Author Topic: EXCLUSIVE: ICE Officer to Rubio: ‘You Lied to American Public on FOX News,’ Challenges Him to Meet  (Read 2883 times)

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Marco Rubio treated us like trash.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane is issuing a challenge to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) following Rubio’s attack on the officer. In an email to Rubio’s campaign — an exclusive copy of which is being provided to Breitbart News — Crane challenges Rubio to meet so that ICE Officer Crane can present Rubio with his badge and his credentials.

Crane represents America’s ICE officers and is an ICE officer himself.

“You recently lied to the American public on FOX news regarding my current status and career as both an ICE Agent and Officer,” Crane writes in his email to Rubio. “I challenge you to make yourself available, as a United States Senator and Presidential Candidate, so that I may present my badge and credentials to you as proof that your comments on FOX news are false.”

Following Crane’s detailed account published last week of how law enforcement was treated “like absolute trash” by Sen. Rubio during efforts to enact his donor-backed amnesty and mass immigration bill through the Senate, Rubio appeared on national television and denounced ICE Officer Crane and his service to the nation.

“He’s not an ICE official. He’s the head of a union,” Rubio told Neil Cavuto. Rubio said he would not address Crane’s accusations because they were published by Breitbart News — suggesting that Crane was a “conspiracy” theorist. “I literally don’t talk about the things they [i.e. Breitbart News] report because they’re basically conspiracy theories and often times manipulated. And that individual is not an ICE official, he’s the head of a union,” Rubio said.

Breitbart News published the full and unedited transcript of Chris Crane’s responses that Marco Rubio refused to address.

Chris Crane has served his nation as an ICE officer for 13 years. He is also a former U.S. Marine, a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and a lifetime member of the American Legion. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) described Crane as “an American hero” for blowing the whistle on immigration corruption.

Crane explained why correcting the record about Rubio’s false attacks against him are critical for Crane to be able to perform his duties as the national spokesman for approximately 6,000 ICE officers and personnel: “Because I am a whistleblower and law enforcement officer who frequently testifies before Congress, and provides information to the public by way of media interviews, it is critical to correct the public record.”

Crane explained that allowing him “to set the record straight… is the honorable thing to do.”

Rubio’s Gang of Eight immigration bill — supported by La Raza, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and all Senate Democrats — would have added 33 million permanent immigrants on green cards in the span of one decade, or nearly 12 new permanent immigrants for every one current resident of the state of Nevada.


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Senator Rubio's oath of office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 03:57:47 pm by HAPPY2BME »

Offline sinkspur

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This is the third time you've posted this.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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Rubio: "If We Prove Illegal Immigration Is Finally Under Control," Americans Will Respond In "Responsible Way"

Bill O'Reilly grilled Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio on what his policy will be on illegal immigration and immigration in general. The candidate appeared on Monday's broadcast of FOX News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor.

Rubio said his immigration plan, once the U.S.-Mexico border is secure, "depends on what the American people will support." Rubio says once "we prove to the American people" that illegal immigration is under control, he believes Americans will respond in a "very rational, reasonable and responsible way."

"As far as the 12 million that are here? Look, I don't believe the American people support some sort of militaristic round-up of individuals, and I don't think you could carry it out. The sort of tactics it would required would offend the American people," Rubio said.

"The good news is that we don't have to do it that way. If you secure our border -- if you secure our border, if you put in place mandatory e-verify, you put in place a mandatory entry exit tracking system, if we prove to the American people that illegal immigration is finally under control, I think the American people will respond in a very rational, reasonable and responsible way," the candidate told O'Reilly.

Rubio gave his criteria for those allowed to stay.

"It does depend on what the American people will support," Rubio said of his immigration policy. "Here's what I've suggested in the past. If someone has been here for a defined period of time, they can pass a background check, if they've committed crimes they can't stay. They have to pay a tax, they have to start paying taxes. They're going to have to pay a substantial fine because they violated the law."

Transcript, via FOX News:

O'REILLY: And, we assume anyone who wins the Republican nomination will do that, if they become president. But, I'm interested in your vision, OK? Because your father came here from Cuba, and he came legally because Cubans had the political component going for them after Castro took over in 1959.

