Author Topic: Rubio's Lies on Immigration  (Read 360 times)

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Rubio's Lies on Immigration
« on: March 03, 2016, 05:02:54 pm »
At the February 25 debate in Houston, Marco Rubio revisited an issue that had first come up at the previous debate. On February 13, Ted Cruz said that Marco Rubio told Spanish television he would not rescind President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty on his first day in office, and Rubio responded that Cruz was lying. The transcript is unambiguous: Cruz had spoken accurately. And so it was disconcerting when on February 25 Rubio insisted that “I said very clearly on Spanish television… I said it will end in my first day in office as president.”

Memory is notoriously unreliable: it’s just possible that Rubio might at first have misremembered what he said on Univision. But after the controversy on February 13 it’s inconceivable that Rubio didn’t check what he had actually said on Univision. And when he did, this is what he would have found: “I wouldn’t undo it immediately… But I do think it is going to have to end. And, God willing, it’s going to end because immigration reform is going to pass.”

Cruz was clearly right. Rubio had not only said that he would not rescind DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) immediately, he also said he would not do so until it had been replaced by legislation -- which means only after a long time, if ever.

On February 13, Rubio’s memory could have been faulty, but by February 25 it could not have been. The more recent statement can only have been a calculated, brazen lie. On February 13, Rubio had called Cruz a liar. By February 25 at least, he knew that was not true. His failure to withdraw the accusation therefore becomes another calculated lie.

This raises a very serious problem for Republicans. Their opponent in November is likely to be Hillary Clinton, whose main liability is that she is known to be a particularly shameless liar. In 2012, Republicans ran the one man (Mitt Romney) who was unable to make a case against Obama where he was most vulnerable -- ObamaCare. Are they now going to nominate a man who can’t convincingly raise the issue of Hillary’s lies and deceit?

How serious is this issue for Rubio? Very serious, because these are far from isolated instances. All kinds of people have been discovering that the fresh-faced, innocent-looking Rubio makes a practice of deceiving and lying to them.

An important voice in the debate over illegal immigration is the chair of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, which represents ICE employees: Chris Crane. Crane said recently that “In my opinion, Sen. Rubio absolutely knowingly mislead the American people regarding the [gang-of-8] bill. He was not telling the American public the truth about what that bill contained. Every American will have to determine on their own what that says about his character, but for me I don’t think I’ll ever be able to trust him again.”

Another important voice on this same subject is Ken Palinkas, who served as the President of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Council when the gang-of-8 bill was under consideration. Palinkas echoes Crane’s conclusion that Rubio deliberately misrepresented the bill to the American people.

The most comprehensive indictment of Rubio’s deceit is the detailed report released by Phyllis Schlafly on February 5, which chronicled in considerable detail Rubio’s persistent lying about the gang’s bill, and the fraudulent campaign in which he falsely reassured one major conservative voice after another (e.g., Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Bill O’Reilly) that the things that would be deal breakers for them were not in the bill -- though they were.

Schlafly’s conclusion is that a man who lies so persistently should not be in consideration for the presidency at all. Rubio has made no attempt to rebut Schlafly’s report. Just imagine what he would have done if what she was saying was false! People running for president don’t just leave a devastating case against them unanswered -- unless there is no possible answer.

And now more and more people who used to regard Rubio as a bright new force for the good in the Republican party are catching on to a reality which is very different. Mark Levin now says (February 22 on Conservative Review): “Stop the Lies Marco.” On National Review Online John Fonte has just written a long piece on Rubio and illegal immigration which goes over much of the ground covered by Schlafly and leaves little doubt that Rubio’s integrity is seriously in question. On the Breitbart website, Julia Hahn writes that “in a Friday interview on Special Report, Rubio made four demonstrably false declarations to host Bret Baier in under 90 seconds.”

On the subject of immigration, Rubio just lies and lies. To adapt an old joke: how do you know when Rubio is lying about illegal immigration? His lips are moving.

If Rubio were to attempt to raise the issue of Hillary’s lies, she could bury him with evidence of his own lies. To make matter worse, Rubio has tried to deflect attention from his deception by repeatedly accusing Ted Cruz of lying on grounds that are either false or trivial. Cruz’s integrity is an asset to the GOP, and to save himself, Rubio has fraudulently tried to diminish it.

Many in the GOP seem willing to put up with Rubio’s repeated dishonesty because they think he’d be the strongest candidate against Hilary Clinton. How wrong they are! When you are up against a brazen liar, you nominate a person of integrity, not another brazen liar.

Nor can Rubio be the antidote to the Trump phenomenon. Trump’s support comes from his opposition to politicians who, like Rubio, try to ram amnesty down an unwilling public’s throat by misleading them. Establishment support for Rubio is exactly what Trump thrives on -- it will just make him stronger. The only viable alternative to Trump would be someone who, like Trump, and two thirds of GOP primary voters, stands against what Rubio represents.


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Re: Rubio's Lies on Immigration
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2016, 05:03:06 pm »
Marco Rubio in Spanish: Obama’s First Executive Amnesty ‘Important,’ People ‘Benefiting from It’

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, said he believes that President Barack Obama’s first executive amnesty for so-called DREAMers—the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)—is “important” and he won’t reverse it himself if elected president. He delivered these remarks in a Spanish-language interview he gave to Univision’s Jorge Ramos.

