Author Topic: Rush: How the Government Bungled the Handling of the San Bernardino iPhone  (Read 355 times)

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How the Government Bungled the Handling of the San Bernardino iPhone
February 22, 2016
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RUSH: Folks, on this Apple and the Department of Justice and the FBI. Do you believe how big this has gotten? You know, people make fun of me both here at the EIB Network and in my personal life. They make fun of me over my passion for these devices, which is okay. People have made fun of me my whole life. They made fun of the fact that I really like Apple. They made fun of the fact that I'm an expert in these things.

I've had people over the weekend sending me questions, comments, about this argument between Apple and the FBI, and what it means for the terrorist's phone. I've taken a lot of time to try to answer in great detail. I have expressed and expressed and tried to correct incorrect assumptions that people have. You know, it's amazing to me. Do you trust this government, folks? I don't. I don't trust the Obama administration. I never have trusted it. I don't trust it now; I won't trust it in the future. And most of you don't, either.

Most of you are very suspicious of it, and rightly so. You should be. This is an administration that doesn't really care about the Constitution much, trying to transform the country, erase or harm much or many of the things that have defined our greatness. Yet when this episode comes along, everybody's all for the government. Why? Because there's a terrorist involved. Yep. A terrorist, a terrorist's phone. And so everybody casts aside their distrust, their justified distrust and throws all-in because this phone belonged to a terrorist.

To properly understand this situation, to properly... If you really want to know what this is about, you have to forget what kind of phone this is, iPhone 5c, 5s, 6s, 6 Plus. Forget it. It doesn't matter. You have to forget that a terrorist was involved, because that's not what this is really all about. You have to focus on one thing. Have you learned through all of this...? Do you now realize it? Despite how many of you have been running around thinking that the NSA is tracking your every move, they can listen to every conversation...?

They can maybe even turn on your microphone or camera on your phone and monitor what you're saying because your life is so exciting, people at the NSA can't stop tracking you! Now all of a sudden, you're learning the government cannot hack your phone. You have learned they cannot get into your phone. Do you want 'em to be able to? It's no more complicated than that. If you want them to be able to get into your phone, then support the FBI; tell Apple to shut up and go away. But this is even more frustrating than that, because of what we learned over the weekend.

The terrorists' phones were not owned by the terrorist. Mr. Syed Farook Skyhook did not own his phone. San Bernardino County owned the phone. And it really... I don't mean to sound uppity or braggadocios, here. I am fascinated by this tech because of how intricate and in many ways miraculous it is. I have spent a lot of time learning how to use these devices and learning what they're capable of and how they might help me with my enjoyment of life, with my productivity in life, work flows, any number of things.

I want to know as much about them as I can. Most people don't, understandably. But here's the thing. Do you know that over the weekend we learned the FBI told San Bernardino to change the password on this phone? They thought that they would be able to find out information if they changed the... Well, not the password. The Apple ID password. It's just it's an absolute mess. Nobody knows what's going on or how to use these things. Here's the bottom line as I'm coming up to it on a break.

Since San Bernardino County owned the phone, they could have had total control over it. If you are a business right now and you deploy iPhones -- and I'm gonna stick with iPhones in this case 'cause that's what I know, but it's true of any others. If you're a small business, a corporation, and you provide phones for your employees and you own those phones, there is something called Digital Device Management. It is software that allows you to control everything on their phone.

You can put restrictions on what they can do with it. You can put restrictions on which apps work and which apps won't. In other words, you can stop them from using the phone personally. In addition to that, you, because you own the phone, have the ability to erase it at any time and find out what's on it. You can reset the pass code yourself as the owner of the phone. You can do it with four clicks.

If the people in San Bernardino County had ever taken the time to find out what they could do with the phones that they were giving to employees, if they had just taken the time to have somebody come in and teach them, we wouldn't be here. Because there already is a way for the FBI and San Bernardino to get what they want in the circumstance where somebody's using a phone owned by a business: Digital Device Management. It's software. It's on servers.

It costs about $4 per phone and you have your IT manager research it and learn how to operate it, and you control and manage every phone that you deploy, remotely. You don't have to have it in your possession to set up these restrictions. It just has to be signed in to the proper ID, Apple ID, and whatever other identification systems a company uses. And there is a specific opportunity for owners of phones in this -- like San Bernardino County, they could have gone in.