Now, your vision, not the American people's vision, your vision. You've got 12 million people living here, Trump says he's going to round them up, use federal authorities, and federal power to force them to go back home. Some people say that's not realistic, some people say that won't happen because courts would block it.

But, your vision is to deal with illegal aliens here who have broken our laws how? What will you try to sell the voters?

RUBIO: Yeah, and first, just to set the record straight, my parents came in 1956 before Castro. They came through the regular green card process. They applied and they entered the country the normal immigration way. They didn't have any sort of special status.

And, then as far as the 12 million that are here? Look, I don't believe the American people support some sort of militaristic round-up of individuals, and I don't think you could carry it out. The sort of tactics it would required would offend the American people.

The good news is that we don't have to do it that way. If you secure our border -- if you secure our border, if you put in place mandatory e-verify, you put in place a mandatory entry exit tracking system, if we prove to the American people that illegal immigration is finally under control, I think the American people will respond in a very rational, reasonable and responsible way...

O'REILLY: ... But, what is that? Wait...

RUBIO: ... about what do you do with someone that first certain criteria?

O'REILLY: ... In your mind...

RUBIO: ... Again, I don't -- it depends on what the....

O'REILLY: ... OK...

RUBIO: ... It depends on what the American people are willing to...

O'REILLY: ... Alright, but let me give you an example. Alright. So, Tommy O'Malley has overstayed his visa from Counting Cork in Ireland.

RUBIO: Alright.

O'REILLY: Let's take it out of the Mexican realm because there are a lot of non-Mexicans who are here illegally, alright? Let's take that emotional component out of it.

So, Tommy O'Malley comes over, he overstays his visa. He's got a job out on Long Island, he's been here, he's got two kids. Do you let him stay, do you give him American citizenship? What do you do with him?

RUBIO: Well, first of all, it depends on what the American people are willing to support because you're not going to ram anything down their throat...

O'REILLY: ... Alright, you're not going to give me your vision...

RUBIO: ... No, I'm going to give it to you. I'm going to give it to you, Bill.


RUBIO: Let me finish my statement. It does depend on what the American people will support. Here's what I've suggested in the past. If someone has been here for a defined period of time, they can pass a background check, if they've committed crimes they can't stay. They have to pay a tax, they have to start paying taxes. They're going to have to pay a substantial fine because they violated the law.

And, in exchange for all that, they can apply and receive a work permit, and that's all they're going to be allowed to have. A permit that allows them to work here and travel, and that's it.


RUBIO: That's all they'll be allowed to have for a very significant period of time. I think that's something the american people might be open to...

O'REILLY: ... They might be...

RUBIO: ... But, only after our borders are secure.

O'REILLY: ... They might be, but it would have to be very well defined to them.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 04:01:44 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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EXCLUSIVE: Rubio Supported Amnesty As Far Back As 1998

While serving as a city commissioner in West Miami, Marco Rubio voted in favor of a city resolution urging the federal government to give Honduran illegal immigrants permanent resident status and free them from risk of deportation, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller.Does Rubio's Past Support For Amnesty Make You More Or Less Likely To Support Him?

The 1998 city resolution, #98-16, is titled “Resolution of the City of West Miami urging the federal government and Immigration and Naturalization Service to accord same status to Hondurans as has been afforded to Nicaraguans.”In the year prior, the “Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act” was enacted into law. This allowed for Nicaraguan, Cuban, Salvadorian, Guatemalan and former Soviet bloc migrants who had applied for asylum to receive permanent resident status and a stay of removal.
In the minutes and agenda for the city commission meeting, adjustment for status of Peruvian immigrants is also mentioned. However, the passed resolution only pertains to Hondurans.

According to minutes of the May 16, 1998 city commission meeting: “The Mayor asked the City to endorse a resolution passed recently by City of Hialeah calling for fair and just treatment of Peruvians and Hondurans as legal immigrants as to their residency status.”

The Rubio campaign has not returned a request for comment from TheDC.

Complete Document at:

May 20th RegCommMtg MINUTES by Alex Pfeiffer

May 20th 1998 RegCommMtg AGENDA by Alex Pfeiffer
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 04:07:09 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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February 22, 2016

Who is lying now Marco

Rubio consistently accused Cruz of making up stories and lying about both his own record and Rubio's record. Based on the facts above, it appears Senator Cruz continues his promise he wail do what he says and will not lie to the American Public.

