Author Topic: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up  (Read 1544 times)

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Shared from the Chicago, IL Patch

Caucus/Primary Results in Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska: Trump, Clinton win big in Louisiana; Sanders in Kansas, Nebraska.

Voters in Kansas, Kentucky, Maine and Nebraska caucused on Saturday, while Louisiana held a primary as another chapter in the quests for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations fell into the history books.

The first GOP victory of the night came in Kansas for Ted Cruz, who secured 48 percent of the vote. Cruz also won Maine's GOP caucus.

For the Democrats, Bernie Sanders won Kansas and Nebraska. Hillary Clinton claimed the biggest state of the night, however, winning the Louisiana primary and its sizable share of delegates, taking 71 percent of the vote. Overall, Clinton retains her commanding lead in the race for the nomination.

The Republican contest, however, shows signs the jabs among the four candidates will continue unabated. Republican turnout was incredibly strong. And one of Trump's two wins on the night was very close.

Donald Trump was the winner for the GOP in Louisiana, with 47.7 percent of the vote to Cruz's 23.7 percent. And Trump beat Cruz in Kentucky by just 4 percentage points, 35.3 percent to 31.3 percent.

Trump said he was eager to face off one-on-one with Cruz, and said he believes Marco Rubio should drop out of the race. He said Rubio could not hold a fake rally on Saturday and pretend he won.

"So far, everyone who's attacked me has gone down," Trump said.

In these five states, 178 Republican delegates and 155 Democratic delegates were there for the taking.

While Trump and Clinton are leading in the delegate count, the other candidates have shown no signs they are willing to give up on the contest. The Republican establishment has been trying to rally voters around Marco Rubio, in particular, though Trump leads in state victories and delegate totals.

Rubio's results across the board on Saturday were disappointing. He will likely stay in until the March 15 Florida primary, but it will be difficult for him to justify his position as an alternative to Trump. Thus far, he's only won Minnesota.

Rubio told reporters he expected as much.

"The states that voted tonight are states that quite frankly some of my opponents just do better in, we recognized that going in,” Rubio said from Puerto Rico, where Republicans will vote in their primary.

Meanwhile, Cruz won the presidential straw poll taken Saturday by the Conservative Political Action Conference, an organization with about 2,700 young, libertarian leaning activists. More than 40 percent preferred Cruz to Rubio, who took 30 percent, and Trump, who earned just 15 percent. John Kasich came in last with 8 percent.

Cruz, speaking from his Idaho campaign headquarters after his Kansas win, again made the case that he is the best alternative to a Trump nomination.

“What needs to happen is the field needs to continue to narrow. As long as the field remains divided it gives Donald an advantage," Cruz said.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich finished at the bottom of every contest on Saturday. But he's going to press on. Primary contests in Michigan, March 8, and Ohio, March 15, are on deck and he expects to do well there. Kasich believes those states will be game changers.

It's possible the GOP Convention in Cleveland, July 18-21, will be a brokered convention. John Weaver, the chief strategist for the Kasich effort, told Patch no candidate is “on track to win the nomination outright” by winning the required number of delegates.

Weaver said the governor was building “for the long-term” to ensure he would be the best nominee for the party.

After winning delegates on Saturday, Weaver said, the campaign expects to win Ohio on March 15, earning all the state’s 66 delegates, and would shift to a face-off against Trump alone, especially because they believe both Cruz and Rubio will be weaker in future states.

“More than 1,000 delegates will still be available,” according to Weaver. “Cruz needed to get more delegates out of the southeast and caucus states than he was able to get, and his path is closing. The Marco Rubio hype machine is winding down and his bubble will completely pop on March 15 in Florida if he doesn’t win.

"Governor Kasich must win in Ohio to stop Trump, and when he wins Ohio, Kasich clearly becomes the top non-Trump Republican.”

— Patch editor Tony Schinella contributing


Ted Cruz won the Kansas GOP caucus, while Bernie Sanders won for the Democrats. On Saturday morning, Trump appeared at a Wichita rally, where he was booed by Cruz supporters, and Cruz appeared at his own rally in the same location just an hour later. Cruz is leading in the cities and rural areas and with working-class evangelicals.

