Author Topic: Donald Trump’s Senior Adviser Leads Florida Crowd in Call-and-Response Speech Against Marco Rubio  (Read 293 times)

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Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) “sold his political soul to the open-borders class,” Stephen Miller, Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser, told the enthusiastic audience at a Trump rally on Saturday in Orlando, Fla.

In his speech to the energized crowd of thousands, Miller made the case against the state’s youngest Senator, and for ordinary Americans.

“Marco Rubio lied to every single person in the state of Florida … Marco Rubio does not work for you. He works only for the special interests,” Miller said. “Marco Rubio is a wholly-owned subsidiary of corporate interests.”

“The day is over when international CEOs with no allegiance to this country can buy the Presidency and buy the Congress and leave you—the patriotic, loyal citizens of this country—with nothing,” Miller said as he urged Floridians to make March 15th “Marco Rubio’s Waterloo”:

“You have a chance on March 15th to take control of your country again. And to send a message to Washington D.C. that if you betray Americans, you will never become President of the United States.

Stand up and be counted as a working American who loves their country and who believes that the American people should get first priority for jobs and wages in their own country. The day is over when international CEOs with no allegiance to this country can buy the Presidency and buy the Congress and leave you—the patriotic, loyal citizens of this country—with nothing. That day ends March 15th. Each and every one of you has been given a chance by history with your ballot to make Florida Marco Rubio’s Waterloo.”

Below is the transcript of Miller’s remarks:

“Hello, Orlando. My name is Stephen Miller. I’m the senior policy adviser to Donald J. Trump. I am here today to tell you, all the media assembled there, and everybody watching across these United States, the truth—and the whole truth— about Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

In 2010, Marco Rubio ran for the U.S. Senate and he made a solemn promise to every single person in this room … You remember this. He ran against Governor Crist and he pledged and promised to each and every one of you that he would fight against amnesty.

He swore it to you and when he got to Washington D.C., what did Marco Rubio do?

Marco Rubio met with the special interests, and the wealthy donors, and the rich and powerful who don’t care about you and he became the biggest champion of amnesty in the United States Congress. Marco Rubio lied to every single person in the state of Florida.

What does Marco Rubio say about his bill when he goes on TV? He says that, ‘I did the best I could— I tried to get the best bill I could out of the Senate.’

What did Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill do?

Marco Rubio’s amnesty bill gave work permits to 12 million illegal immigrants to take jobs from every single working American in this country. Marco Rubio’s bill issued 33 million green cards to foreign immigrants in ten years—that is more new immigrants than the entire population of the state of Texas. Marco Rubio’s bill made it easier to import unlimited numbers of refugees from the Middle East into the United States of America with no additional screening. Marco Rubio’s bill doubled the number of low-wage foreign guest workers being offered as substitutes for you, and your children, and your families to fill jobs at lower wages. Marco Rubio’s bill gave amnesty to drunk drivers, sex offenders, gang members, criminal aliens.

Marco Rubio met with La Raza, the Chamber of Commerce, Barack Obama, but Marco Rubio did not meet with law enforcement. I had the privilege of working with ICE officers and they say that Marco Rubio treated America’s law enforcement, and I quote– “like absolute trash.”

Can we elect as President of the United States a man who treats law enforcement like trash?

Crowd yells, “No!”

Can we elect as President of the United States a man who gives amnesty to criminal aliens?

Crowd yells, “No!”

Can we elect as President of the United States a man who would rather meet with Barack Obama, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) than the victims [of illegal alien crime] who spoke to you today?

Crowd yells, “No!”

Can we elect as President of the United States a man who would lie to every single working person in the state of Florida?

Crowd yells, “No!”

You heard today from the Disney workers who lost their jobs. In 2015, Marco Rubio introduced legislation endorsed by his largest funders to triple the number of foreign workers taking jobs from Americans—that legislation is backed by billionaires like Larry Ellison who believe that Marco Rubio will deliver them the cheapest labor possible. Marco Rubio does not work for you. He works only for the special interests. You have a chance on March 15th to take control of your country again. And to send a message to Washington D.C. that if you betray Americans, you will never become President of the United States.

Send a message that No-Show-Never-Vote Marco Rubio will get zero delegates from the state of Florida. Send a message that the man who used the state GOP credit card to pave his driveway and take fancy trips to Las Vegas and plan family reunions will not be rewarded with a single Florida delegate. Send a message that the man who sells his house to a lobbyist in exchange for political favors will never get a Florida delegate.

Stand up and be counted as a working American who loves their country and who believes that the American people should get first priority for jobs and wages in their own country. The day is over when international CEOs with no allegiance to this country can buy the Presidency and buy the Congress and leave you—the patriotic, loyal citizens of this country—with nothing. That day ends March 15th.

Each and every one of you has been given a chance by history with your ballot to make Florida Marco Rubio’s Waterloo.

I will summarize now the final facts you must know about Marco Rubio.

Marco Rubio is in favor of unlimited Muslim migration into this country.

Marco Rubio is in favor of giving amnesty to the most dangerous and violent criminal aliens in the world.

Marco Rubio is in favor of giving your jobs and your futures and your children’s futures away to the cheapest foreign labor in the world.

Marco Rubio is in favor of Barack Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership to ship your manufacturing jobs to China, Japan, Vietnam, and Mexico.

Marco Rubio is a wholly-owned subsidiary of corporate interests…

[Miller leads crowd in chant] No-Show-Marco, No-Show-Marco, No-Show-Marco, No-Show-Marco…

Tell your friends, tell you family, tell your colleagues, tell your co-workers that you will reject the man who lied to Florida, who betrayed your trust, who betrayed the families who lost loved ones to illegal immigrants and who sold his political soul to the open borders class. Take back your future, take back your country and stand up for your families. This is your chance. This is your moment. This is your opportunity and you can do it by casting a ballot for Donald J. Trump.

The crowd chants “No Marco, No Marco” as Miller leaves the stage.