Senator Rubio, when it comes to lying and misrepresenting their record, It appears it is YOU!!!


Over the last few weeks accusations have been flying between Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. They accuse each other of changing positions on immigration and the challenges are becoming increasingly nasty. Each accuses the other of being week on Immigration and changing their position in order to attract new votes.

Cruz accuses Rubio of being for citizenship for illegal aliens and secretly working with the White House and Senate Democrats to develop an immigration plan or the nation. Rubio charges Cruz was for the program and even tried to improve it by suggesting amendments to make it better. In addition, Rubio claims Cruz changed his pro- expanded Visa program stance.

What are the facts? Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican representing Alabama, did a great deal of explaining of the facts involving Cruz and Rubio and the gang of Eight Immigration Bill. Sessions is a respected Conservative who has not endorsed anyone in the Republican Presidential Primary. He explains the "Gang of Eight" worked secretly for months with the White House to develop this immigration plan.

The gang of Eight was made up of 4 Democratic Senators, Bennett(CO), Durbin(IL), Menendez(NJ) and Schumer(NY). In addition, Senators Flake(AZ), Graham(SC), McCain(AZ) and Rubio( FL) made up the Republican half. Working with the White House they developed an immigration plan that included an eventual pathway for citizenship for illegal aliens.

Rubio was chosen to lead the fight for approval in the Senate for the Republicans while Schumer would do the same for the Democratic Senators. Cruz did propose an amendment to change the bill. Senator Sessions pointed out the purpose behind all amendments were to highlight weaknesses in the bill so others would vote against it. So while it is true Cruz did make amendments claiming to make the bill better, it is supported by Senator Sessions that the real purpose was to kill the bill. In addition, no amendments were allowed to the bill before it was passed by the Senate. (Point Cruz)

Rubio claims the bill was to pass the Senate and go to the House where he hoped Conservatives would make the bill better than it was written. If Rubio wanted the bill made better, why would he fight to keep the bill amendment free in the Senate? Cruz then went and spent time in the House of Representatives lobbying to kill the bill. Rubio did not. (Point Cruz). Sessions pointed out the Bill was expected to pass the House yet Rubio did nothing to "make the Bill Better" by lobbying House members.(Point Cruz). What changed that killed the bill was the primary loss of House Majority leader Eric Cantor. This frightened many house members that would have supported the bill.

Another issue is the Cruz stand on the H1B Visa Program . H1B Visas allows Businesses to get special permission to import skilled workers to fill jobs in their company. Initially Cruz, as a new Senator, supported the program as it was pro business and made sense where there was a shortage of qualified applicants. However, Cruz learned after studying the issue further, companies were abusing the Visa Program and bringing in cheaper labor to replace existing American Workers. At that point he changed his position on supporting the program. (Point Draw) Position changed based on additional information not an election. The Cruz explanation was confirmed by Senator Sessions.

In addition, during the past debate, Rubio accused Cruz of listening to a Rubio Spanish Station Ad while he does not even speak the language. Cruz countered immediately with a series of statements in Spanish. (Point Cruz)

In addition, Rubio has joined Trump in attacking Cruz as having no friends in Congress. The facts are different than being stated. There are 20 House Representatives that have regularly attended and helped in Cruz rallies. They include: Mark Meadows (NC) Steven King( Iowa), Jeff Duncan(SC) , Tim Huelskamp (Kansas), and Ken Buck(Colorado). In fact he gets warm greetings from both Senator Mike Lee and Senator Sessions when he attends the Senate floor. Both have not endorsed anyone nor plan to at this time. (Point Cruz). In addition, Cruz' stance against establishment republican actions has earned him their dislike. However, fighting them is what he was sent there to do.

Rubio consistently accused Cruz of making up stories and lying about both his own record and Rubio's record. Based on the facts above, it appears Senator Cruz continues his promise he wail do what he says and will not lie to the American Public.

Senator Rubio, when it comes to lying and misrepresenting their record, It appears it is YOU!!!

« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 04:10:57 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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Levin: Rubio ‘Lied His Way’ to Get Elected to the U.S. Senate, ‘Got a Huge Trust Factor’

Monday on his radio show, conservative talk show host Mark Levin ripped Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination for his repeated attacks on his opponent Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) accusing him of not being truthful.

