Author Topic: Trump’s Campaign Assaults Female Reporter: “Well, We Didn’t Know She was from Breitbart.”  (Read 4251 times)

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That's Trumpism for ya -  beat up protesters, punch your critics in the nose.   Let's face it - Trump's got a real manhood problem.

I think there was a thread stating that the Trump side wanted revenge on our country for electing Obama... and wanted America to suffer.

Ah... here it is:,189827.0.html


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That's Trumpism for ya -  beat up protesters, punch your critics in the nose.   Let's face it - Trump's got a real manhood problem.

Did Rubio get punched? You have a real comprehension problem to go with your TDS.


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I think there was a thread stating that the Trump side wanted revenge on our country for electing Obama... and wanted America to suffer.

Ah... here it is:,189827.0.html

People are fed up with being fed excrement sandwiches by the elephant asses. They are demanding change and the conceited establishment thumbs their noses at them or flips them the bird. The chickens are coming home to roost. $18 trillion national debt is obscene!


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The inference was not made on national TV so don't make up stories. He said it at a campaign event. Trump brought it up on the national TV debate. :nono: :nono:

I don't watch TV, but from the articles I read I understood it occurred on a nationally televised debate. It was never televised?

Bill Cipher

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The inference was crass, vulgar, stupid and totally uncalled for on national TV. Rubio is lucky he is a little man or he may have gotten a fist sandwich.

Yeah, nothing like a little violence to deal with people you don't like.  You got your undies in a twist just now when the libs started a fight at Trump's rally, but when it comes to threatening violence you have no compunction about doing so.  Hypocrite.


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Wrong Video Shows Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Grabbing Reporter Michelle Fields

It is very clear in the video who it was and it was Corey.  Man what a lying thug Corey is, should have just apologized.

WOW!  Things are really getting wild. More fodder for the CTs.

By Jorge Milian

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer


Update, 1:30 p.m. ET: Jupiter police have confirmed they are investigating an alleged battery involving a national political reporter Tuesday night at Trump National.

A police report lists Michelle Fields, a 28-year-old Breitbart News Network reporter, as the alleged victim in the incident.

The report does not give a description of the incident but cites the weapons used as “hands, feet, fist, teeth.”
There is no mention of Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who Fields said left bruises on her arm after she asked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump a question following a news conference.

Police are investigating the case as a simple battery, a misdemeanor. The incident took place at 10 p.m., according to the report.
- See more at:


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Yeah, nothing like a little violence to deal with people you don't like.  You got your undies in a twist just now when the libs started a fight at Trump's rally, but when it comes to threatening violence you have no compunction about doing so.  Hypocrite.

Like the cop with the bleeding head? I wasn't responsible nor did I incite violence. I don't flip the bird to people and I don't defy law enforcement. So your accusations are hollow and baseless. I hope Dr. Ben Carson can cure TDS.