The moment this incident happened, they could have locked Farook and whoever out of the phone, anybody else, and only allowed themselves in. They could have gone in, they could have gotten every bit of data they wanted off that phone via a backup or a dump. They could have changed the password themselves. They could have done any number of these things. But they didn't know they could. They had no idea. And I'll wager that 95% of companies or organizations that give away phones or provide them for businesses have no clue about any of this.


RUSH: I misspoke. I didn't mean DDM, I meant MDM. Mobile Device Management. And in the case of Apple, it's free. Other software, $4 a phone is what it averages out but with OS X server which is simply what you would need. It's an app, a server operating system. You can deploy... All you have to do is set up the profiles for the phones that you want that are under your management. This is why you have an IT guy. It's why you hire one.

Most people are not gonna take the time to learn. Hire an IT guy, and the IT guy does this. He manages all the devices. But the point is in a situation like this or any disgruntled employee or any circumstance where you the employer need to find out what's on your employee's phone, guess what? Because of mobile device software there already is a legal back door on every phone under Mobile Device Management.

Apple doesn't need to add anything, and the FBI doesn't need to have Apple rewrite software for all of us because what they want exists in a large number of circumstances and did exist in this San Bernardino situation. But I'm sure the people at San Bernardino were clueless and had no idea how to do this. They even confused the passcode to unlock phone and the passport for the Apple ID connecting the phone to iCloud. They got confused over that. They literally had no idea what they were doing. It's stunning what they did not know.


RUSH: Steve in Duluth, Georgia. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Oh, thanks, Rush. Mega dittos.

RUSH: You bet. Great to have you, sir.

CALLER: I have a definitive knowing what I know, a little bit about the technology. My opinion is that Apple should develop a tool of some sort that would remedy this. And I think the best legal way to do it, with any device, legal device you have to do, you have to have a court order. You simply have to have a court order to attain it. For example, you just can't walk through my front door and get into my computer without a court order. Same thing with the phone. I believe they should develop, you know, technology to do that.

Now, I will tell you that I'm affiliated with a company, and we do hundreds of thousands of repairs, refurbishment, warranty work, turnover of phones a month. So we see everything. And I will tell you -- and this is not a well-known thing at all -- even though you can delete, delete, delete, delete, to your heart's content, when I get that phone back, if you've taken it back for repair or refurbishment or whatever...

Even if you go into the store, for example, at your favorite cellular store and you decide to try a new phone and within the 15-day or 30-day period, you don't like it, you take it back, that phone comes the same route as if it were broke. And I can go into that phone. Even though presumably -- presumptively you've taken away all the information, it's not true. I can get to it. I can look at it. I can see the pictures, I can see the texts, I can see the numbers, and it's my job. Oh, by the way, from the manufacturer, whatever that the manufacturer might be, to make sure --

RUSH: Wait a minute, now. You're telling me the phone has been wiped, you can still get the pictures from it?


RUSH: Well, then if that's true then why is the FBI even messing around with Apple? Why don't just go in there and get what's on the phone?

CALLER: Well, good question. I will tell you that the iPhone is unique in several different ways with regards to the technology, the way they set up their access. The other Android phones are much easier to do this with, but being that it's a new Apple device and that sort of thing, there are several different ways, in my opinion, what I know -- and I don't know -- I'm so far away from --

RUSH: Well, let me... I'm running out of time. Let me answer my own question. The reason Apple doesn't go in and get the data that you claim is there and on this phone... I dispute your notion that you can go get data like full photos and texts and whatever from a phone that has been wiped and erased and basically reset up with factory defaults as brand-new. Now, I know that people who may have done damage to the phone, you can maybe find bits of data from that.

You can get parts of their pictures back. But a phone that's actually been wiped, degaussed, cleaned up, factory defaults, you're out of luck. But the answer to the question, "Why doesn't the FBI just go in?" is 'cause there isn't a backdoor built in yet. And if somebody is forced to build one, it's gonna end up on everybody's phone, not just this one. It's not... There's no other way possible. I'm out of time. I'm too long. I will continue this. Sit tight.


