Author Topic: Nikki Haley Punked The Bushes BACKROOM DEAL BEHIND “FIRST IN THE SOUTH” ENDORSEMENT? S.C. governor Nikki Haley has a long and storied history of not shooting people straight … but she may have told her biggest whopper yet during this year’s quadrennial “  (Read 1664 times)

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Nikki Haley Punked The Bushes

S.C. governor Nikki Haley has a long and storied history of not shooting people straight … but she may have told her biggest whopper yet during this year’s quadrennial “First in the South” presidential primary.

According to multiple sources familiar with the situation, Haley told former Florida governor Jeb Bush, former U.S. president George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush earlier this week that she had no plans to endorse anyone in the Palmetto State’s pivotal “Republican” primary election this week.

Obviously things changed … with Haley endorsing Bush’s arch-rival and chief competition for the GOP establishment vote, Marco Rubio.

Needless to say Bush’s campaign was caught completely off guard by Haley’s endorsement – which appears to have been by design.

“She specifically told them she was not endorsing Rubio because she believed he lacked the experience for the job,” a source close to Jeb Bush’s campaign told us.

Another source close to the campaign confirmed this account … and said Haley even pointed the Bushes to media coverage of her “unlikeliness” to endorse as evidence of her sincerity.


“She indicated the day before (endorsing Rubio) that she wouldn’t endorse,” the source said, referring to a conversation involving Haley and the former president and first lady.

Both of these pro-Bush sources tell us a deal was cut between Haley and the national “Republican” establishment – possibly involving the chairmanship of the Republican Governors’ Association (RGA), a job Haley has been coveting.

According to these sources, this backroom deal was part of an effort to finish Bush off in South Carolina so that Rubio could emerge as the status quo’s unrivaled champion in the quest to vanquish the insurgent, anti-establishment campaigns of Donald Trump and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

You know … the campaigns whose supporters Haley wants to silence …

Judging by the latest aggregate South Carolina polling from RealClearPolitics, Bush’s collapse was happening already … it didn’t really need a push from Haley.

But the new Rubio alliance with the D.C. GOP establishment apparently wanted nothing left to chance …

This website is obviously no fan of the Bushes … but it certainly appears they were the victims of deliberate political sabotage.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 05:51:48 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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In other words, Rubio was on the verge of surpassing Cruz – who has slipped from 22 percent to 17.8 percent in the Palmetto State – for second place at the time of Haley’s endorsement.

Nikki Haley Endorses “Republican” Establishment … Again


A day after saying she might not endorse in the 2016 “First in the South” presidential primary – S.C. governor Nikki Haley jumped aboard the campaign of establishment favorite U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, embracing a candidate she previously blasted for his support of amnesty for illegal immigrants.

“Marco Rubio believes in amnesty, which I don’t,” Haley said last month.

Hmmmm …

Is that true, though?

Haley’s endorsement came on the heels of her office being sued for funding a controversial refugee resettlement program in Spartanburg, S.C. (one which includes Syrian refugees).

Haley’s scandal-scarred welfare agency has been running this program over the objections of the state’s GOP-controlled legislature – which explicitly barred her from expending funds on the refugee resettlements without approval from local governments.

Haley has received no such approval … yet her agency is funding the program anyway.

Seems to us like she supports amnesty every bit as much as Rubio does …

Anyway, this marks the second presidential cycle in which Haley has chosen the GOP candidate residing at the far left end of the party’s political spectrum – although she waited till the bitter end to do it this time.

Of course given her repeated attacks against GOP frontrunner Donald Trump – and to a lesser extent U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas – she really had nowhere else to go in the current election cycle.

Which was probably a bitter pill for her to swallow under the circumstances.

Four years ago, Haley endorsed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney – which proved to be a “kiss of death” to the establishment politician’s South Carolina candidacy.  At the time she backed Romney, Haley was at her nadir – polling at just over 52 percent among “Republican” voters.  She has since rehabilitated her standing with the GOP electorate – although it remains to be seen whether her backing will help Rubio continue his recent uptick in the Palmetto State.