Levin insisted that it was Rubio was lying and not Cruz and that people were believing Rubio because he was repeating his attacks on Cruz.

“He lied his way to get elected to the United States Senate, frankly – including on this program,” Levin said. “He’s got a huge trust factor. He can go around calling people liars all he wants as part of his campaign strategy. You tell a lie often enough, as they say, people believe it. And it’s had an impact. Their polling shows it has an impact. You’re smartest audience of audiences. Well, there’s other people out there and a lot of them are pretty damn stupid. ‘Oh really, Cruz is a pathological serial liar’ from the guy who lies repeatedly.”

Levin went on to cite a Breitbart article from last week pointing to Rubio telling Jorge Ramos in Spanish that he would keep so-called executive amnesty in place, despite denying it on the debate stage in South Carolina last week.

That according to Levin was evidence of Rubio’s trustworthiness and Levin questioned why Rubio is never held to account.

“We used to talk about John Kerry and Bill Clinton flip-flopping,” Levin said. “How come no one ever accuses Rubio of flip-flopping? He’s not even evolving and nobody believes it.”

He went on to add that no matter what happens in the upcoming Nevada caucus, the media will spin Rubio’s showing as a win.

“It doesn’t matter what happens in Nevada tomorrow,” Levin said. “He’s won. Let me be the first to say Rubio won Nevada. It doesn’t matter what position he comes in because that’s now the propaganda.”
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 04:15:09 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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Marco Rubio - The Amnesty Man Supports Legalization for Illegal Aliens
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 04:19:06 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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FACT CHECK: Rubio Lies Four More Times About Breitbart News, ICE Officer on FOX News

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has doubled down on his smear against immigration law enforcement officers and his attack on Breitbart News.

In a Friday interview on Special Report, Rubio made four demonstrably false declarations to host Bret Baier in under 90 seconds.

1) Rubio implicitly demeaned Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane by declaring that Crane’s desired changes to the Gang of Eight bill pertained to “labor union stuff” rather than the substantive concerns Crane had about how the bill would negatively impact the safety of the American people.

Crane is an ICE officer of 13 years. He is a former U.S. Marine, a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and of the American Legion. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has described Crane as “an American hero” for blowing the whistle on immigration corruption. In 2012, after President Obama enacted his first executive amnesty, Crane and several of his fellow officers took action and filed a lawsuit against the President for his lawless amnesty.

Yet Rubio seemed determined to portray Crane in a different light–falsely declaring that Crane’s criticisms were about “more kind of labor union stuff”:

"He was not advocating on behalf of ICE, he was advocating on behalf of a federal government labor union that represents those officers. And I have incredible admiration for ICE officers and for what they’re doing. But when he talks about the criticisms that he made, you know, he wasn’t doing it on behalf of the agency. We worked with the agency, we worked with him. He gave us a list of recommendations, many of which I fought for, some of which had nothing to do, but he just wanted more kind of labor union stuff."

This, however, is not correct. Crane’s criticisms were not about “labor union stuff.” Rather, Crane’s criticisms were about protecting the American people. For instance, one of Crane’s criticisms was about removing a provision of the bill that would allow sex offenders to get amnesty. As Crane explained in his interview with Breitbart News last week:

"Obviously the changes I suggested were all serious enforcement-related issues, such as establishing a biometric entry-exit system, and cracking down on sex offenders, gang members, violent criminals and other criminal aliens. When I walked out of his office that night I definitely thought the bill would undergo significant changes, but of course absolutely no changes were made."

Indeed, Crane outlined these requests in a letter he wrote to Sen. Rubio in 2013 immediately following their meeting. Crane wrote in 2013:

Based on news reports, it is my understanding that you are filing the bill today… I hope that can be delayed so that our officers and experts can provide real legislative input on the areas we discussed last night: the lack of ICE resources, how current ICE enforcement practices leave the nation open to tactics used by the 9/11 terrorists, DHS directives that release dangerous criminal aliens back into our communities; the need for biometric exit/entry, the administration’s dangerous abuse of prosecutorial discretion, our inability to make street arrests, the breakdown of enforcement in our jails, the disciplining of officers for doing their jobs – these are only some of the many crucial interior enforcement issues not addressed in this legislation.

