Author Topic: Trump Fires Warning Shot Across Corporate Trojan Horse Paul Ryan’s Bow  (Read 265 times)

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Trump Fires Warning Shot Across Corporate Trojan Horse Paul Ryan’s Bow
Donn Marten
March 2, 2016

Coming off a resounding Super Tuesday win, Republican party front-runner Donald Trump is riding tall in the saddle to the extent that he has taken a shot at a cherished and exalted establishment figure. House Speaker Paul Ryan – who outside of Rubio is the most beloved establishment figure these days – had joined the piling on of Trump over the bogus David Duke-KKK linkage earlier in the day to much applause and in doing so grabbed the tiger’s tail. With the Super Tuesday delegates tucked safely inside his hip pocket on Tuesday night the Donald retaliated against bipartisan Superman.

The establishment financial mouthpiece Fortune Magazine (which once extolled the virtues of Benito Mussolini) is reporting that “Donald Trump Threatens House Speaker Paul Ryan”:

    To view the current state of the Republican party in a nutshell, consider the rhetorical slap-fight on Tuesday evening between presidential frontrunner Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

    Ryan, a still-rising star in the party and its most recent vice presidential nominee, was disgusted enough by Trump’s recent equivocating about support from the KKK that he felt compelled to make a public statement condemning it. Without mentioning Trump by name, Ryan made it clear what he was referring to as he addressed reporters in Washington on Tuesday.

    “When I see something that runs counter to who we are as a party and as a country, I will speak up, so today I want to be very clear about something. If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party, there can be no evasion and no games,” Ryan said. “They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry. This party does not prey on people’s prejudices. We appeal to their highest ideals…. This is fundamental. And if someone wants to be our nominee, they must understand this.”

    As Trump romped across the map in the Super Tuesday primary contests, he responded to the criticism by addressing his own gaggle of press, gathered at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida. “Paul Ryan, I don’t know him well, but I’m sure I’m going to get along great with him,” Trump said. “And if I don’t, he’s going to have to pay a big price.”

    So, there you have it. The Republican party’s most senior constitutional officer and its increasingly likely presidential nominee exchanging veiled, or not-so-veiled, threats through the press. Sounds like the beginning of a very productive working relationship.

Despite the universal singing of his praises by the media it is a fact that Congressman Ryan is a corporate Trojan horse and a cheese-eating rat who is preparing to work with Obama in completing the deal with the devil that is the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The globalist, job-murdering, sovereignty shredding, stab in the backs of US workers was negotiated in secret and Barry will be handsomely rewarded for shoving it down the necks of the populace for long after he leaves office – and Ryan will get his piece of the pie too. Trump is the ONLY viable presidential candidate who has come out against this abominable betrayal and with Senator Jeff Sessions who is a TPP opponent on board with Trump it is an issue that will at some point be raised which scares the living hell out of guys like Ryan and Mitch McConnell who are already plotting against Trump. Americans may indeed have short memory spans – especially the case with liberals – but they do remember NAFTA and how badly that the political elite screwed them with that one.

The establishment and the mercenary media will quickly circle the wagons around Ryan in a similar manner to how they did with John McCain last summer over the great “war hero” phony controversy. They are always fighting the last war while Trump like General George S. Patton is just rolling through them like “shit through a tin horn”.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 03:31:32 pm by rangerrebew »