In 2012, Kansas went for Rick Santorum and in 2008, Mike Huckabee prevailed with Kansas Republicans. A GOP official told CNN turnout was so high that some caucus sites ran out of ballots and more needed to be printed.


Election officials say the voter turnout in the Bluegrass State has been "phenomenal." At 10:50 p.m. Saturday, Trump was declared the winner with 35 percent of the vote. Cruz took second place with 31 percent. Trump waited until Kentucky was decided before he spoke at a news conference in West Palm Beach, Florida.


Donald Trump's victory in the Louisiana Republican Primary comes as no surprise to most. Trump polled at the top of the class in surveys conducted in the week leading up to the primary, and his raucous New Orleans rally Friday served to feed the frenzy of his supporters within the state. Louisiana Republicans on Team Trump cheer on his controversial idea to build a wall between Mexico and the United States and his never-back-down approach to foreign relations.

Hillary Clinton has led Louisiana Democrats out of the presidential primary woods. Polls preceding the state's primary election predicted she'd win by a large margin, and the unofficial results just about meet those expectations. Bill Clinton's Louisiana rallies Thursday and Friday may have helped cement his wife's plans for affordable education, a reduced prison population and equal pay in the minds of Louisiana voters. The support of African-American communities is also credited with Clinton's success in the state.


Just before 9 p.m. Eastern time, Ted Cruz was declared the GOP victor in the Maine caucus. Cruz's win in Maine was considered a surprise. Pundits had named Trump the favorite in the contest based on his wins in neighboring states, the momentum he had picked up on Super Tuesday and the endorsement of Maine Gov. Paul LePage. Cruz's victory was attributed to the support he picked up from evangelicals tired of Trump's inflated style.


Sanders landed a generous victory in Nebraska thanks not only to favorable demographics, but to voter turnout so high several precincts were forced to relocate in search of larger space. That said, Sanders' roughly 10-point margin of victory pales in comparison to President Barack Obama's 35-point landslide defeat of Clinton in 2008.


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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2016, 06:20:07 am »
By Dennis Robaugh (Patch National Staff) - March 5, 2016 8:51 pm ET

Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders Win: Kansas Republican, Democrat Caucus Live Results (Updated)

Kansas voters received a lot of attention from the presidential candidates this campaign. And lines at the caucus sites were huge.

The GOP victory in Kansas went to Ted Cruz, who secured 48.2 percent support with all ballots counted. Cruz gave a victory speech from his campaign headquarters in Idaho. Donald Trump followed with 23.8 percent; Marco Rubio trailedwith 16.7 percent and John Kasich follows at 10.7 percent.

For the Democrats, the Bernie Sanders campaign was confident the state would fall in his favor, and that's exactly what happened. At 7:30 p.m. Saturday, the state Democratic Party told CNN Sanders was the victor.

Kansas voters gathered to caucus Saturday for the Republican and Democratic candidates for president, and long lines marked the occasion as interest in the nomination campaigns nears that of the historic 2008 election. This year, the GOP printed 60,000 ballots (compared to 30,000 in 2012) and had to go to a print shop to make more, CNN reports.

In recent days, Hillary Clinton, Sanders and Rubio each paid a visit to Kansas. The lines at Democratic caucus sites were so long that the venues could not accommodate all the people coming to support a candidate. Voters were forced to "sign in" for their preferred candidate and leave to make room for more people.

On Saturday morning, Trump appeared at a Wichita rally, where he was booed by Cruz supporters, and Cruz appeared at his own rally in the same location just an hour later.

“God bless Kansas!” Cruz said from a rally in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. “What we’re seeing is the public coming together, libertarians coming together, men and women who love the Constitution coming together and uniting and standing as one behind this campaign.”

Cruz spoke to reporters after his victory speech.

"I think what we saw in Kansas was a real manifestation of a shift," Cruz said, noting that Kansas, Maine and CPAC are very different groups of voters. "Now is the time for us to come together."

Cruz said the results of Saturday show people fear a Trump nomination, which would be a disaster.

"We have beaten Donald not once, not twice but seven times now," Cruz said, noting that he is adding to his delegate numbers.

Cruz said he will compete "vigorously" in Florida to try to knock Rubio out. To this point, Rubio has only won the state of Minnesota.