RUSH: The FBI has a court order for this phone; Apple's ignoring it. That's what the fight's all about. Well, it's about more than that, but sadly, my friends, out of precious broadcast moments at this moment. But stay glued to where you are. I know you can't move anyway. You can't go anywhere. You're locked here. We'll be back and continue in mere moments.


RUSH: It's very easy to confuse what's at stake in this fight between FBI and Apple, and it's very easy to get sidetracked on it. It's very easy to be manipulated -- as it is, I guess, in most things. But this particularly lends itself. Because while everybody's accusing of Apple of engaging... Well, the DOJ, by the way, is accusing Apple of PR only. Have you heard their allegation? "Apple's only resisting us to do a PR maneuver to try to show their customers that they really care about security. Apple doesn't really care about your security. They're just trying to PR to help marketing and tell everybody..."

The truth here is if anybody's using marketing and PR, it's the FBI by choosing this phone to make this fight about. Yeah. It happens to be the phone of a dead terrorist. And the bottom line is, San Bernardino County had the ability -- on two different occasions -- to get anything off that phone that the FBI now claims it wants. The mechanisms were there, if anybody had just taken a moment to learn what they had. If anybody... This goes for any of you who give iPhones to employees -- and let's stick with iPhones since that's what this is about.

I just don't want to have to say "smartphones and tablets" every time I talk about this because we're talking about iPhone, so I'm gonna stick with that. If you're a company that for business reasons provides phones for employees, you might want to look into Mobile Device Management, if you haven't. You might want to look into everything you can do regarding your employees' phones. The restrictions, the things that your employees cannot use those phones to do, you're in charge of that. You're in control of that.

You can change the password on any of those phones any time you want. You can freeze an employee out of his or her phone if you find a reason to. You can change the password; you can find out what's on that phone. Anybody that deploys phones for business purposes to a group or employees or what have you... It doesn't have to be a business. It could be a nonprofit. But anyplace that happens to provide phones for their employees can set up profiles to manage these devices, including giving the owners, which is the company, access to them.

San Bernardino County twice... If anybody at the FBI or anybody at San Bernardino County knew what they could do, then we wouldn't even be here. The other thing about this that continues to amaze me, is we've had seven years of the Obama administration, and everybody is rightfully suspicious of them. They have made enough moves on individual liberty. They don't like amendment two; they don't like religious freedom. They don't like when Congress doesn't do what they want, so they do executive orders.

There's evidence upon evidence upon evidence of how this government abuses its power, whether it's privacy, whether it's security, whether it's statutory, or whatever. But then along comes this incident -- and the magic words "terrorist phone" -- and everybody forgets all that and assumes that this government is clean and pure as the wind-driven snow and wouldn't do anything more than what they're asking us to do and they don't want to do anything more than what they're telling us they want to do.

"And we've gotta find out what's in that phone because there's terrorism and there's terrorists and there's refugees and they could be plotting against us, and this phone could have that data on it. We gotta know! We gotta know! We gotta know!" And that overrides everything, and people fall for it (you can understand it) hook, line, and sinker. But that's not what this is about. If you really want to get down to brass tacks, why is this even an issue? Open borders. Why is this even an issue? Because this Regime's making not a single effort to stop anybody.

Yeah, they might be deporting here and there, but you know that they're accepting refugees from war-torn areas, and they are military-aged and able-bodied men. We have the illegal immigrant problem on the southern border. There are people coming into this country every day that we cannot count, that we cannot keep track of, and they're going out and getting phones. And so the way we gotta keep track of 'em is to make sure that everybody's phone can be inspected whenever the FBI... I mean, there's so many things here that we should fix first before we all just decide to give up our security.

Look, folks, nobody elected Tim Cook. I understand this. Nobody elected Tim Cook to safeguard our privacy or security. That's ostensibly what we elect politicians to do. But when they won't do it, thank God Tim Cook will, is the way I look at this. But all of this is based on my understanding how these devices work. The FBI could have had what they want from this phone, and they could have gotten it in cooperation with Apple, and Apple would not have had to do anything.

By the way, there's another story going around I need to blow to smithereens (you may have seen it), that Apple has on 70 previous occasions broken into phones at the request of the FBI to provide them information that they want in a criminal pursuit. That is not true. Apple has never broken into a locked phone for anybody. They have never broken into one of their devices that's locked for the FBI or anybody else. Now, there's certain data that you can get from a locked phone -- that is, before the passcode's entered or the PIN, whatever you call it.

