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Hollywood elites push Obama to import more Muslims
« on: March 03, 2016, 01:29:35 pm »
Hollywood elites push Obama to import more Muslims
Rape crisis in Germany doesn't faze megastar
Published: 12 hours ago

Reports of rapes and sexual assaults by Muslim migrants keep piling up across Germany, but at least one prominent Hollywood actor says the U.S. should emulate Chancellor Angela Merkel’s immigration policy and open the floodgates to migrants fleeing war and deprivation in the Middle East.

George Clooney met with Merkel this week to discuss what Hollywood could do to help the refugee crisis.

But those countries doing the most to help the migrants have come under criticism for glossing over the high price being paid by their own citizens – most notably female citizens.

Despite the near total blackout of media coverage since the New Year’s Eve assaults on more than 500 German women in Cologne, the stories of harassment and rape in Germany have not slowed down.

One of the latest cases involves three teenage girls who were sexually harassed by up to 30 male Muslim migrants at a German shopping mall last week.

The incident began Thursday at the Sophienhof mall in the city of Kiel when two young men of Afghan origin began to follow three teenage girls aged 15, 16 and 17. The men began filming the girls on their smartphones and uploading the images to social media, after which gangs of migrants appeared on the scene chasing the girls, according to a report in a German media outlet.

The Afghans and two other suspects were taken into custody after they had resisted police, but others eluded police and have not been found.

In another case reported Feb. 29, two teenage girls were sexually assaulted by Afghan migrants at a German water park.

Asylum seekers from Afghanistan have been charged with the assault and attempted rape of two schoolgirls in a public swimming pool in the northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein, according to police reports cited by Russian media.

The court ruled in favor of holding the suspects in custody without bail citing the risk of them committing repeat offenses.

Just over a year ago, a group of migrants sexually abused five teenage girls by the same poolside. The young men reportedly caressed them without consent and ripped the bikini top off one of the girls.

In January, a recreation center in Bornheim in the western German state of North Rhine-Westphalia became the first of its kind in Germany to ban all male refugees from the center. The move was prompted by continued complaints of sexual harassment from female visitors, according to The local officials said the ban was a temporary measure and men would be granted access to the pool services once they had been sufficiently schooled on what is acceptable behavior toward women.

The enforcement of the measure was triggered by a sexual attack by a 18-year-old migrant on a 54-year-old woman that took place in broad-daylight in another public pool in Bornheim.

Pamela Geller, an American author and anti-Shariah activist, said these kinds of attacks are a daily phenomenon in Europe.

“It’s the new norm,” she wrote in her blog Wednesday. “How does the vicious left reconcile their support for the Muslim invasion?”

Geller said the same radical multiculturalism that is destroying Europe is at work in the U.S.

“Take for example that absurd piece of theater at the Oscars,” she said. “Joe Biden introduced Lady Gaga in a new campaign against sexual assault called, ‘It’s On Us.'”

After quelling a standing ovation, saying, “I’m the least qualified person here,” Biden gave Gaga credit for her role in the campaign and made a direct plea to the audience to “take the pledge,” intervene when consent has not been given, and “change the culture” that allows rape to happen.

“Yeah, OK, change the culture?” Geller writes. “Then why the silence on the mass rapes in Europe? Why the support for Obama’s Muslim migration plans for the U.S.? Why bring a rape culture here to the U.S.?”

Clooney adds voice to refugee resettlement movement

In fact, the Hollywood left continues to lobby for more Syrian refugees.

The latest to take up the crusade is Clooney, who said the U.S. is “not doing enough” to help alleviate the refugee crisis coming out of Syria.

Nevermind the fact that nearly half or more of the migrants who have flooded into Europe over the past two years are not Syrians but Afghan, Iraqi, Pakistani and North African.

Despite President Obama’s stated goal of taking in 10,000 Syrian refugees this year and “many more” in 2017, Clooney said the U.S. should take a more active role in solving the problem.

Clooney, who was in Berlin for a film festival premiering his latest movie, “Hail Caesar!” met with the leader he believes is doing a better job of tackling the refugee issue – German Chancellor Angela Merkel – to discuss what more Hollywood could do to help.

“The United States needs to do more as we know, 10,000 refugees a year is not enough, that’s clear,” Clooney said.

In the incident at Germany’s Sophienhof mall the detainees threatened police, made “massive insults,” and caused some to suffer physical injuries, according to the report. The main offender spent a night in custody, the other two were already released on Thursday “after identity verification” and “lack of grounds for detention.”

German Interior Minister ‘deeply concerned’

Interior Minister Stefan Studt said he was “deeply concerned” about the events in Sophienhof.

“Such a thing is unacceptable, that people gathering in the free spaces, be it shopping or leisure, to be bothered so,” he told the German press. He said the authorities would be investigating the attacks to the full extent of the law and do everything possible to prevent them from continuing. He gave his sympathies to the three young girls and their families.

“We need to be able to live freely in this country,” Studt said. “I regard this as my responsibility.

The police have the perpetrators arrested quickly. “Now the other accomplices must be found,” said the Minister, adding: “That’s an insane burden on girls and their parents.”

And the assaults by migrant men on European women have not been isolated to Germany. Sweden, Austria, Finland and France have become just as dangerous for women, boys and girls.

Just last month, the story of a 10-year-old boy raped by an Iraqi refugee in a pool in Vienna sparked outrage among Austrians. The suspected abuser, who now awaits trial, arrived from Iraq in Austria in September and cited “sexual emergency” as the motive for his alleged crime.


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Re: Hollywood elites push Obama to import more Muslims
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2016, 01:44:27 pm »
All the  multiple-home-owning wealthy of this country should agree to take at least 10 "refugee" Muslims into each of  their own homes.
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