Author Topic: Trump Revives the Clinton Revolution  (Read 275 times)

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Offline Jazzhead

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Trump Revives the Clinton Revolution
« on: February 24, 2016, 12:16:42 pm »
Trump Revives the Clinton Revolution

This is a piece by an old adversary of mine, as anti-Establishment a conservative as I've ever encountered.  It seems that even he has seen the light about the evil of Trumpism and the values deficit of his supporters. 

This past week I have been faced with the reality that the supporters of some of the worst Democrats in history have more of a conscience than the Republican Trump supporters, I have not heard one Trump supporter in any medium cry foul or demand that their candidate walk back that ludicrous accusation; instead I have heard them repeat the accusation and attempt to lend it at least some credibility.

So much for my former view that the small group at the top of the Party that I call the “Establishment GOP” is the problem, these Establishment leaders have been mostly muted in this election cycle; so the rank and file has picked up their torches and pitchforks to soldier on without them.

I do not have some impossibly high standard for the character of politicians, when Trump said that he “Opposed the Iraq War from the start” and a few days later an interview with Stern showed that he did not oppose that action at the time, I reasoned that he was probably just embellishing his position that was really just a doubt about the probable success of the war.

When Trump claimed that he met Putin on a TV show that they did together and it was revealed later that they were thousands of miles apart and the segments were taped I reasoned that maybe he had interacted in another venue at some time and was just taking a little poetic license.

When Trump claimed that he saw thousands of Muslims cheering in Jersey City as the towers came down on 9/11 I reasoned that he may well have meant “Seen on TV while he was in Jersey City” not “Seen in Jersey City”.

When Trump claimed that he had “evolved” on the matter of single payer healthcare years ago but was on record as still supporting it within the past few months I reasoned that Ideology was never going to demand that he be consistent since he is a Populist.

When Trump declared that anyone who did not support his healthcare ideas was therefore in support of “people dying in the streets” I reasoned that while he is regurgitating the Liberal tactic of avoiding debate by pretending that there is no other argument except the evil desires of his opponents I reasoned that maybe he was just unprepared to defend his plan.

Trump was never a Conservative and Trump was never very beholden to the truth, but he did seem to have enough positives to consider him a second choice if need be.

But to try and assassinate the character of one of the finest men who has ever served in the Senate is way over the line;

 I have watched the 2000 Tea Party Revolution unravel as one by one the new Representatives cave to the pressure of the Establishment GOP.

I have watched Ted Cruz take vicious arrows from his own Party because he decided to keep his promises instead of playing ball.

I have watched Ted Cruz stand alone at that podium while the entire “Tea Party Caucus” sat on their hands as Mitch McConnell ordered them to do.

I have watched Ted Cruz refuse to fire loyal people in order to ward off unjust arrows launched at him over a bunch of politically motivated nothing, then I watched him fire a man for challenging the religious faith of an opponent even though the opponent is a known liar; Cruz takes the matter of faith very seriously.

Ted Cruz is the closest politician I am aware of to that fictional attorney on that silly little TV show that I saw years ago. Cruz does the right thing regardless of the cost, and Cruz has done this enough for everyone to know it. I can only conclude that this brand of character is so foreign to the rank and file GOP that they are not even aware of what it costs an elected politician to stand firm and alone against such a tide of decadent liars.

So I apologize to all for advocating for a new Conservative Party so the rank and file Republicans can have a place that genuinely values what they value and will pursue the goals that they have tried so hard to get the GOP to pursue. I was very wrong about the percentage of rank and file Republican voters who care about such things, if the last week reveals anything it is that there is clearly not enough to justify a new Party.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 12:21:02 pm by Jazzhead »
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide