Author Topic: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him  (Read 2339 times)

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GOP frontrunner Donald Trump slammed Fox News and the broader Rupert Murdoch empire for its open adoration of donor-class favorite Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) . As Breitbart News has previously reported, Rubio has been Congress’s biggest champion of Rupert Murdoch’s open borders advocacy efforts. Trump explained that Fox News has “protected” Rubio — constantly buoying his campaign, even as he has continued to perform dismally.

“They’re in love with Rubio. Why? I have no idea, but they’re in love with Rubio,” Trump declared on Thursday’s program of Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM Patriot 125.

“They are in love with Rubio and it’s amazing to me,” Trump said.

Perhaps further delineating the chasm between the media’s portrayal of Rubio and his actual performance, Trump has previously described Rubio as “a choke artist… And we can’t have that as a president can we?” Trump explained that, under pressure from Chris Christie, Rubio could not stop sweating during his televised debate meltdown. “I was standing next to Rubio and I thought he just got out of a swimming pool” Trump said.

Yet Trump pointed out that Fox has gone to great lengths to “protect” Rubio. “After he [Rubio] cratered in the debate, they protected him,” Trump said.

Indeed, prominent conservatives have noted the Rupert Murdoch empire has gone to great lengths to boost Rubio’s campaign. As conservative columnist and best-selling author Ann Coulter has noted, “Rupert Murdoch enterprise… is implacably pro-open borders, pro-amnesty and, consequently, anti-Trump.”

As Breitbart News has previously reported, Rupert Murdoch serves as the co-chair of the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE)—arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in the country. Via his lobbying firm, Murdoch endorsed Rubio’s 2013 border opening amnesty bill, which would have doubled the annual admission of foreign workers and would have dispensed 33 million green cards to foreign nationals in the span of a single decade.

Rubio’s 2013 bill would have permanently resettled a population of new immigrants that is seven times larger than the entire population of South Carolina.

Via his lobbying firm, Murdoch also endorsed Rubio’s 2015 immigration expansion bill, which would have allowed for unlimited Muslim migration into the United States.

Murdoch similarly joined executives at Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Citigroup in urging Congress to fast-track President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which Rubio said would be a central “pillar” of his hoped-for Presidency.

As Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told The New Yorker‘s Ryan Lizza, Murdoch’s organization was essential to ushering through the Senate Rubio’s bill to open America’s borders. Lizza wrote:

    McCain told me, ‘Rupert Murdoch is a strong supporter of immigration reform, and Roger Ailes is, too.’ Murdoch is the chairman and C.E.O. of News Corp., which owns Fox, and Ailes is Fox News’s president. McCain said that he, [Lindsey] Graham, [Marco] Rubio, and others also have talked privately to top hosts at Fox, including Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Neil Cavuto… “God bless Fox,” Graham said. “Last time [i.e. during the 2007 immigration push], it was ‘amnesty’ every fifteen seconds.” He said that the change was important for his reelection, because ‘eighty per cent of people in my primary get their news from Fox.’ He added that the network has ‘allowed critics to come forward, but it’s been so much better.’

As such, Trump’s candidacy — which has pledged to secure the nation’s borders, pause Muslim migration, and stop one-sided globalist trade deals — seems to represent a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders. Indeed, Murdoch’s lobbying firm has even promulgating material directly attacking Trump’s position on immigration moderation.

Trump’s most recent attack on Murdoch comes after a Wall Street Journal poll suggested that Trump was in second place — despite polls from CBS and Reuters, which show Trump maintains a strong lead as the frontrunner. “You know Wall Street Journal – Rupert Murdoch hit,” Trump explained.

The editorial board of Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal is — like Murdoch — decidedly open borders. In 1984, the WSJ editorial board wrote, “If Washington still wants to ‘do something’ about immigration, we propose a five-word constitutional amendment: There shall be open borders.”

Murdoch and his organization’s championing of open borders places them far outside the mainstream of Republican voters. More than 9 in 10 Republican voters oppose the immigration policies pushed by Murdoch, Rubio, and The Wall Street Journal editorial board. Additionally, only 11 percent of GOP voters think so-called “free trade” deals will improve wages. By a nearly five-to-one margin, Republican voters believe these trade deals championed by Rubio, Murdoch, and the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal will reduce wages rather than raise them.

In today’s interview, Trump also called out specific pundits who seem to play favorites: “Megyn Kelly is very biased,” Trump continued.

Indeed, on the night of the New Hampshire primary, as reports emerged in indicating that Rubio’s campaign had crashed the Granite State, Megyn Kelly seemed to try to frame Rubio’s dismal fifth place finish as a “nail-biter” race to third:

    It has been an all-out nail-biter between @tedcruz, @JebBush and @marcorubio to figure out who’s placing in the third position. #NHPrimary

    — Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) February 10, 2016

Moreover, when interviewing Rubio prior to his now-infamous debate glitch, Megyn Kelly pitched Rubio a question that seemed designed to fend off criticism of his being scripted. Kelly said: “[Chris Christie] says you’re too scripted. You are very smooth. Your acceptance – well, not acceptance [speech] – but your remarks last night were amazing. You were so articulate. There was no teleprompter. To those who say, ‘Oh he’s scripted’– is that scripted or is that just how you talk?”

Trump continued to explain that Fox’s problem was not just with Megyn Kelly, but with other members of Fox’s punditry class as well — such as Charles Krauthammer and Karl Rove.

“The worst treatment I get is from Fox,” Trump said, “Between Karl Rove — who’s a moron — between Krauthammer — he can’t say anything good no matter what… I get treated very badly there.”

Both Rove and Krauthammer have been supportive of Rubio’s border-opening immigration agenda.

In 2013, Karl Rove even began to echo Sen. Rubio’s talking point — one which Sen. Rubio continues to use to this day — that the Senate Gang of Eight bill, which would have granted citizenship — and, by extension, welfare access and voting privileges — to illegal immigrants, was “not amnesty.” Rove took to the pages of the open borders Wall Street Journal, to write: “It is also important that Republicans avoid calling a pathway to citizenship ‘amnesty.’ Amnesty is the forgiveness of wrongdoing without penalty… The current Senate bill has plenty of penalties and hurdles for those here illegally who seek citizenship.”

In a separate piece, entitled, “More white voters alone won’t save the GOP,” Rove outlines his fundamental disagreement with conservative icons like Phyllis Schlafly and Pat Buchanan: “Some observers, including Phyllis Schlafly, Pat Buchanan and the Center for Immigration Studies, argue that if Republicans want to win back the White House, they should focus on white voters (who comprised 72% of the electorate in 2012) rather than worrying about Latinos… This argument is incomplete,” Rove writes.

Similarly, in 2013 Charles Krauthammer — who has been open in suggesting that by backing Rubio’s desire to legalize the illegal population, “I support amnesty”– wrote, “Americans are a generous people. They don’t want 11 million souls living in fear among them. They would willingly, indeed overwhelmingly, support amnesty — as long as it is the last. I know many Republicans are coming over to immigration reform because of the 2012 election results. Fine. I’ve been advocating this for seven years (“First a wall — then amnesty,” April 7, 2006). Welcome aboard… but remember: Enforcement followed by legalization is not just the political thing to do. It is the right thing to do.”

As Breitbart News has previously reported, the Rupert Murdoch empire and corporate media’s backing of Rubio has demonstrated its ability to change the political rules to favor the donor-class candidate. By normal standards, given Rubio’s 3rd place finish in Iowa and 5th place finish in New Hampshire, at this point he would largely be discounted from the race.

As Vox recently noted in a piece entitled, “Finishing 2nd in New Hampshire Has Been Mandatory To Be President:” “In the past 60 years, no eventual nominee finished worse than second in New Hampshire. (Note: Two weren’t in the race when the New Hampshire primary happened — Hubert Humphrey in 1968 and Estes Kefauver in 1952.)”

