Author Topic: Trump: ‘Everything’s Negotiable,’ ‘Things Are Negotiable’ on Immigration Like Wall Height, But Building It Isn’t  (Read 306 times)

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in reaction to a report that in a conversation with The New York Times he softened his immigration position by saying that “everything’s negotiable” and “it is negotiable. Things are negotiable” while specifically referencing the height of the wall on the border and that building a border wall isn’t negotiable on Monday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel

Trump stated, [relevant remarks begin around 2:50] that the NYT is “the most dishonest media group. … They had — we had a board meeting. It was off the record. All of a sudden, they leak it. It’s all the over the place.”

After host Sean Hannity said, “They said, oh, you’re — that you’re — it’s negotiable on the law.”

Trump then stated, “Everything — by the way it is negotiable. Things are negotiable. I’ll be honest with you. You know, I’ll make the wall two feet shorter or something. I mean, everything’s negotiable.”

When asked if building the wall is negotiable, he said that wasn’t. When asked if it would negotiable to let people in the country stay if they registered, Trump stated, “I’ve always said we have some good people over here, and they’re going to go out, but we will work out some system that’s fair, but we have a country or we don’t. we need a border. We need a wall. We need a wall. You know, I won New Hampshire, and they have a tremendous heroin problem. And I promised the people of New Hampshire we’re going stop that heroin from coming in.”

He continued that he would stop heroin from coming in over the southern border, “But there’s always going to be some negotiation. I mean, whether the wall is 50 feet tall or 40 feet tall.” He added that he would make the wall higher in response to former Mexican President Vicente Fox’s thoughts about him.
The Republic is lost.