Author Topic: Hillary Clinton to Accuse Everyone Investigating Her Emails of Conspiracy  (Read 279 times)

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Hillary Clinton to Accuse Everyone Investigating Her Emails of Conspiracy
March 1, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Before this kind of thing was coming from David Brock who wrote a whole little pamphlet accusing the New York Times of being part of a vast right wing conspiracy. Then saner voices in ClintonWorld asked him to shut up. But now it's coming from Podesta, which means either he's on board with this insane strategy, or, and this is more likely, it comes from Hillary directly.

    John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, says there are “serious questions” about the integrity of the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG).

    The OIG is locked in an increasingly contentious fight with Clinton’s campaign on a host of issues, including her use of a private email account during her time as secretary of State.

    It has also reportedly subpoenaed the Clinton Foundation for documents related to charity projects and is investigating close Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s work as a “special government consultant” while she worked at State.

    A source within the OIG contacted The Hill claiming that the office has grown increasingly partisan, accusing it of having an “anti-Clinton” bias.

    Told by The Hill about the remarks, Podesta described the source as a “whistleblower” whose comments called into question the integrity of the OIG investigations.

    “This person’s account is highly troubling, and is cause to ask serious questions about the independence of this office,” Podesta said of the source. The Clinton campaign says it does not know the identity of the source.

The source, it's safe to say is ClintonWorld and the story is a plant. And a ridiculous one.

How did the State Department develop some sort of right wing bias under Obama and Hillary Clinton? Was Hillary unaware that State was being taken over an evil right wing under her watch. But Podesta isn't saying "right wing". Neither is The Hill. Just "partisan". So are we talking vast left wing conspiracy here? A secret cell of Sandernistas?

So far ClintonWorld accused the New York Times of a conspiracy. Now Obama's own man in the State Department. But there are so many investigations of Hillary Clinton, that the only explanation is that either she's a compulsive lawbreaker or there's a vast conspiracy against her.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 01:53:23 pm by rangerrebew »


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This is a clear case of plagiarism.  She has stolen the race card and calls it "conspiracy."