privileged’ make the problem of privilege their problem and do something about it.”

Stars and Stripes reported on the training class shortly after it happened in April of 2014, but only one of the PowerPoint slides was released. A spokesman for the Army said then the presentation wasn’t a sanctioned event.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton issued a sharp rebuke on the presentation.

“Outrageous,” he said, in a written release. “That is the only word to describe this type of raw racist indoctrination. The Obama administration undermines the morale of our military with morally repugnant ‘equal opportunity’ that makes many soldiers feel unwelcome because they are the wrong sex, race, religion or aren’t part of a politically correct group.”