Author Topic: 'El Papa' embraces Raul Castro but calls Donald Trump anti-Christian!  (Read 277 times)

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"El Papa" just visited Cuba. He hugged and embraced Raul Castro, a man who has executed priests, harassed religious leaders and closed Christian schools years ago. Did he call the Castro brothers UnChristian?

February 19, 2016

Last Sunday, Pope Francis was in Mexico visiting sick children in hospitals. It was amazing to watch him holding the little kids and praying with their mothers. As a Catholic, I was so proud of "El Papa".

That was "El Papa" being "El Papa" or the religious leader of my faith. He was reaching out to kids and their mothers and giving them some hope.

As he left Mexico, Pope Francis made a terrible mistake by saying that Donald Trump is not a Christian. I am not sure if he was answering a question or speaking at a meeting. He had finished a mass on the El Paso-Ciudad Juarez border. 

First, "El Papa" should stay away from presidential elections, here, there, and everywhere. 

Second, The Vatican is one gigantic place surrounded by walls. 

Third, is a border now Unchristian? How did we get to the point that defending borders and promoting legal immigration is now inhumane?

Fourth, "El Papa" has given Mr Trump a huge gift. I am not a Trump supporter but I believe that the U.S. has every right to protect or defend its borders. I don't know whether building a wall from Laredo to San Diego is the best answer. However, it may work in some isolated regions currently used by cartels to bring drugs and people.

Last, but not least, "El Papa" just visited Cuba. He hugged and embraced Raul Castro, a man who has executed priests, harassed religious leaders and closed Christian schools years ago. Did he call the Castro brothers UnChristian?

Pope Francis is a good man but he needs a few people around him to protect him from himself.