Author Topic: FROM PARIS: Establishment is panicking as their grip on power to enrich themselves slips away  (Read 318 times)

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Establishment is panicking as their grip on power to enrich themselves slips away

    Mar 4, 2016 0

“Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me …. They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are ….” — The Rich Boy, F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The above also can be said regarding Establishment politicians, media, academia and corrupt crony capitalists. In fact, there are alarming similarities between the cloistered Establishment apparatchiks of today and various royal courts just prior to the culmination of revolutionary backlash.

In their overweening arrogance, they enact policies that strangle the working and middle classes like a bureaucratic boa constrictor.

They fail to comprehend that “the peasantry” no longer accepts the premise that our God-given freedoms and the fruit of our labor are the Establishment’s to divvy out at their whim.

Pundits nervously assert the ascendancy of Donald Trump’s unconventional campaign has shredded the Establishment rulebook.

More accurately, Trump simply recognized the majority of Americans are mad as you-know-what and are not going to take it anymore.

After all, why should we follow Establishment rules that violate the very principles upon which our nation was founded, endanger our future and are primarily designed to enrich the elitist oligarchy at our expense?

For decades, Democrats have contemptuously treated minorities and the working class as mere slaves on the Democratic plantation.

Democrat regressives rely on class warfare and racism — envy and strife — to enrich ‘the chosen few’ even as they scatter seeds of oppression and destitution to those foolish enough to fall for the “Democrats are for the little guy” scam.

The rise of socialist Bernie Sanders and retread of Hillary Clinton serve as a flashing neon sign illuminating the current Democratic base as little more than an amalgamation of those lusting to use government force to take other people’s stuff.

Regardless of who wins the nomination, the Democratic standard bearer is an old, white, rich (from the government trough) socialist playing the class and race cards.

Likewise, Establicans regard social and fiscal conservatives as their own private cheap-labor, zombie army.

During campaign season, their ads interject “conservative” every other word; yet once they squirm under the election-day tollgate, they are back to selling their votes and their souls to the highest bidder.

Both wings of the Establicrat Party fail to realize the magnitude of their malignant malfeasance has metastasized to the extent the stench of their corruption overpowers the populace’s hear-no-evil-see-no-evil normalcy bias.

Establicrats plunder the wealth of current and future generations; set fire to our freedom to live in peace and support our families; entice swarms of illegal aliens with handouts of our tax-dollars;

Grant special “rights” exalting immorality and enshrining free-loaders while trampling our actual God-given, constitutionally-protected rights; and set us all on the Road to Serfdom.

As the Establicrat cornered rats rip asunder the fast-fading freedoms and wealth of our constitutional republic, we the people rise to say, “We are not dead, yet!”

The whites of the Establishment’s eyes are showing, and they have every reason to be afraid.

Not only are they losing control of the “redistribution” of trillions of dollars, their loss of the narrative is putting to death any delusions the masses have of “working through the system.”

The people have arrived at the Emerald City, yanked back the curtain, and found the self-declared Great and Powerful Establishment not only does not know what is best for us, but also does not even know us.

The worm has turned.

Americans are awaking to the realization that we are not genetically predisposed to heed the Siren call of the Establishment Pied Piper or join Sisyphus on his hill.

We are a people yearning to breathe free, and freedom we shall have, even if we have to wrest it from the clutches of an Establishment whose greed cannot be slaked. Inherent in the very nature of corruption is that it cannot help but fail. Institutions built upon fraudulent foundations are preordained to crumble.

Yet even as they disintegrate and decay, their detritus can serve as catalysts and nutrients for new life to spring forth — rot to roots.

Even were the Establicrats to achieve some measure of success in derailing the candidacy of Trump and other pro-America candidates, they cannot hold back the tide that is rising to sweep the Establishment out to sea.

As a wild eagle released from a trap or hostages set free from Establishment chains, we not only have no desire to return to captivity, but also are emboldened by the will to remain free.

The 2016 elections represent an indictment and repudiation of the amoral, immoral and outright evil currently ensconced in positions of power and influence.

Whether Trump is a paladin or opportunist becomes almost irrelevant with respect to the mood of an electorate crying, “Throw the bums out!”

Establishment tyrants and their crybully sycophants can attempt to portray themselves as disadvantaged “victims” all they want.

The truth is the Establishment is panicking as their grip on the power to engorge themselves on other people’s wealth and freedoms grows more tenuous with each passing day.

Mounting numbers are on to their subterfuge. The time is past when they could push-poll or spin their way out of their tangled webs of deceit.

Actions have consequences, and an enraged electorate is raising high their proverbial pitchforks.

As for we the people, 2016 is akin to awakening from the plot of a clichéd Establishment horror movie overflowing with imminently bad choices.

We no longer need to stumble into the creepy unconstitutional/immoral basement or stagger into the runaway debt/tyrannical government dark woods. But simply clambering from the Establishment pit is’t enough.

Freedom is not for the weak of heart. We must now build upon a foundation of repentance, revival and reformation if we are to have any hope for our future.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 08:34:13 pm by rangerrebew »

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