Moreover, Rubio’s assertion that he “fought for” some of Crane’s suggestions is also remarkable given that Rubio did not meet with Crane until mere hours before he introduced his bill. Crane explained that Rubio “never reached out to us.” Rather, Rubio did not meet with Crane until the very last minute–after the bill was crafted. As Crane explained: “We met in the evening and they introduced the bill a few hours later that same night. It doesn’t get much more last minute than that…Not one of the changes we suggested was made to the bill before Sen. Rubio introduced it.”

In his interview last week, Crane explained that Rubio “actively chose to exclude us because of his own personal agenda:”

"Law enforcement was treated like absolute trash. Republicans and Democrats in the Gang of Eight saw law enforcement as the enemy. We were the only ones really positioned to tell America that their bill was one big lie that wouldn’t fix our immigration problems but make them worse. They did everything they could to keep us out of the picture and silent. Special interests on the other hand were treated like kings. It was all about money. If we had the money, like the Chamber of Commerce and Mark Zuckerberg, we could buy America an immigration law that put the safety of both the American public and immigrants first, but we don’t. So it looks like America will have to settle for the open borders and cheap labor plan the Chamber of Commerce is buying."

2) Rubio said that Crane “wasn’t speaking on behalf of ICE.”

Rubio told Baier:

"First of all, Bret, I didn’t say he wasn’t an ICE officer–I said he was not an ICE official. He was not advocating on behalf of ICE, he was advocating on behalf of a federal government labor union that represents those officers…When I said he wasn’t an ICE official–he wasn’t speaking on behalf of ICE. The question from Neil [Cavuto] made it sound like he was a representative of ICE, the agency–that was advocating for specific public policy. He was representing the union."

This statement is deliberately misleading. As the President of the ICE Council, Crane represents approximately 5,800 frontline ICE officers, agents, and personnel who are responsible for enforcing America’s immigration laws in all 50 states and U.S. territories. Crane was elected by his fellow officers to be their national spokesman. By Rubio’s logic, the concerns articulated by the leader of the Fraternal Order of Police on behalf of the nation’s police officers should similarly be disregarded, because they act as a union.

As the Center for Immigration Studies’ Mark Krikorian tells Breitbart News:

"What Rubio seemed to say is that Crane is not an ICE ‘official’–meaning he’s not an Obama appointee in management. That’s true–but all the more reason to give him credence. Rubio is suggesting that he trusts Obama appointees whose mission is to gut ICE over a Maine Corps veteran who’s been on the front lines of enforcement for more than a decade. Sounds like a desperate attempt by Rubio to discredit someone who has the goods on him."

3) Contrary to Rubio’s declaration, Breitbart News Network has never reported that Fox News leaked him debate questions ahead of time.

During his interview, Rubio also made false statements about Breitbart News’s reporting.

Rubio told Baier, “This is the same website that said that because one of my employees has a relative that works for FOX News, you guys were giving me the questions to the debate. Did you give me the questions to the debate, Bret? You didn’t. And that’s what they claimed. And so that’s what I was questioning, was the credibility of the website.”

This is the second time Rubio has made this demonstrably false claim on national television. As Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle reported last week:

Rubio claimed that the Crane interview was unreliable since it was “being reported on a website that’s not a credible source” and that the website, Breitbart News, is the “same website that said, Neil, that you guys gave me the questions to the debate because one of the members of my staff is a family member…” of a Fox News Channel executive.

“This is the same website that reported that Fox News and you and you guys in your debate gave me the questions to the debate so I could prepare,” Rubio added later. “You know that that’s not true.”

That is an entirely inaccurate portrayal of what Breitbart News has reported. After Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski exposed the fact, in a CNN interview, that Fox News vice president Bill Sammon has a daughter, Brooke Sammon, who works as national press secretary for Rubio, Breitbart News reported the story.

Lewandowski, in the interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, exposed the fact that the “Fox News executive” he was communicating with in the leadup to the Fox News debate before the Iowa caucuses—one that Trump ended up skipping, and instead holding a veterans benefit—has a “daughter [who] works for the Rubio campaign.”

