Author Topic: Note to GOP establishment: The voter is always right  (Read 193 times)

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Note to GOP establishment: The voter is always right
« on: March 08, 2016, 08:01:26 pm »

Voters are always right for the same reason the customer is always right – they are the ones who decide.  Just as a business will fail without customers, a party without voters is doomed.

It looks as though we are headed for a contested convention.  The convention delegates will need to keep their wits about them and remember that even if they are freed from their initial pledged candidates, they are not free from this basic political reality.  Spit on your voters, and they will spit on you.

There is media speculation that Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, and big GOP establishment donors are scheming for an old-fashioned brokered convention, in which they will force their voters to choke down someone who didn't even run, such as Romney or Paul Ryan.  Candidates Rubio and Kasich hope the party delegates will hand them the nomination even though voters have repeatedly shouted, "No!  Go away!" at them.

These politicians want to win elections without voters.  It won't happen.  Delegates may be bought or threatened, but if they defy the voters, the voters in turn will defy them.  It will blow up the Republican Party and guarantee a victory to the almost unelectable Hillary the Horrible.

There is only one way to stop Trump, and that is to unify behind another actual candidate.  That is how nominations are always won.  The laws of reality have not been suspended because voters prefer either Trump or Cruz, two candidates loathed by the party and media elite.

Republican voters have made one thing abundantly clear in this primary – they do not want an establishment candidate.  They dumped Jeb Bush despite his 150-million-dollar war chest.  They have rejected Kasich, not buying his sanctimonious moral superiority, his pro-amnesty "compassion," and his support of Obamacare.  And despite the best efforts of Fox News boosters and unsubstantiated assertions that only Rubio can win, Rubio, the champion of amnesty, is falling fast.

This is not about inchoate anger.  The voters are supporting policies they want.  All three of the losing mainstream candidates supported amnesty for illegal aliens.  The voters don't.  None of these politicians wants to defend Americans from jihadis infiltrating with so-called Syrian refugees.  The voters do.  None of these candidates promises to change politics as usual; they just claim they can do a good job at it.  Voters do not want the government we've been getting, improved or unimproved.  They want a government that listens to them.

Voters to GOP establishment:  we do not want you in power anymore.  We are the voters you've got, and we don't want you.  We are far smarter, more principled, and more patriotic than you, our elected officials.  We understand more than you do about what is good for America and its people.

You ignored our will and our votes in 2012 by continuing to give the radical and traitorous Obama a green light on everything we asked you to stop – Obamacare, government spending, illegal immigration, a pro-jihadi foreign policy, a nuclear Iran.  You let Obama flout the rule of law over and over.  You broke the budget with him.  You are letting Social Security, which we need, go bankrupt.

You have done nothing to protect our borders.  You have done nothing to protect our liberties.  You allowed the Democrats to gut and weaken our military to dangerous levels, to betray our soldiers on the battlefield with suicidal rules of engagement.  You have grown a bureaucracy of petty tyrants who are locusts on our land.  We can't even trust you to protect the Bill of Rights, including religious liberty and the rights to bear arms and to free speech.  And the thing that matters most to our families – a robust economy that provides good-paying jobs – has been sacrificed to Big Government and submission to an economically predatory China.  So get out of our way; we are heading down a different path.  Now.

Only two candidates are putting forth policies that we Republicans have been demanding for years – Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.  We are voting for one of those two, not for any of your guys.  We are the voters.  Ignore us at your peril.

Offline Jazzhead

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Re: Note to GOP establishment: The voter is always right
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2016, 08:05:37 pm »
To win the GOP nomination,  a candidate must receive the support of a majority of the delegates - not a plurality.   Delegates chosen by voters in primaries are only pledged for the first round  -  then most are off the hook.

Those are the rules, and no one is suggesting going against the rules.   The GOP, like the nation itself, is a "republic" not a democracy.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide


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Re: Note to GOP establishment: The voter is always right
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2016, 11:57:11 pm »
If the voter was always right... why did we get rid of Prohibition?

Why do we have a elected Representative who decide instead of a direct democracy?

And why does the Electoral College choose the President and not the popular vote?