Haley was reportedly planning on endorsing Rubio eleven days ago – part of an alleged quid pro quo with party leaders in Washington, D.C. – but backed out after he faltered in a debate in New Hampshire.

Apparently Rubio’s recent ascent in the polls in South Carolina convinced her the gamble was worth it (or at least her advisor, Rubio SuperPAC pollster Jon Lerner, convinced her it was worth it).

Rubio was polling at 16 percent in the “First in the South” primary at the time of Haley’s endorsement – climbing from 11.5 percent earlier this month according to the latest aggregate polling data from RealClearPolitics.

In other words, Rubio was on the verge of surpassing Cruz – who has slipped from 22 percent to 17.8 percent in the Palmetto State – for second place at the time of Haley’s endorsement.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 05:49:28 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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Your link contains malware which is typical of most of your posts. :chairbang:
Be careful clicking on link to this site "fitsnews".


U R the observant 1, R U KNOT?

To The People Who Are Attacking This Website

Dear Hackers,

I have no idea who you are – and probably never will.  Nor do I know who paid you … or how much it was worth.  Or on whose behalf you got paid.

What I do know is you masked your multi-layered (and ongoing) “injection” attack against this website exceedingly well – using computers in faraway China, Eastern Europe, India and Japan to do your dirty work for you.

Impressive …

Your cyber assault has been extremely successful, too, dear hackers.  It has completely shut my website down in some cases, while in other cases it has littered viewers’ screens with bold, flashing warnings alleging that was infected with “malware” (and that visiting our pages would infect their computers, too).

Take a look …

FITSNews has been hit with cyber attacks before, but never anything like this.  In fact your attack has been so successful other websites are writing articles about it.

… but you hackers know that.

Your attack was (is) all about viewer suppression – scaring people away from visiting FITSNews.

It’s also all about censorship – making it difficult-to-impossible for people to view the content on FITSNews.

Mission accomplished …

In years past, an attack like this would have made me incredibly angry at you hackers.  Raging mad, even.  More likely than not, I would have taken to social media and vowed to “find out who did this to me” – maybe even promised retribution via the business end of my Buster Posey model Louisville slugger.


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We think the link is safe…

FITS woes: SC politico site hacked, founder claims political sabotage

With the South Carolina GOP primary winding down to its final days, a widely-read South Carolina based political website has crashed, and the founder and chief writer for the site is claiming it’s due to political sabotage.

Visitors to, a political website founded by Will Folks more than 10 years ago, began seeing messages Wednesday afternoon that the site had been overridden by malware. (Typically here we’d provide a link to the site we’re referencing, but, you know, malware.) On his twitter account, Folks claimed the corrupted website was due to an attack. “Week before the #SCPrimary. Unreal. Somebody spent A LOT of money to hit us w/ everything they had,” Folks tweeted.

The disappearance of the site has prompted a conversation on social media about which campaign, if any, is responsible for the attack on the site. Folks has not publicly stated where he believes the fault lies.


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I just have to say that the irony is rich here, Google is indicating that is a "dangerous" web site!   :silly:


What is REAL here is that:

#1: is NOT infected

#2: an ENTITY with very substantial monetary means has gone through great lengths to 'shadow' link in google searches as 'a dangerous site'

#3:  the same ENTITY that is doing this is intentionally trying to CENSOR what is really going on between Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio, and Jeb Bush.


  • Guest
We think the link is safe…

FITS woes: SC politico site hacked, founder claims political sabotage

With the South Carolina GOP primary winding down to its final days, a widely-read South Carolina based political website has crashed, and the founder and chief writer for the site is claiming it’s due to political sabotage.

Visitors to, a political website founded by Will Folks more than 10 years ago, began seeing messages Wednesday afternoon that the site had been overridden by malware. (Typically here we’d provide a link to the site we’re referencing, but, you know, malware.) On his twitter account, Folks claimed the corrupted website was due to an attack. “Week before the #SCPrimary. Unreal. Somebody spent A LOT of money to hit us w/ everything they had,” Folks tweeted.

The disappearance of the site has prompted a conversation on social media about which campaign, if any, is responsible for the attack on the site. Folks has not publicly stated where he believes the fault lies.

Malware attacks are cheap, not expensive.