Author Topic: GOP failing at blocking Trump - Feverish fight to stop candidate could be too late  (Read 1021 times)

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By Alexander Burns, Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Martin, New York Times Published 7:32 pm, Saturday, February 27, 2016

The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak.

Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald Trump's increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush's campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Trump, according to three people present.

Since then, Trump has only gotten stronger, winning two more state contests and collecting the endorsement of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey.

Elected officials, political strategists and donors described a frantic, last-ditch campaign to block Trump — and the agonizing reasons that many of them have become convinced it will fail. Behind the scenes, a desperate mission to save the party sputtered and stalled at every turn.

Despite all the forces arrayed against Trump, interviews show the party has been gripped by a nearly incapacitating leadership vacuum and a paralytic sense of indecision and despair, as he has won smashing victories in South Carolina and Nevada. Elected officials have balked at attacking him out of concern that they might unintentionally fuel his populist revolt. And Republicans have lacked someone from outside the presidential race who could help set the terms of debate from afar.

The endorsement by Christie, a not unblemished but still highly regarded figure within the party's elite — he is a former chairman of the Republican Governors Association — landed Friday with crippling force. It was by far the most important defection to Trump's insurgency: Christie may give cover to other Republicans tempted to join Trump rather than trying to beat him.

Should Trump clinch the presidential nomination, it would represent a rout of historic proportions for the institutional Republican Party, and could set off an internal rift unseen in either party for a half-century, since white Southerners abandoned the Democratic Party en masse during the civil rights movement.

Former Gov. Michael O. Leavitt of Utah, a top adviser to Romney's 2012 presidential campaign, said the party was unable to come up with a united front to quash Trump's campaign.

"There is no mechanism," Leavitt said. "There is no smoke-filled room. If there is, I've never seen it, nor do I know anyone who has. This is going to play out in the way that it will."

Republicans have ruefully acknowledged that they came to this dire pass in no small part because of their own passivity. There were ample opportunities to battle Trump earlier; more than one plan was drawn up only to be rejected. Rivals who attacked him early, like Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal, the former governors of Texas and Louisiana, received little backup and quickly faded.

Late in the fall, strategists Alex Castellanos and Gail Gitcho, both presidential campaign veterans, reached out to dozens of the party's leading donors, including casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and hedge-fund manager Paul Singer, with a plan to create a super PAC that would take down Trump.

In a confidential memo, the strategists laid out the mission of a group they called "ProtectUS."

"We want voters to imagine Donald Trump in the Big Chair in the Oval Office, with responsibilities for worldwide confrontation at his fingertips," they wrote in the previously unreported memo. Castellanos even produced ads portraying Trump as unfit for the presidency.

The two strategists, who declined to comment, proposed to attack Trump in New Hampshire over his business failures and past liberal positions, and emphasized the urgency of their project. A Trump nomination would not only cause Republicans to lose the presidency, they wrote, "but we also lose the Senate, competitive gubernatorial elections and moderate House Republicans."

No major donors committed to the project, and it was abandoned. No other sustained Stop Trump effort sprang up in its place.

Resistance to Trump still runs deep. The party's biggest benefactors remain totally opposed to him. At a recent presentation hosted by billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch, the country's most prolific conservative donors, their political advisers characterized Trump's record as utterly unacceptable.

The Kochs, like Adelson, have shown no appetite to intervene directly in the primary with force.

The American Future Fund, a conservative group that does not disclose its donors, announced plans Friday to run ads blasting Trump for his role in an educational company that is alleged to have defrauded students. But there is only limited time for the commercials to sink in before some of the country's biggest states award their delegates in early March.

Instead, Trump's challengers are staking their hopes on a set of guerrilla tactics and long-shot possibilities, racing to line up mainstream voters and interest groups against his increasingly formidable campaign, but perhaps too late.

Speaking to political donors in Manhattan on Wednesday evening, Marco Rubio's campaign manager, Terry Sullivan, noted that most delegates are bound to a candidate only on the first ballot.

Many of them, moreover, are likely to be party regulars who may not support Trump over multiple rounds of balloting, he added, according to a person present for Sullivan's presentation, which was first reported by CNN.

While still hopeful that Rubio might prevail, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has begun preparing senators for the prospect of a Trump nomination, assuring them that, if it threatened to harm them in the general election, they could run negative ads about Trump to create space between him and Republican senators seeking re-election.