However, given Rubio’s enormous backing from Party donors and corporate media, the normal political rules do not seem to apply to Sen. Rubio. FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver has explained how the Establishment can draw out the race and change the rules to pick its favored nominee. Silver has observed that the Party establishment’s candidate may be the beneficiary of “a lot of second and third chances” because the Party holds the “power to set the rules of engagement and strategically encourage winnowing of the field.”

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 07:25:21 pm »
The loudmouthed bully never stops whining.  Guess his followers are of the same ilk.


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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2016, 07:29:52 pm »
The Anti-Trump Network: Fox News Money Flows into Open Borders Group

Trump has shined a spotlight on one of Washington’s best kept secrets: namely, Fox’s role via its founder Rupert Murdoch in pushing an open borders agenda. The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders. Well-concealed from virtually all reporting on Fox’s treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the most powerful immigration lobbying firms in country, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE).

In addition to blanketing the country, media, and politicians with literature, advertisements, and a barrage of lobbyists pushing for open border immigration policies, the Partnership for A New American Economy (PNAE) was a prime lobbyist for one of the biggest open borders pushes in American history: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)’s 2013 Gang of Eight immigration bill.

While Donald Trump has pledged to deport those illegally residing in the country and temporarily pause Muslim migration, Rubio’s immigration bill would have granted immediate amnesty and eventual citizenship to millions of illegal aliens, it would have doubled the annual admission of foreign workers, and it would have dispensed 33 million green cards to foreign nationals in the span of a single decade despite current record immigration levels.

While Megyn Kelly made headlines with her heated questioning of Donald Trump, not one of the Fox News anchors asked Rubio in the first Fox News debate about his signature piece of legislation, which Murdoch’s immigration lobbying firm had endorsed. Instead, they lobbed Rubio a series of softballs, such as asking Rubio if he could put God and veterans in the same sentence.

Interestingly, Bill Sammon — FOX News’s vice president of News and Washington managing editor —  is the father of Brooke Sammon, who is Rubio’s press secretary.

As Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza back in 2013, Fox News was essential to the Rubio-Schumer effort to expand immigration levels beyond all known historical precedent. As Lizza wrote at the time:

    McCain told me, “Rupert Murdoch is a strong supporter of immigration reform, and Roger Ailes is, too.” Murdoch is the chairman and C.E.O. of News Corp., which owns Fox, and Ailes is Fox News’s president. McCain said that he, [Lindsey] Graham, [Marco] Rubio, and others also have talked privately to top hosts at Fox, including Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Neil Cavuto… “God bless Fox,” Graham said. “Last time [i.e. during the 2007 immigration push], it was ‘amnesty’ every fifteen seconds.” He said that the change was important for his reelection, because “eighty per cent of people in my primary get their news from Fox.” He added that the network has “allowed critics to come forward, but it’s been so much better.”

Murdoch’s support of open borders immigration policies has been identified as a potential conflict of interest for years. As ABC reported in 2013:

    Murdoch, Australian born and a naturalized U.S. citizen, has become an outspoken advocate for immigration reform and mass legalization of the country’s undocumented immigrants, partnering with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in this cause. Whether Murdoch’s personal views will percolate through his network, or at least temper criticism on the airwaves of those who don’t share it, remains to be seen.

In 2013, during the Rubio-Schumer Gang of Eight push, Mickey Kaus similarly pointed out:

    In 2007, John McCain’s “comprehensive” immigrant-legalization bill failed after opponents flooded the Senate with calls, shutting down the switchboard… It won’t be that easy this time… The GOP donor class is asserting itself… One of the more influential members of this “donorist” class is Rupert Murdoch, which means that FOX News has for all intents and purposes switched sides, giving immigration “comprehensivists” a monopoly in the MSM–five networks to none.

