Author Topic: This Guy Says Blacks Voting For Hillary Clinton Is Like Jews Voting For Hitler  (Read 321 times)

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This Guy Says Blacks Voting For Hillary Clinton Is Like Jews Voting For Hitler
Brian Anderson
February 24, 2016

Bernie Sanders was actually part of the 60’s civil rights movement and blacks don’t seem to care for him much. Hillary Clinton was part of the justice crackdown of the 90’s that blacks say is racist and she has the black vote all but locked up. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but who ever said blacks voters make sense? They vote for blindly vote for democrats even though decades of democrat rule has devastated the black community.

Sticking with the theme of not make a hell of a lot of sense, this guy who describes himself as a black nationalist appears to be the voice of reason concerning blacks throwing their support behind Hillary Clinton. Shakem Amenhotep Akhet did an interview with The Young Turks and he had some interesting things to say.

“A black person voting for Hillary Clinton is like a Jew voting for Adolf Hitler. I’m gonna tell you why. We know that under the Clinton regime that he instituted the ‘Three Strikes’ policy, and actually increased the amount of black men in prison, black men and women in the prison system, where you have blacks getting caught with a gram of crack cocaine, and getting a life sentence,” said Akhet.

The interviewer Jordan Chariton, who is Jewish, protested this comparison.

“Do you think it’s a little strong to compare her — or Bill — to Hitler? I mean, I’m a Jew, so rounding them up, sending them to gas chambers, I think, is a little different than mass incarceration. I’m not condoning mass incarceration, especially for weed and crack cocaine. Bill Clinton didn’t put them into gas chambers. So I don’t think it’s a fair comparison. I’m not saying black people being jailed isn’t taking their lives. I’m just saying, one is genocide, one’s imprisonment,” replied Chariton.

Akhet wasn’t buying it. To him, Hillary is Hitler in a polyester pantsuit.

“Okay, it’s the same thing, right? And I’m gonna tell you why. Anytime you take an 18, a 19-year-old man, a young boy, you take away his life and you give him a life sentence, that’s genocide. You’re killing him. You are cutting him off from society. You are leaving children. You are not only affecting this man, but you are affecting everybody around him,” said Akhet.

At this point the interviewer accuses Akhet of trying to start a race war. Then the black nationalist must have gone on an extended rant because the interview is severely edited for time or perhaps to make it seem like he was making points the interviewer wanted him to make.

Basically Akhet said that the democratic nominees, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, are just playing lip service to the black community for votes and don’t really intend to do anything to help black people in America.

Akhet is both right and wrong here. He’s right in assessing that Hillary Clinton is completely full of shit and is no real friend to the black community. This is not necessarily racist as Hillary is in it for herself and isn’t a friend to any community. She will do and say whatever she thinks will get her elected.

He’s wrong however on mass incarceration. Most people in prison, blacks included, are not there for petty drug crimes; they are locked up for serious crimes. No first time offender has even received a life sentence for possession of a gram of crack cocaine. Three-strikes offenders are put away for a long history of violent felonies, not minor drug crimes.

But hey, let’s give him some credit for his apt comparison of Hillary Clinton to Adolf Hitler. Both are fascists. Both control the press. Both favor gun control. Both have one testicle and a micro penis. Okay, maybe that last one isn’t entirely true; there’s no credible evidence that The Führer had mutated genitals.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 11:35:28 am by rangerrebew »