"We are running a national campaign. We are competing in all 50 states," Cruz said.

With the nominations still in question, and the Republican Party in particular locked in an existential battle with Trump, Kansas votes matter more than they have in elections past.

On the Republican side in Kansas, voters gathered at 102 caucus sites based on county. Democrats assembled at 47 sites based on state senate districts.

"There's a lot of attention being given to Kansas. Often times in the calendar of primaries and caucuses, the nomination is already done by now. But in both the Republican and Democratic races ... Kansas does matter," Sen. Anthony Hensley told WIBW TV before the caucuses opened.

    I believe the technical term for the size of this line is ginormous #KSCaucus
    — Bryan Lowry (@BryanLowry3) March 5, 2016

Registered GOP members cast secret ballots between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Central time. Democrats registered between 1 and 3 p.m., and the turnout for the Democratic caucus events was overwhelming.

Sen. Terry Bruce, co-chair of Marco Rubio's Kansas campaign, predicted a huge turnout and that bore out.

"We're expecting 150 percent what it was 4 years ago," Bruce told WIBW. "This is the first time (the candidates) spent this amount of attention on Kansas."

Trump had been scheduled to visit Washington, D.C., on Saturday, but he diverted to Kansas instead to rally people in the morning. Cruz supporters were there, too, and booed Trump.

“We’re no longer going to be the stupid country,” Trump told his supporters in Wichita.

Trump Met with Boos in Kansas

Kansans are loving the attention they've received as candidates barnstormed through the state in the past week. But the tone and tenor of the GOP campaign, especially, has left many cold.

“It’s the most disgusting campaign I’ve ever seen,” Debra Miner of Overland Park, Kansas, told the Kansas City Star on Saturday. She favors Donald Trump. “I know it can get bad, but this is far beyond that. All of them.”

At stake are 40 Kansas delegates for the Republicans. Some are awarded proportionally based on the vote within congressional districts. Others are awarded based on the statewide vote for candidates who earn at least 10 percent of the vote. And three delegates go to the statewide winner.

Trump, who hasn't done well in caucus states, held a slight lead in the few polls taken in Kansas, according to, but Cruz won neighboring Oklahoma and Iowa. The evangelical vote is traditionally strong here, and Kansas is full of traditional GOP voters who tend not to favor Trump.

A recent poll cited by showed Trump polling 35 percent of the GOP vote, Cruz at 29 percent and Rubio at 17 percent. The actual results, however, showed how unpredictable Kansas voters can be.

Clinton and Sanders are close in the Kansas polls; there are 37 delegates up for grabs for them, 33 of which are awarded based on the caucus results: 11 are awarded on the proportional statewide result and 22 are awarded by congressional district.

Going into Saturday nationally for the GOP, Trump led the field with 329 pledged delegates. Cruz had 231, Rubio had 110 and Kasich had 25.

For Democrats, Clinton leads the delegate count with 1,066 of the 2,382 delegates needed to win the nomination. Sanders currently trails with 432 delegates.

    .@RickSantorum working it HARD for @marcorubio at caucus sites all across Johnson County, Kansas. #KSCaucus
    — Jared Small (@jaredsmall) March 5, 2016

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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2016, 08:02:39 am »
Ted Cruz scores 2 surprising wins against Donald Trump — Trump strikes back with 2 wins of his own

Ted Cruz notched another two victories on Saturday against GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.

A swath of news outlets projected early Saturday evening that Cruz would win the Kansas Republican caucuses.

A couple hours later, the Maine Republican Party announced that Cruz was the victor in its caucuses.

But Trump climbed back with victories in the Louisiana Republican primary and the Kentucky caucuses.

The Associated Press, CNN, and Fox News called Kentucky for Trump late Saturday evening.

In Louisiana, The Associated Press and multiple television networks called the race early after polls closed in the state, but as more votes were counted, the margin between the two candidates tightened considerably. Trump nevertheless appeared headed to a relatively narrow victory in the state.

The real-estate mogul was expected to perform well in both states he lost to Cruz, despite a lack of reliable public polling.

Trump campaigned in Wichita, Kansas, on Saturday morning, and a relatively recent poll of the state found that Trump had a small lead over Cruz.