Indeed, Murdoch has himself expressed his support for large-scale immigration. In a 2014 op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal’s open borders opinion pages, titled, “Immigration Reform Can’t Wait,” Murdoch wrote:

    When I learned that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor had lost his Republican primary, my heart sank. Not simply because I think he is an intelligent and talented member of Congress, or because I worry about the future of the Republican Party. Like others who want comprehensive immigration reform, I worried that Mr. Cantor’s loss would be misconstrued and make Congress reluctant to tackle this urgent need. That would be the wrong lesson and an undesirable national consequence of this single, local election result.

In his Wall Street Journal op-ed, Murdoch echoed Rubio’s position on granting citizenship to illegal immigrants. Murdoch wrote, “We need to give those individuals who are already here… a path to citizenship.” Murdoch even decried Americans who opposed amnesty as, “nativists who scream about amnesty” — a statement which is perhaps even more significant given the fact that Murdoch is himself a beneficiary of the nation’s generous immigration policy.

Murdoch praised President Obama for showing “wise restraint” on immigration, even though, at the time of Murdoch’s writing, Obama had already implemented his first unconstitutional executive amnesty, giving away American jobs to illegal aliens — including the jobs of black Americans whose have suffered some of the greatest harms from mass immigration.

When asked about the president’s unconstitutional 2012 executive amnesty, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals [DACA], Marco Rubio has said that, if he is elected president, he “wouldn’t undo it immediately.” This was another statement of Rubio’s which the Fox News anchors utterly failed to probe in their first debate to which they came loaded with questions for Trump, who — unlike Rubio — had not pushed an immigration plan backed by the network’s founder.

Murdoch also called for an unlimited number of foreign workers to fill coveted tech jobs through the H-1B visa program, which experts have described as an “indentured servitude” program:

    We need to do away with the cap on H-1B visas, which is arbitrary and results in U.S. companies struggling to find the high-skill workers they need to continue growing. We already know that most of the applications for these visas are for computer programmers and engineers, where there is a shortage of qualified American candidates.

Contrary to Mr. Murdoch’s assertions, there are more than 11 million Americans with degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) who lack employment in these fields, and U.S. schools are graduating two times more students with STEM degrees than are annually finding employment in these fields.

Here again is another undisclosed conflict of interest from Fox News. Sen. Rubio introduced legislation last year — the Immigration Innovation Act — which would have tripled H-1B visa issuances. This legislation was endorsed by Murdoch via the Partnership for a New American Economy, on whose board also sits Disney CEO Bob Iger.

Though, once again, Rubio was not questioned about the legislation by Megyn Kelly and her fellow Fox News hosts, scores of American workers in Florida Disney were terminated and forced to undergo the humiliation of training their lower-paid foreign replacements, now the subject of a lawsuit against Disney.

Mickey Kaus has long documented Fox News’s coverage of the immigration issue. As Kaus explained last year, Fox News — perhaps recognizing how at-odds its views of open borders are with its viewership (one Fox News poll reveals that Americans by a 2-to-1 margin want to see visa issuances reduced) — implemented an “immigration tamp-down,” blocking out coverage of key immigration fights in Washington D.C.

Kaus analyzed “a list of the lead story each day on Megyn Kelly’s ‘Kelly File’ show from January 14 (the day the House sent the Senate a DHS bill with a ‘rider’ blocking Obama’s amnesty) until March 3, the day the House finally caved and passed a ‘clean’ DHS bill,” and he ultimately found that immigration was not the lead story once. [See list here].

Instead, Kaus writes, “immigration was discussed as the underlying issue in the funding fight only 6 times over the whole 34 show period — and only 3 times in the crucial 20 show period that followed the Senate Dems’ initial filibuster of the Republican DHS proposal.”

Conservative columnist and best-selling author Ann Coulter has criticized the media’s fixation on ISIS to the exclusion of immigration, considering that the only way that ISIS terrorists will be able to personally carry out attacks against American citizens on American soil is if our immigration system allows them into the country.

