Author Topic: Beck Completes His Fast: Calls Breitbart Executive Chairman ‘Goebbels’  (Read 345 times)

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On his show this morning, talk radio host Glenn Beck blasted Breitbart News’ reporting of his Facebook note about the Nevada caucus and compared Breitbart News Executive Chairman and Sirius XM radio host Stephen K. Bannon, a former Surface Warfare Officer in the U.S. Navy, to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Below is a full transcript of Beck’s remarks about Breitbart’s reporting:

    When I walked in [to the caucus location], the Trump people went out of their mind. And we have it all on video tape. These women were so vile and nasty. As soon as I started to talk – [imitating their voices] “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!” – to the point were everybody in the room was like, “Ladies, can you please stop?” And I just said – we all have two minutes to say our peace. The precinct leader got up and said, “Hey, knock it off.” They were continuing to be vile. When the room kind of turned against them, then they started being four year olds. Then as I was talking they were like [imitating them] “Nah la la la la la la la.” It was bizarre. It was absolutely bizarre.

    Now I want to give you a story. I want you to listen to this story. This is from Breitbart this morning. [Reading from Breitbart’s article]: “Talk radio host Glenn Beck, who was in Nevada campaigning on behalf of
    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
    at the caucus, denounced Donald Trump’s supporters as ‘brown shirts’” – I stand by that. Is there anybody here that saw what I saw last night? We all agree. Brownshirts. [Continuing to read] “After the GOP frontrunner” – now listen to this, this is Breitbart – “Glenn Beck denounced Donald Trump’s supporters as ‘brown shirts’ after the GOP frontrunner upstaged Beck by making an impromptu appearance at the same caucus venue he was speaking at.” That’s not why I said they were Brownshirts. Donald Trump has a right to be there and speak. He came in, and there was no way he could have planned it. I went in to the big room, and I was speaking to the three precincts. Mrs. Carson just finished her speech. I got up – by the way, Mrs. Carson is a delightful person. We had a great conversation. We had great conservations with many Rubio people. We’re all humans to each other. We’re all Americans to each other. We just happen to disagree. Ah, not with the Trump people.

    So, I’m giving my speech. Halfway through, the room starts just to turn and everybody in the room runs to the door, and I’m like, “Is there a fire?” No, there’s Donald Trump. I finished my speech. And I’m fine with it. That is exactly what – you know, he didn’t plan that, and he had a right to speak. So, I’m fine with that. But listen to Breitbart. [Reading again] “Beck took to Facebook to protest the behavior of Trump supporters, describing them as ‘some of the nastiest people I have ever been with.’” I stand by that. [Reading again] “We have their hate and rage on tape … Others around them were embarrassed for them. It was scary and sad.” Now listen to this, this is all in quotation marks. “All the candidates have someone speak for them at the caucus.” – still quoting me – “In the middle of my speech Trump walked in.” That is not why I said – first of all, I didn’t write that. I didn’t write that it was because – that he was nasty.