But Apple has never helped anybody unlock one of their devices. If you don't know how to do it -- if you've forgotten your PIN code, if you've forgotten your passcode -- you're out of luck. You either have to find a way to reset it -- and Apple has mechanisms for that -- or if you're dead and the FBI wants your phone, well, in this case they could have gone to San Bernardino and said, "Do you have Mobile Device Management on it?" They'd have said, "What's that?" "Okay, you don't. Well, why don't you? Have you ever thought about resetting your Apple ID password?" "Well, that sounds like a good idea."

No, bad idea; they did it anyway.

They confused the difference in an Apple ID password and the phone passcode. It's just... I still like my safe analogy. What would you think...? Forget that the phone's a phone. Think of it as a safe, and the FBI needs to get into Syed Farook's safe. The safe is in Syed Farook's house, but they can't crack the safe. Every time they try to move the combination, the safe doubles down and locks even further, so they go to the safe manufacturer, "You need to get us the combination to unlock that safe." The manufacturer says, "We didn't set the combination, the customer did."

They don't have it.

"We know you can get into it, and we want you to get into it. We know you have a way to unlock every damn lock you've got, combination or not. So get in there and do it!" "

Well, well, well, well, we don't. The customer sets the lock and the combination and we..."

large"We know that you can do it. You better do it! And while you're at it, we want the combination for every safe you've ever made." In other words: "We at the FBI want to be able to open any safe you have ever made." How many of you would go for that? Just change the device but leave the circumstances the same. A phone is very personal, but so is a safe. But most people would say, "No way!" They'd say, "You can't get into the safe? Fine and dandy. Fine."

But no way would you support the government being able to tell the manufacturer to give them a way to unlock every safe they've ever made, which is what's being asked here; I don't care what anybody says. Because it's very simple. I heard somebody on TV today say, "The search warrant! The search warrant is all they have." It's not a search warrant, because what the FBI is doing is asking Apple to make something that doesn't exist: A backdoor into every device.

It doesn't exist. A law enforcement backdoor. Let me explain what this is. You have your phone. You have your passcode. You have your fingerprint if that's what you use. But unbeknownst to you, if you go out and rob a 7-Eleven like the Gentle Giant, and you're walking down the street and a cop comes along, and they need your phone to figure out what happened, what the FBI wants is a secret way that only they know to unlock your phone in ways you don't know exist so they can get in there and find out anything they want.

That's what they want Apple to build. And Apple is saying if you make us build that, and you say you want it for just this phone, the fact is we've built it, it exists, and you're gonna have it, and you're gonna share it with every other law enforcement unit that wants it. And before we're finished, a million people are gonna have access to this back door you want for just this one phone. And then somebody in law enforcement's gonna sell it to a criminal family member, I mean nobody's clean and pure as the wind-driven snow, and before you know it access to this back door is gonna be had by a lot of people. Even though it started out we only want to make it available for this one phone.

But once you make it, you make it. Once you create a secret way into every phone that you make, you've created a secret way. You can't just create a secret way into one. The secret way into one phone is that person's passcode. A secret way into every phone would be irrespective of what anybody's passcode is. There's another way in. You can't tailor it to device by device or chip to chip. You make it or you don't.

I mean, the same government, ladies and gentlemen, that had no clue how to easily gain access to Syed Farouk's iPhone, there were two ways they could have gotten in if they had the slightest idea what they were doing. The same people that want to trust that they can create a back door into all of these phones to access information, but only the FBI will use it in criminal purposes. The same government that can't figure out what to do about Hillary Clinton's illegal e-mail server in which top secret information was being trafficked all over who knows where. Speaking of hacks, who knows who got what off of Hillary Clinton's e-mail server. And it goes on.

originalNow, it's more intricate than that. You can take this into whatever level of detail you want. You can go there legally. You can go there technologically by explaining various aspects of the devices and how they work and how they're designed and what the marketing purpose is of all this security and how Apple benefits, how you benefit, how customers benefit from it. But you really end up just being distracted when you go deep, because it's not that complicated what's at stake here. It's not that complicated what's being asked, and it's not that complicated what is being defended.

