Author Topic: Laid Off Disney Worker Endorses Trump, SLAMS Rubio  (Read 654 times)

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Laid Off Disney Worker Endorses Trump, SLAMS Rubio
« on: February 27, 2016, 12:50:43 am »

One of the workers Disney laid off and forced to train his foreign replacement endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Friday, and bashed his rival Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, saying he “betrayed American workers.”

“No American citizen should ever have to suffer this indignity,” Leo Perrero said in a statement Friday, referring to being laid off and forced to train a foreign replacement. He and one of the other workers Disney laid off will officially endorse Trump at a rally in Alabama Sunday, reported the Tampa Bay Times.

“I am endorsing Donald Trump because I believe he will stand up to the all powerful corporations that spend millions each month in Washington DC in an attempt to influence our lawmakers,” he said in the statement. “I have faith that Trump will take immediate action to ensure no American professional ever again has to train his or her foreign replacement worker.”

Perrero also slammed Rubio, saying he “betrayed” American workers by pushing a bill known as I-Squared that would triple the number of foreign workers businesses can hire on H-1b visas, which is what many of the workers who replaced Perrero and his IT colleagues held.

“Marco Rubio was nowhere to be found,” Perrero said in the statement, after pointing out only the other Florida senator, Bill Nelson, offered assistance when he asked for help following the layoff. “Instead, he was pushing a corporate-backed plan to triple the number of foreign guest workers replacing American workers in technology fields while hundreds of former Disney IT workers were lining up in the unemployment line.”

“Under Rubio’s plan, thousands more Floridians will experience the same fate as us,” he continued. “Marco Rubio has betrayed American workers.”

Neither Rubio’s campaign nor his senate office immediately responded to requests for comment.

Perrero broke down in tears while sharing his story before the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest Thursday.


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Re: Laid Off Disney Worker Endorses Trump, SLAMS Rubio
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2016, 12:52:03 am »


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Re: Laid Off Disney Worker Endorses Trump, SLAMS Rubio
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2016, 12:54:36 am »


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