McConnell has raised the possibility of treating Trump's loss as a given and describing a Republican Senate to voters as a necessary check on a President Hillary Clinton, according to senators at the lunches.

Already, a handful of senior party leaders have struck a conciliatory tone toward Trump. Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the House majority leader, said on television that he believed he could work with him as president.

Fred Malek, finance chairman of the Republican Governors Association, said the party's mainstream had simply run up against the limits of its influence.

"There's no single leader and no single institution that can bring a diverse group called the Republican Party together, behind a single candidate," Malek said. "It just doesn't exist."


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       :  marked by intense emotion, activity, or instability <feverish excitement>

« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 07:50:07 am by HAPPY2BME »


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Trump: Karl Rove Is a 'Biased Dope'

Donald Trump went on a Twitter tear against the Wall Street Journal and Karl Rove – blasting the GOP strategist as a "biased dope" – after they criticized the real estate billionaire's debate stance on China and a global trade deal.

In a tweet posted Thursday on his Twitter feed, Trump fumed that Rove "wrote falsely" in a Wall Street Journal commentary about GOP debate remarks concerning China and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Donald J. Trump Verified account

.@KarlRove is a biased dope who wrote falsely about me re China and TPP. This moron wasted $430 million on political campaigns and lost 100%

"This moron wasted $430 on political campaigns and lost 100 percent," Trump rails, referring Rove's political action committee American Crossroads.

In his blistering op-ed piece, Rove wrote Trump was the debate night's "biggest loser," and "revealed himself as full of contradiction and without depth."

"Mr. Trump's worst moment came when he attacked the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, saying that Chinese currency manipulation is 'not even discussed in the almost 6,000 page agreement,'" Rove wrote.

"Mr. Paul did the takedown: 'We might want to point out, China is not part of this deal.' Laughter from the crowd," Rove added, referring to Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's comment during the debate.

"None of this will prove fatal. But it adds to the growing perception that though The Donald offers bluster and entertainment, he lacks what it takes to be president."

Trump also took on the Journal for its separate negative editorial, declaring on "Fox & Friends" "they're not a respected paper too much anymore."

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The remarks come at the 3:35-minute mark.

"There's so much misinformation, but you think that a paper like The Wall Street Journal would call for a clarification," Trump complains. "But they don't do that, they just write."

And on Twitter, Trump complained:

Donald J. Trump Verified account

Why does the failing @WSJ write a false editorial about me and let dummy @KarlRove make the same mistake in the same edition of the paper?

On Tuesday, Trump released a policy paper on his plan for handling diplomacy and trade with China.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 07:57:36 am by HAPPY2BME »

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Will The GOP Establishment Steal The 2016 Nomination From Trump?

By Roger Stone

Will the GOP establishment steal the 2016 nomination from Donald Trump even if the magnate arrives in Cleveland with the most pledged delegates but short of the 50 percent he'd need to be nominated?

Is a back-room deal in the works to have a "brokered convention" to deny Trump the GOP nod? I think there is such a plan and it must be exposed.

Donald Trump is our last hope to make Washington work for us – not the lobbyists, special interests and billionaire donors who control the corroded two-party system. As Trump says: "America is going to hell!"

I am a veteran of nine national Republican presidential campaigns, including the floor of the 1976 Republican National Convention for Ronald Reagan. My sources inside the Republican party are warning me:

The insiders have a stunning plan to stop Trump even if he wins the primaries.

The plan involves stalling Trump short of a majority on the first ballot, since many of the delegates pledged to him would no longer be legally bound to support him on subsequent ballots. There are many, many Trojan Horse delegates inserted by the GOP establishment who could bolt from Trump after that first ballot.

Remember, up until March 14 all primaries have proportional delegate allocation.

Ted Cruz , Chris Christie, Marco Rubio , Jeb Bush and the rest will be winning delegates, too.

There are 278 Super Delegates who are GOP establishment insiders, likely opposed to Trump. They constitute 4 percent of the convention. Thus, Trump must win 54 percent of delegates elected in caucuses and primaries to guarantee he could block a plot to stop him.

To make it worse, Convention Rule 40 B says the Candidate must have a majority of delegates in at least eight states. The Romney people passed this rule in 2012 when they had control of the party. It hurts Donald Trump.