There's this thing called the All Writs Act. It's a 200-year-old statute that basically allows the government to go to businesses and say, "You need to help us in extreme circumstances in finding bad guys, weeding out criminality." But it has never been used to force a company to make whatever it makes weaker, more vulnerable, which is what is being asked here of Apple. It's never been used that way. But, see, on the other hand I know Apple's gonna lose this. I'm gonna lose this, Apple's gonna lose this, because over here we have a terrorist phone, we have the United States government, we have a massive PR machine, Barack Hussein Obama and all that going out and everybody on TV, the Democrats and the DOJ.

We've already got people worried sick about terrorists infiltrating the country, they're here, we know they're here because of Syed Farouk Skyhook and so forth. And the FBI, "That phone, it's a key, it is a key to finding out maybe what else they had planned. It's a key to finding out who else knew what was going on. We can't afford not to get that information. That information is more important than any civil right or any civil liberty."

And there will be people that will fall for it. I know how this is gonna end up going. In 30 states Apple has protesters in the streets for them. But just like I know that Bernie is not gonna be the nominee, I know how this is gonna turn out, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating to me.


RUSH: Here's Don in Chicago. Don, great to have you in the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Rush, there's teenage kids in Third World countries all over the world hacking into the most secure computers in the United States, whether it be the Department of Defense, the CIA, even the White House, and I'm kind of embarrassed that the FBI has to even ask for help. Where are the big brains that we hire working for all these government agencies? This is incompetence on display once again.

RUSH: Okay, wait. Let's start at the beginning here. I know that there are all kinds of people trying to hack into all of these things you mention and that there are teenagers, but what do you actually know about successful hacks? I know the ChiComs have probably successfully hacked Hillary's server. But Hillary's isn't protected. I mean, Hillary's server's probably been hacked by who knows who. But you said the DOD and others like the Pentagon and so forth. What evidence do you have that they have successfully been hacked?

CALLER: They've admitted it. The CIA admitted that their computers were hacked. The White House even admitted that their computers were hacked, what kind of information they got. But that's my point. You've got these kids that are out there, and somehow or another they've got the brain power to do things that nobody else seems to be able to do, and we don't have the brain power to stop.

RUSH: Wait. There's one thing about all those. Those are all connected to a network somehow, somewhere. None of those systems that you're talking about -- well, none of the systems hacked are air gapped, but an iPhone that's powered down, an iPhone that's not unlocked may not even be connected to a network, meaning nobody can get into it without having physical access to it.

CALLER: Rush, an engineer built it; there's gotta be engineers that can reverse that technology and figure out a way. We went to the moon, Rush. I mean, for the FBI to admit that they are incompetent to the point they can't take a problem and solve it and then publicly let us know about it, it doesn't give me a lot of confidence in our law enforcement agencies.

RUSH: Well, how about this. How about maybe this is all just a giant smoke screen. Maybe the FBI's already in that phone, they've got everything off of it they want, and they're just lying about it and trying to make everybody think they can't get in, when as you say they could crack anything. And all of this is smoke and mirrors to try to distract people or make them feel a little bit more comfortable than they should be, a little bit more secure than they really are, that the FBI's been in and deponent what they want out of that phone and are gone and are now using the data somewhere?

CALLER: I thought about that, but then I thought about this administration. And I thought no, no, it's incompetence.

RUSH: Okay. So here we are. This is Don in Chicago who believes that somewhere out there, either a designer of the software at Apple, a designer of the hardware at Apple, an engineer somewhere, we've been to the moon. Don't tell him we can't get in this freaking phone. I don't believe it. We're the United States of America! We found Osama Bin Laden! We can't get into an iPhone 5c, an actual cheap piece of whatever phone compared to what kinds you could buy, are you kidding me? That's what Don's saying.

And then saying but he believes it because this is a bunch of incompetent boobs at the Obama Regime, unable to get in. They clearly are sending the signal they can't crack your phones. Whatever else is going on, they are telegraphing that. They can't get in unless Apple helps 'em. They cannot get in there unless you, the owner, or Apple helps 'em get in. And a lot of people are shocked, like old Don here, at that.

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