Author Topic: Trump Crushing GOP Field – Beating Hillary Clinton in New Florida Poll  (Read 304 times)

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Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead over his GOP rivals in a new Florida Decides poll by Central Florida cable outlets News 13 and News 9. Both channels are owned by Brighthouse.

Trump has 42% support of who those are likely to or have already voted early in person or by absentee ballot for the Sunshine state’s March 15 presidential primary.

Florida native Marco Rubio trails with 22% followed by Ted Cruz with 17%, John Kascih with 10%, and ‘other’ at 3%.

A further indicator of trouble for Rubio in the poll is the ‘undecided’ vote is only 5%.

Trump is also the only candidate of the top three Republicans to beat leading Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, 45% to 44%. However, all three head-to-head results were within the poll’s 2.3% margin of error.

The survey of Florida likely and actual Republican presidential primary voters had 937 participants with a margin of error of 3.3% and was conducted by SurveyUSA from March 4 though March 6.

Clinton is routing Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary in Florida according to the poll, 61% to 30%.

Trump’s lead among GOP voters is commanding across all demographic groups in the poll. He has between 40% and 44% support among men and women and all age groups.

Trump also dominates across the board in education and income groups: High school 52%, some college 41%, 4 year college 41%; less than $40K 48%, $40K to $80K 44% and over $80K 39%.

A Monmouth University poll released Monday showed Trump with only an eight point lead over Rubio, however that poll was taken of 403 likely voters and had a margin of error of 4.9%

The Monmouth poll broke down results between those who have already voted and those yet to vote. Among early/absentee voters, Rubio leads Trump 48% to 23%.

Trump leads Rubio among those yet to vote 42% to 26%. That tracks with the larger Florida Decides poll which did not break down results among those who already voted and those yet to vote.