The way media bias on immigration often manifests itself is not simply in what media outlets and anchors do cover (i.e. focusing on the needs of illegal immigrants rather than Americans), but what the don’t cover.

As any casual viewer of Fox News would observe, one sees scant to any coverage at all on the record-setting, foreign-born population inside the United States; nor coverage of census findings that immigration is about to surpass all historical records; nor stories on the total number of immigrants allowed into the country each year and the strain this number puts on education, the economy, the welfare states and the profound changes to U.S. culture. By not covering these issues in any real depth, it helps clear the way for the enactment of the Murdoch-backed immigration agenda — bringing in the New American Century hoped for by Rupert Murdoch, Marco Rubio, and Barack Obama.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 07:31:43 pm by HAPPY2BME »

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2016, 07:34:49 pm »
The loudmouthed bully never stops whining.  Guess his followers are of the same ilk.

MSNBC is in the tank for Trump, yet he bellyaches about FOXNEWS.  Doing Sean Hannity's show for an hour every month is not enough for him.

Big baby.

Trump never said a word about immigration until June of last year when he declared. Immigration is boob bait and he knows it.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2016, 07:34:53 pm »
The loudmouthed bully never stops whining.  Guess his followers are of the same ilk.


If you take the 'h' out of 'whining' and add another 'n' you get 'WINNING.'

« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 07:35:49 pm by HAPPY2BME »

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 07:40:13 pm »
BOOM: Donald Trump Announces 5-Point Plan about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION!

The liberal media and his primary opponents have falsely accused Donald Trump of not having specific policy plans.

But conservative Donald Trump just announced his bold, aggressive plan to secure the border. The 5 points are very specific, and would turn the tide against two terms of President Barack Obama’s amnesty agenda!

He is focused on the 14th Amendment, which falsely grants citizenship to babies born in America of illegal aliens. He wants to change that, and has 5 ideas on how to secure the border.

Here are Donald Trump’s 5 points about illegal immigration. This changes everything….

1) Build a fence, deploy 25,000 additional border agents, utilize Predator drones

Trump said there has been “mediocre success rates of the current crop of virtual fences that have been developed and tested.” However, large fences have been successful in various parts of Arizona. That’s why America needs a large border fence and more agents to stop the endless flood of alien criminals who cross everyday.

2) Enforce immigration law

There are strict immigration laws already in place. Sadly, America doesn’t have a President willing to enforce them. As Trump opined, “This wholesale abdication of a president’s constitutional duties is as shocking as it is foolish,” he wrote of Obama’s actions. “It’s political pandering of the worst kind.”

3) No more cozy detention centers

These centers are basically vacation resorts for illegal aliens. They are shameful. Illegal aliens should be deported now!

4) Oppose “DREAM Act”

    In his book, Trump said he opposes the so-called DREAM Act, and he lambasted sections which grant in-state tuition benefits at public colleges and universities, resulting in a situation where illegals may pay less that out of state U.S. citizens. He did not offer any suggestions in the book about deporting illegal aliens.However, he has since advocated the deportation of illegal aliens, while allowing some back into the country through an expedited process.On CNN New Day’s with Dana Bash, Trump stated, “I would get people out, and I would have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so that they can be legal,” adding the “bad dudes,” such as criminal illegals, would not be allowed in. Asked about the so-called DREAMers, Trump stated, “On a humanitarian basis, you have a lot of deep thought going into this, believe me.

    “I actually have a big heart, a lot of people don’t understand that. The DREAMers, it’s a tough situation. One of the things is we’re going to expedite – when someone’s terrific, we want them back here. But they have to be legal.”

    When Bash pressed whether the DREAMers should be deported, Trump elaborated, “They’re with their parents, it depends. Look, it sounds cold. It sounds hard. We have a country. Our country is going to hell. We have to have a system where people are legally in our country.”

