Author Topic: Rubio chooses billionaire gay ‘marriage’ advocate to head his fundraising  (Read 288 times)

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WASHINGTON, D.C., March 8, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- Marco Rubio is staunchly pro-marriage, but he’s facing questions after the revelation that he is appointing Paul Singer, a major gay “marriage” proponent, as his campaign finance chairman.

Politico speculated that the choice is part of a Wall Street campaign to stop Donald Trump.  Merco Press claimed the choice "shows just how willing Rubio is to risk voter backlash in order to continue raising money for his campaign march."

Singer founded the hedge fund Elliot Management Corporation, and is worth about $2.2 billion according to Forbes. In 2012, he started a Super PAC devoted to promoting the gay agenda, personally donating $1 million.

Fortune reports that since endorsing Rubio in October, Singer has become one of Rubio’s top donors.

Rubio is expected to formally announce the pick on March 10.

Singer isn't the only pro-homosexual in Rubio's inner circle.  The candidate's deputy campaign manager, Rich Beeson, signed a legal brief asking the Supreme Court to impose same-sex "marriage" on all 50 states in its Obergefell v. Hodges decision last summer.

The "friend of the court" brief, signed by 300 Republicans, stated that a Constitutional right to homosexual "marriage" served "conservative values."

In 2015, Rubio's staff held quarterly meetings with the Log Cabin Republicans, a homosexual group that fought for same-sex "marriage."

Log Cabin Republicans president Gregory Angelo told Reuters last year that Rubio is "not as adamantly opposed to all things LGBT as some of his statements suggest."

Rubio has said that while he believes the states should define marriage, "we live in a republic and must abide by the law," referring to the Supreme Court's decision to constitutionalize homosexual "marriage." 

He has also declined to support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.  He has said, however, that he intends to nominate justices who may be inclined to overturn the ruling.


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