Author Topic: Obama Hates People Politicizing His Skipping Scalia's Funeral  (Read 201 times)

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Obama Hates People Politicizing His Skipping Scalia's Funeral
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:51:50 pm »
Obama Hates People Politicizing His Skipping Scalia's Funeral
February 21, 2016

Daniel Greenfield

So Obama spent 2 minutes at Justice Scalia's memorial service.

    The Obamas spent approximately 35 seconds in front of the casket and then approximately 67 seconds in front of the portrait of Scalia


According to White House Spokestroll Josh Earnest, Biden was a better choice to go to the funeral because he had a "personal relationship" with Scalia and also a lighter "security footprint".

Obama seems to manage to go to a whole lot of places with his security footprint and the funeral had Joe Biden, Senator Ted Cruz and numerous important political figures there. So it's a safe bet that it was secure.

Earnest spewed a baffling word salad in which he claimed that, "given the President’s desire to find a respectful way to pay tribute to Justice Scalia’s service to the country, we believe we have settled on an appropriate and respectful arrangement."

That's the definition of circular nonsense. Obama chose to skip the funeral. He popped in and out of the memorial service spending as little time there as he could. But then Earnest got on his hilarious high horse about people politicizing the funeral.

    "There’s so much rancor and politics and partisanship that we allow ourselves to get drawn into different corners to the extent that some people actually want to use the funeral of a Supreme Court justice as some sort of political cudgel.  The President doesn’t think that that’s appropriate.  And in fact, what the President thinks is appropriate is respectfully paying tribute to high-profile, patriotic American citizens even when you don’t agree on all the issues.  And that’s what he’s going to do."

For 2 minutes. While skipping their funeral.

But Obama thinks you're all behaving badly by pointing out that he isn't even bothering to pay basic respects to the man whose body was still warm when he began fighting to replace him.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 03:52:35 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Obama Hates People Politicizing His Skipping Scalia's Funeral
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 04:00:23 pm »
Obama won’t go to Scalia’s funeral. Here are funerals he has — and hasn’t — attended.

Obama attended Scalia’s wake, but here’s the part that will OUTRAGE you

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama paid less than two minutes of respect to the late Antonin Scalia while the Justice lies in repose at the Supreme Court.

Friday, the Obamas spent approximately 35 seconds in front of the casket and then approximately 67 seconds in front of the portrait of Scalia.

According to the White House pool report, Obama spent approximately 15 minutes in another room “meeting with others.”

Obama never seems to stop complaining about the partisan divide we see today – but he doesn’t seem to realize that his actions are causing it.