5) No future tuition benefits

Far too many American students pay more than illegal aliens, who receive generous taxpayer subsidies and lower in-state tuition rates. Trump would stop this immediately.

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2016, 07:49:02 pm »

If you take the 'h' out of 'whining' and add another 'n' you get 'WINNING.'
:laugh:  good one.

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2016, 07:54:53 pm »

If you take the 'h' out of 'whining' and add another 'n' you get 'WINNING.'

Change the first "I" and"N" to an "A" and "R".

« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 08:04:10 pm by ArneFufkin »

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2016, 08:34:03 pm »
The loudmouthed bully never stops whining.  Guess his followers are of the same ilk.

No Just WINNERS! The HATERS are so use to losing it is just natural as the RIVER??? :thud:


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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2016, 08:59:13 pm »
No Just WINNERS! The HATERS are so use to losing it is just natural as the RIVER??? :thud:


Those who will really be crying are the Progressive Republican EstablashiMINT (aka: GOPe), globalists, elitists, those profiting from illegal alien labor from Mexico, those profiting from large offshore investments (China, Mexico, South America), career Republican politicians, Hollywood, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, the Roman Catholic Pope, and the president of Mexico.

Fidel Castro won't like it either.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 09:00:28 pm by HAPPY2BME »

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2016, 09:03:04 pm »
Breitbart is definitely not a bright-bulb website.  The site's continual use of  the inane terms "open-borders" and "amnesty" to describe Republicans and conservatives says a lot more about the intelligence and motivation of the writers there than it does those it lies about.

The alleged "open-borders" group PNAE's top two goals are "Secure our borders and prevent illegal immigration through tougher enforcement and better use of technology" and "Develop a simple and secure system for employers to verify employment eligibility and hold businesses that are not compliant, or abuse visa programs, accountable for their actions"  Seems like a hell of a way of proposing open borders.  :pondering:

Then there's this on "Breit"bart:  "In 2007, John McCain’s “comprehensive” immigrant-legalization bill failed after opponents flooded the Senate with calls, shutting down the switchboard… It won’t be that easy this time… The GOP donor class is asserting itself"  I seriously doubt the author ever read the two bills in 2007.  The opponents were a relatively small group of organizations under the umbrella direction of John Tanton, a white, Europeans only advocate.  The organizations kept every crime committed by illegals in the news, while pushing articles about Hispanic low intelligence, laziness, propensity for lawlessness and yen for little more than drugs and making babies for others to care for.

The two bills represented the best deal those of us on the right will ever get out of Democrats.  Border security, biometric identification, employer enforcement, substantial changes in how we choose who can immigrate to the US, ending chain migration, and much more...all before the first green card is issued.  Those selected could not have serious crimes in their history, no gang membership, had to have jobs, could not accept welfare of any type, pass English proficiency, had to pay a series of fines and penalties and get into the back of the line.

You can dislike FoxNews, the GOP in general, some of the candidates specifically, businesses that use the free-market for employment, but when discussing immigration issues, at least pretend a semblance of honesty.
It's the Supreme Court nominations!

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2016, 05:02:55 pm »
The SC primary was an OPEN primary.  Dems voted...........for T...........
When will the republicans wake up and deny independents and democrats from voting in our primaries.

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2016, 05:20:32 pm »
How can FOX be called the anti-Trump network when Donald Trump has appeared on Fox News more than twice as much as any other candidate?