“He’s one of the executives on Fox that writes the debate questions so maybe he has his own ulterior motives, I’m not sure,” Lewandowski said.

Neither the Fox News Channel, before all of their debates, nor the Rubio campaign has ever disclosed that conflict of interest. “It’s no secret Breitbart traffics in conspiracy theories, but this accusation is a whole new level of crazy,” Rubio communications director Alex Conant told Breitbart News at the time this conflict of interest was exposed. “Brooke is a star of our campaign and her integrity and professionalism is second to none. If you’re worried about someone’s integrity, you should do some serious self examination.”

Fox News, to this day, still hasn’t addressed the familial conflict of interest.

But, more importantly, unlike what Rubio told Cavuto, Breitbart News has never reported that Fox News gave Rubio or his campaign the debate questions ahead of time. There’s no way to know whether the Fox News executive father who wrote the questions gave them to his daughter on the Rubio campaign or not, but they probably didn’t—and Breitbart News has never suggested that they did in any of our coverage. But that doesn’t mean that there’s still not a significant conflict of interest there, in much the same way that ABC News has failed to disclose that President Obama attended the wedding of Martha Raddatz to his FCC chairman Julius Genachowski when Raddatz moderated the vice presidential debate in 2012. Or how CBS executive David Rhodes is the brother of senior Obama administration official Ben Rhodes, something the network frequently doesn’t disclose on broadcasts. But that’s all beside the point: Breitbart News Network has never reported, as Rubio said we did twice today on Fox News, that Fox News gave him the questions to the debates before the debates.

4.) Rubio himself is a Breitbart News Contributor and gives exclusive interviews to Breitbart despite his claim that Breitbart publishes “conspiracy theories.”

During Rubio’s interview last week, he claimed that Breitbart News publishes “conspiracy theories.” When Baier played Rubio a clip of a separate statement he made in that interview, Rubio doubled down in his questioning “the credibility of the website.”

Yet, as Breitbart News’s Matthew Boyle reported last week:

Despite [Rubio’s claim that]… this website is “not a credible source” and somehow spreads “conspiracy theories”—he reached out work with us. In 2015, Rubio and his team repeatedly asked for meetings with Breitbart News editors and reporters—which the team here at Breitbart News gladly agreed to—many of which were on the record, some of which were off the record. Just this week, in fact, Rubio did another exclusive interview with Spiering. Like most of our presidential candidate interviews–and like virtually every Rubio interview–that interview produced multiple articles. Rubio has done multiple interviews with Breitbart News throughout his career in the U.S. Senate, and as a presidential candidate. He’s actually a Breitbart News Network contributor, having written multiple op-eds for this site including as recently as Wednesday of this week. All three of Rubio’s op-eds have been published on this website since he was a presidential candidate. This week’s op-ed that Rubio ran exclusively on Breitbart News focused on the national debt, and the two he ran in 2015—both after he launched his presidential campaign, one in July and the other in October—focused on Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate.


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Rubio: I Didn’t Say Crane Wasn’t An Officer, I Said He Wasn’t Advocating For ICE, Breitbart ‘Absolutely’ Not Credible

26 Feb 2016

Republican presidential candidate Florida Senator Marco said that he didn’t say Chris Crane “wasn’t an ICE officer. I said he was not an ICE official. He was not advocating on behalf of ICE” and that he “worked with the agency. We worked with him. He gave us a list of recommendations, many of which I fought for” while stating that it’s “absolutely true” Breitbart News is “not a credible source” on Friday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

Rubio was asked, [relevant exchange begins around 4:50] “I just want to talk about one thing you said to Neil Cavuto about this ICE official Chris Crane, who was the head of this union. You said he wasn’t an ICE officer, he was a head of union, but he actually was an ICE officer who had critical things to say about you.” Anchor Bret Baier then read from the response to Rubio’s comments by former President of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Palinkas where Palinkas said, “Chris Crane is an ICE officer, first. That’s his job. There’s no distinction… We are not a separate entity as union officials—we are employees of the federal government… That’s a negotiated item so that we can represent [officers] in their job functions.”