In Maine, Trump had the prominent endorsement from Gov. Paul LePage. Additionally, Trump scored an easy win in neighboring New Hampshire and dominated in nearby Massachusetts.

Part of Cruz's success on Saturday could be due to the Maine and Kansas' caucus format, which require voters to show up at a specific time and stay longer than traditional primary elections. Cruz previously defeated Trump in the Iowa and Alaska caucuses.

This weekend's two Cruz wins boost Cruz's argument that he, not fellow Sen. Marco Rubio, is the leading non-Trump candidate in the primary race. Cruz has also beaten Trump in Oklahoma and his home state of Texas, while Rubio has only won the Minnesota caucuses.

At a Saturday-evening campaign rally in Idaho, Ted Cruz made an appeal to voters backing Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, reiterating that he was the only candidate who has repeatedly beaten Trump.

"Our campaign is the only campaign that has beaten Donald Trump over and over and over again — and that will beat Donald Trump over and over and over again," Cruz said.

Earlier in the day, Cruz also won a straw poll at CPAC, the prominent conservative conference that Trump snubbed in order to campaign in Kansas.

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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2016, 04:02:52 am »
I guess Trump's two wins don't translate into headlines...
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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2016, 04:05:27 am »
I guess Trump's two wins don't translate into headlines...

For Trump - two wins out of four is a LOSS.
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2016, 03:42:36 pm »
I guess Trump's two wins don't translate into headlines...

I think it was the fact that Trump was supposed to win Kansas by a landslide and Maine.  He won neither!!  They took forever to call Kansas even when it was very clear that Cruz was the winner.
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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2016, 03:53:56 pm »
For Trump - two wins out of four is a LOSS.

The UNIPARTY can't have TRUMP in headlines. It ruins the agenda? The prize was KY and LS But that is not IMPT to the UNIPARTY. They like the DONOR candidates to much to see the real NEWS. KY IMO was the big message. The RINOGOPe with McConnell, PAUL all wanted TRUMP to lose. The caucus which I am sure they tried to FIX but failed. That is the headline not KS or MAINE. In 2008 KS was won by the Huckster and in 2012 Little Ricky won there. TRUMP wins Maine if crossover votes allowed and Independents vote. He will all those states in the GRNERAL. :patriot:

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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2016, 04:01:24 pm »
The UNIPARTY can't have TRUMP in headlines. It ruins the agenda? The prize was KY and LS But that is not IMPT to the UNIPARTY. They like the DONOR candidates to much to see the real NEWS. KY IMO was the big message. The RINOGOPe with McConnell, PAUL all wanted TRUMP to lose. The caucus which I am sure they tried to FIX but failed. That is the headline not KS or MAINE. In 2008 KS was won by the Huckster and in 2012 Little Ricky won there. TRUMP wins Maine if crossover votes allowed and Independents vote. He will all those states in the GRNERAL. :patriot:


Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2016, 04:28:34 pm »
The UNIPARTY can't have TRUMP in headlines. It ruins the agenda? The prize was KY and LS But that is not IMPT to the UNIPARTY. They like the DONOR candidates to much to see the real NEWS. KY IMO was the big message. The RINOGOPe with McConnell, PAUL all wanted TRUMP to lose. The caucus which I am sure they tried to FIX but failed. That is the headline not KS or MAINE. In 2008 KS was won by the Huckster and in 2012 Little Ricky won there. TRUMP wins Maine if crossover votes allowed and Independents vote. He will all those states in the GRNERAL. :patriot:

??? What are you talking about?? Kansas was the prize!  Cruz received 24 delegates and Trump received 9.  In Louisianna, Cruz received the same number of delegates as Trump.

To say that the RINO Gope was a fault for Trump losing is absurd and that they tried to fix the caucus??  McConnell loathes Cruz as he is NOT part of the "uniparty". Sour grapes much??  What data do you have to indicate that Trump would win Maine in the General?

ALL polling data that I have seen indicates that Trump WILL LOSE to Hillary.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 04:29:55 pm by libertybele »
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.


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Re: Cruz Thumps Trump in 2 States; Kasich and Rubio Reluctant to Give Up
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2016, 04:35:37 pm »
I guess Trump's two wins don't translate into headlines...


They do in Peking, Hanoi, and Berlin.,197655.0.html