And this goes way back. Starting in early 2011, Donald Trump appeared on Fox & Friends every Monday morning for an appropriately titled segment: “Mondays With Trump.” When the relationship between the reality TV star and the morning talk show came under scrutiny, upon Trump’s entrance into the presidential race, the cable news network axed the segment.
Even now with the field shrinking, I still see Trump on FOX more than Rubio, and far more than Cruz. And Hannity goes to bat for Trump all the time, defending him when he comes under scrutiny.  But for Hannity it's not about political ideology, but more for ratings as Trump is good for his ratings.
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn


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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2016, 03:12:36 am »

Laura Ingraham Says Rubio Campaign Effectively All But Over Now That He’s Gone to War with ICE Officer

If Fox News does not cover the Crane scandal in depth—i.e. examining Rubio’s record on immigration, his lack of coordination with ICE officers, the provisions of his immigration bill as it related to criminal aliens, as well as the backroom deals that were cut with corporations and special interests groups—then questions will necessarily be asked about Rupert Murdoch’s lobbying efforts—and whether Murdoch’s conflict of interests, which has gone undisclosed thus far, has affected the network’s coverage.


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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2016, 02:22:42 pm »

Laura Ingraham Says Rubio Campaign Effectively All But Over Now That He’s Gone to War with ICE Officer

If Fox News does not cover the Crane scandal in depth—i.e. examining Rubio’s record on immigration, his lack of coordination with ICE officers, the provisions of his immigration bill as it related to criminal aliens, as well as the backroom deals that were cut with corporations and special interests groups—then questions will necessarily be asked about Rupert Murdoch’s lobbying efforts—and whether Murdoch’s conflict of interests, which has gone undisclosed thus far, has affected the network’s coverage.


This from Ms. Ingraham:  “Those sound bites from Marco Rubio,” Ingraham said, referring to a separate Rubio interview, “tell you everything you need to know about where he’s going on immigration. This is open borders, let-them-all-in, and cut a deal with the Chamber of Commerce approach to immigration… he is absolutely going to push amnesty if he’s president of the United States. I have no doubt about it. No doubt.”

This simply says the lady never read page one of the bill. 

NCSL Initial Overview | “The Border Security Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act” | S.744

Launches a comprehensive border security program that includes 3,500 additional U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers. Funding will be available for state and local law enforcement through the operation Stonegarden Program and for interoperable communication for federal, state and local law enforcement so all levels of government can communicate with each other. There is a two-year individual grant program for people to purchase satellite phones if they live or work in the Southwest border region and can show they are at an increased risk of violence because of a lack of cell service. Additionally, there is reimbursement to state and local governments for costs associated with prosecution and pretrial detention of federally initiated criminal cases declined by local U.S. Attorney’s offices.

Open borders?  :laugh:

How it might have ultimately produced a bill sent to the president will never be known since Boehner never even considered a House bill.  It was no different from 2005 when both the Republican Senate and House had separate bills, but refused a conference committee.  Hard-line Republicans can take full responsibility for where we are today on illegal immigration.
It's the Supreme Court nominations!

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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2016, 03:54:56 pm »
The loudmouthed bully never stops whining.  Guess his followers are of the same ilk.

 The problem with LIBS and Republican conservatives is they have not WON at anything. Try it you will like it? 88finger point


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Re: Donald Trump: Fox News Is ‘In Love’ with Marco Rubio, They Protect Him
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2016, 09:23:42 pm »

Monica Crowley predicts GOP establishment is on precipice of complete obliteration

Fox News Contributor Monica Crowley revealed her thoughts on why the GOP establishment does not want Donald Trump or Ted Cruz to win the Republican nomination.

They hate Ted Cruz,” Crowley said in an appearance on “Hannity” Tuesday. “But they fear Donald Trump. They want neither one to win the nomination because the truth is the establishment cannot control them.”

Crowley said the GOP establishment is in a “desperate mode” to try to stop the two candidates because if either Trump or Cruz becomes president, “the establishment is done, it’s over.” They would effectively lose power as “the control over everything will revert to the sitting president over whom the establishment has no control,” she added.

As for the establishment rallying behind one candidate in an effort to weaken another, Crowley believed any endorsement from the GOP at this point would hurt a candidate because the campaigns are “at a point of diminishing returns.”

The more establishment support any one of these candidates gets” in the current election climate, said Crowley, “the more their numbers are driven down.”