Rubio then said, “First of all, Bret, I didn’t say he wasn’t an ICE officer. I said he was not an ICE official. He was not advocating on behalf of ICE. He was advocating on behalf of a federal government labor union that represents those officers. And I have incredible admiration for the ICE officers, and for what they’re doing. But when he talks about the criticisms that he made, he wasn’t doing it on behalf of the agency. We worked with the agency. We worked with him. He gave us a list of recommendations, many of which I fought for, some of which had nothing to do, but he just wanted more kind of labor union stuff. I have nothing against him. But I was just correcting the record about what he said.”

Baier then played a clip of Rubio talking to Cavuto where he said, “Number one, that’s not true, and he’s not an ICE official, he’s a head of a union, and it’s being reported on a website that’s not a credible source.”

Rubio then stated, “I said he’s not an ICE official. He wasn’t speaking on behalf of ICE. The question from Neil made it sound like he was a representative of ICE the agency, that was advocating for specific public policy. He was representing the union. On the issue of the website. It’s absolutely true. This is the same website that said that because one of my employees has a relative that works for Fox News, you guys were giving me the questions to the debate. Did you give me the questions to the debate Bret when you moderated the debate?”

Baier responded, “That would be a no.” Rubio continued, “You didn’t. And that’s what they claimed, exactly. And so that’s what I was questioning was the credibility of the website. And as far as immigration is concerned, look, go back to Donald Trump. Donald Trump supported pathway to citizenship. He’s the only one running for president that’s ever hired illegal aliens, and he’s the one importing [a] workforce from abroad instead of hiring Americans. He’s a con man. And if he’s changed his position on those issues, he can start by hiring Floridians to work at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, instead of hiring foreigners, from abroad, to take those jobs away from Americans.”

When asked if he would support the Gang of Eight bill “if the politics was all lined up?” He answered, “As president, absolutely not.” Rubio added that the bill was the best that could have been don in a Democratic run Senate and that he said so at the time, and that when he’s president, immigration reform won’t have to be done that way.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 05:08:32 am by HAPPY2BME »


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Rubio Slams Breitbart on Fox News: ‘Not a Credible Source,’ ‘Basically Conspiracy Theories’

Saturday during Fox News Channel’s special coverage of the South Carolina Republican Primary, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) took aim at Breitbart News after he was asked about a report on Breitbart’s website that questioned his willingness to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials while crafting the so-called Gang of Eight immigration reform legislation.

The report cited ICE Council president Chris Crane, who is also an active duty ICE officer, who Rubio dismissed as well as Breitbart News.

“Number one, that’s not true,” Rubio said. “And he’s not an ICE official. He’s the head of a union and it’s being reported on a website that’s not a credible source. It’s the same website that said, Neil, that you guys gave me the questions to the debate.”

He went on to describe Breitbart as a site that reports “conspiracy theories.”

“We don’t even credential them for our events,” he added. “This is the same website that reported that Fox News and that you and your guys in the debate gave me the questions so that I could prepare. You know that that’s not true. So I literally don’t even talk about the things they report because they’re basically conspiracy theories and oftentimes manipulated. And that individual ICE official. He’s the head of a union.”
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 05:09:35 am by HAPPY2BME »


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false witness

  : a person who deliberately gives false testimony

You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.

— Exodus 23:1-2
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 05:11:04 am by HAPPY2BME »


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FACT CHECK: Rubio Lies Four More Times About Breitbart News, ICE Officer on FOX News

1) Rubio implicitly demeaned Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane by declaring that Crane’s desired changes to the Gang of Eight bill pertained to “labor union stuff” rather than the substantive concerns Crane had about how the bill would negatively impact the safety of the American people.

2) Rubio said that Crane “wasn’t speaking on behalf of ICE.”

3) Contrary to Rubio’s declaration, Breitbart News Network has never reported that Fox News leaked him debate questions ahead of time.

4.) Rubio himself is a Breitbart News Contributor and gives exclusive interviews to Breitbart despite his claim that Breitbart publishes “conspiracy theories.”

Offline Paladin

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This is the third time you've posted this.

I am not persuaded this is correct, but I can immediately think of at least one poster on here who says the same stuff over and over and over and over again.
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

Offline sinkspur

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Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline sinkspur

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I am not persuaded this is correct, but I can immediately think of at least one poster on here who says the same stuff over and over and over and over again.

Take it up with HAPPY2BEME.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.