By hanging in the race long after they have any chance of being nominated, sustained by Super PAC money, Trump's opponents can drain votes and could perhaps stop Trump from gaining a majority in any state – even while he is winning a plurality. Bush, Christie, Rubio and Kasich, I'm told, are in on this plan. Many GOP insiders calling it the "BIG STEAL."

For example, Trump could win every primary, but the Bush-Rubio-Christie-Kasich-McConnell-Ryan-wing of the GOP could block Trump and seize the nomination for an establishment alternative. Rule 40B could block Trump from the nomination, bypass Cruz and pave the way for a backroom BIG STEAL deal that nominates, say, a Rubio-Kasich ticket.

Many party moderates and GOP congressional establishment types would rather have Hillary Clinton, who they can wheel and deal with, then Trump, who vows to drain their swamp.

The Trump candidacy is a citizen insurrection, an authentic uprising. We want to make America Great Again! The Washington consultant and lobbyist class are scared to death because Trump cannot not be bought. Trump is his own man and he will bring radical reform to government.

The BIG STEAL has already begun. Even today, a Super PAC supporting John Kasich is spending $2.5 million on harsh negative ads attacking Donald Trump. Jeb Bush and his billionaires have spent an estimated $16 million attacking Trump on TV. Chris Christie attacked Trump this week, calling Trump a "carnival barker." All of this is part of the BIG STEAL plan to stall Trump short of a majority of delegates and force a brokered convention.

We must demand the Super-Delegates vote for the winner of the primaries, not some "STOP TRUMP" candidate like Rubio or Bush. The Trump forces can repeal Rule 40 B, clearing the way for a Trump nomination by a simple majority – with 51 percent.

If Trump is robbed at the Republican National Convention, millions of American tired of the two-party insiders and the Washington insiders will not vote Republican. Millions of working class Democrats won't vote Republican. Hillary Clinton will win.

But maybe that's what some in the Republican Establishment want.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 08:00:45 am by HAPPY2BME »


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Will The GOP Establishment Steal The 2016 Nomination From Trump? - 'Rule 40B'

For example, Trump could win every primary, but the Bush-Rubio-Christie-Kasich-McConnell-Ryan-wing of the GOP could block Trump and seize the nomination for an establishment alternative. Rule 40B could block Trump from the nomination, bypass Cruz and pave the way for a backroom BIG STEAL deal that nominates, say, a Rubio-Kasich ticket.

The Trump forces can repeal Rule 40 B, clearing the way for a Trump nomination by a simple majority – with 51 percent.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 08:04:32 am by HAPPY2BME »


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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan ripped the Republican Party establishment on Saturday, saying that its backing of Marco Rubio over front-runner Donald Trump represented "a point of desperation and total panic."

"I'm sure it's delighted with Marco Rubio savaging Donald Trump," Buchanan, who ran for the White House three times, told Uma Pemmaraju on Fox News. "But really, Rubio, in the numbers he's gotten, suggest this: He's failed Middle America.

"Middle America has asked for 25 years — get control of the borders, stop these trade deals shipping jobs overseas, no more of these wars where Americans come back in body bags and the wars aren't won. The Republican establishment hasn't been listening to the people.

"Donald Trump, the success he's gotten, represents exactly the opposite side of the coin of the failures of the Republican establishment," he said. "That's why he's winning all these votes."

Buchanan said that if the fight for the nomination ended up with a brokered convention in July — and Trump is not the nominee — "it would rip the party to pieces as has not been done since 1912, when Theodore Roosevelt walked out and created a new party and sent William Howard Taft to win the election."

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Will The GOP Establishment Steal The 2016 Nomination From Trump? - 'Rule 40B'

It ain't going to be Rubio.  He is just a tool, a delegate collector (that thus far is doing a piss poor job).


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It ain't going to be Rubio.  He is just a tool, a delegate collector (that thus far is doing a piss poor job).


Karl Rove will try and broker Mitt Romney?

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Karl Rove will try and broker Mitt Romney?

Not Karl's choice to make; but others' delusions are pointing in that direction.

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It won't be Romney. He's lost too many times already.

Watch for Scott Walker and someone else independently rich as his running mate. Some have suggested that's Walker's plan all along.
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