“I believe DACA is important. It can’t be terminated from one moment to the next, because there are already people benefiting from it,” Rubio said in Spanish on Ramos’s television program, according to an English translation provided by the media service Grabien. “But yes, it is going to have to end. It can’t be the permanent policy of the United States, and I don’t think that’s what they’re asking either. I think everyone prefers immigration reform.”

Ramos followed up, according to the translation, by asking: “But then, to clarify, you would put an end to DACA once immigration reform is approved, but what would happen, Senator, if there is no immigration reform; would you cancel DACA anyway?”

Rubio answered that DACA will end only when a legislative substitute with the exact same or similar policy prescriptions—a legislative amnesty for illegal alien minors—is implemented. He also said in Spanish that, if elected president, he believes that America cannot deport illegal aliens here in the country right now, and he expects a legislative solution will be implemented that essentially has all the parts of the massively controversial “Gang of Eight” bill that he would pass piece-by-piece.

“Well, at some point it is going to have to end, that is to say, it can’t continue being the permanent policy of the United States,” Rubio said. “I believe, if I become President, it is going to be possible to achieve immigration reform. It is not going to be comprehensive, that is to say, it is not going to all be in one massive bill. We already tried that a few years ago. We’ve seen there isn’t political support for it and I think we’ve wasted a lot of time in this process, when we could have made progress through the steps I’ve advocated.

“Unfortunately, a lot has been spent with that, it’s become an even more controversial subject, more difficult to make progress on, but I’m still saying it’s important to modernize our system and that means improving the way we enforce in the future, modernizing the immigration system so that it isn’t as costly and bureaucratic, and we have to deal with the 12 million human beings who are here and no one, no one is advocating a plan to deport 12 million people, so that topic has to be dealt with as well.”

Rubio’s comment, targeted toward Spanish speakers, that he would keep Obama’s first executive amnesty—enacted outside the purview of Congress—in effect, until passing a legislative substitute with nearly identical policies, puts him at odds with virtually the rest of the Republican field except for former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Sens. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal have each said that on day one as president, they would immediately undo Obama’s unconstitutional and illegal executive overreaches—including DACA, as it was started without congressional approval—rather than trying to wait for a legislative solution.

Further, Rubio is calling DACA “important,” though it’s widely understood in the political world that this program caused the border crisis last summer and will likely lead to a future border crisis. Rubio’s comments endorse a policy that, in effect, brought tens of thousands of migrant children streaming across the border illegally and risking their lives to get into America with hopes of getting an unlawful amnesty.

The last time Rubio tried to push immigration rhetoric like this—the Gang of Eight bill back in 2013—he saw a significant drop in the polls. As he continues exposing his true beliefs when it comes to immigration matters, his emotional rhetoric as a presidential candidate will be undercut by his support of policies the Republican electorate is vehemently opposed to like Obama’s executive amnesty.

Ann Coulter, the massively influential conservative columnist, has said that Rubio “can’t be serious” in running for president after exposing his wildly unpopular immigration views, and he seems to be angling for a vice presidential slot.

“I think he’s running for a vice presidential slot,” Coulter said of Rubio on Fox News. “This can’t be serious.”

It’s also worth noting that pandering on immigration to the Hispanic community as much as Bush or Rubio have does not mean Republicans have any better chance at gaining support in such communities.

Bush, who along with Rubio is the most liberal on immigration in the 2016 field and thinks of himself as an “honorary Hispanic” and even checked the race as his own on a voter registration card—something he and his campaign have tried to laugh off since the story broke—is polling worse among Hispanics than even Mitt Romney got in 2012.

Romney, who was berated for his “self-deport” line, got by most estimations about 29 percent of the Hispanic vote in the 2012 election against President Barack Obama. Yet Bush, according to two recent ABC News and Washington Post polls, trails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton among Hispanic voters by an even worse margin than by which Romney lost—71 percent for Clinton to 26 percent for Bush.

Perhaps most importantly, however, is that Rubio’s comments to Ramos in Spanish show that he’s significantly further left than the majority of Republicans in Congress on this issue. Earlier this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment–and then passed legislation containing it–from Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) that would have withheld taxpayer funding for Obama’s DACA executive amnesty.

While 26 of the most liberal Republicans in the House voted against that amendment, it passed onto the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill, then passed the House. Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC), who is going to face conservative Frank Roche in a rematch in her primary next year, led the charge among those liberal Republicans to try to derail Blackburn’s amendment. Ellmers failed in the end.

When Rubio announced he was running for president, too, he actually argued he’s done more for illegal aliens than Hillary Clinton has.

“Well, I don’t know about others, but I’ve done more immigration than Hillary Clinton ever did,” Rubio said in an interview with National Public Radio. “I mean, I helped pass an immigration bill in a Senate dominated by Democrats. And that’s more than she’s ever done. She’s given speeches on it, but she’s never done anything on it.”
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 05:04:28 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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Re: Rubio's Lies on Immigration
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2016, 05:10:12 pm »