Author Topic: Former Gitmo Detainee Arrested In Spain While Recruiting For ISIS  (Read 233 times)

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Former Gitmo Detainee Arrested In Spain While Recruiting For ISIS

Posted By Jim Treacher On 1:47 PM 02/23/2016 In | No Comments

Remember Gitmo? Obama does. As soon as he figured out where the White House bathrooms are, his next order of business was to promise to close down Gitmo. Just today, he announced that he’s trying yet again. Gitmo doesn’t keep us safe, he says. It’s not who we are, he says. C’mon, just do what I want, he says.

Unfortunately for him, the bad guys keep refusing to conform to his view of the world. Alan Clendenning and Ciaran Giles, Associated Press:

    Spanish and Moroccan police on Tuesday arrested four suspected members of a jihadi cell that sought to recruit fighters for the Islamic State group, including one described as a former Guantanamo detainee who once fought with militants in Afghanistan…

    One of those detained in Ceuta was the former Guantanamo detainee who was not named by Spanish authorities but described as “a leader who was trained in handling weapons, explosives and in military tactics.” After being captured in 2002 and held in Guantanamo, he was returned to Spain in 2004, said Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz.

Please Google the word “recidivism,” Mr. President. It’s what happens when you let these guys go. And it gets more innocent people killed.

Article printed from The Daily Caller:

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