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« on: February 17, 2016, 06:37:20 pm »
The word "TrusTED" decorates the campaign bus in which Senator Ted Cruz travels America to spread the message of why he should be President of the United States. It's clever.

It’s okay to trust someone provided you know what is in the package that comes with him and approve of both... the candidate and the baggage on the bus.

Before you trust Ted Cruz with the fate of your nation, there are some things you need to know. They aren’t the obvious things about which I’ve already written... the fact that Cruz is not a natural-born American because his father was a Cuban citizen at the time of Ted’s birth, for example.

I’ve also written about Heidi Cruz’s affiliation with Goldman Sachs... that she’s on the Executive Committee of that organization, not just a mere employee.

For those who at one time were worried about the North American Union – the joining of Mexico, the United States and Canada into a single nation – Heidi Cruz is listed as a Task Force member by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in its Task Force Report on the Building a North American Community Committee. Mrs. Cruz totally approves of the recommendations contained in the report: Make the three nations into a single entity, same as the European Union?

When you think about it for a minute, how neat would it be for the planned North American Union to have Ted Cruz as President? Joint citizenship in the U.S. and a Canadian citizen -- who is Hispanic and can speak Spanish?

To read Heidi Cruz’s statement of support for the concept of a North American Union between Mexico, the U.S., and Canada, read Kelleigh Nelson’s article.

In the video below (within the first six minutes) you will see Donald Trump hold up one of NewsWithViews's articles written by Kelleigh Nelson.

In fact, Kelleigh has done more research into Ted Cruz and his various relationships than anyone in the media, Mainstream or Internet. If you want to know more about Cruz after reading this article, check out Kelleigh's in-depth researched articles:

1- Kelleigh Nelson

2- Kelleigh Nelson

3- Kelleigh Nelson

4- Kelleigh Nelson

5- Kelleigh Nelson

I now call Ted Cruz the CIA candidate and here's why.

It bothers me to call him that because after I met him in Denver in 2013 at a press conference after his speech to Western Conservative Conference attendees, I was thoroughly enamored with the man. He seemed a gentleman with a lot of common sense and political insight.

The other member of Cruz’s family who bothers me is his father, Raphael. I watched with great interest one of his sermons to Evangelical Christians. He is dynamite! I was very impressed with not only his charismatic public speaking talents but with his message. I researched this soon after the 2013 Denver speech because I so liked Ted Cruz. I liked what Raphael Cruz said, not just the way he said it. He words were brimming over with love, respect and enthusiasm for both God and America. That always gets my attention and support.

But then I found out that after fighting with Fidel Castro against Batista in Cuba, Raphael Cruz came to the U.S. in 1957... but he didn’t bother to become a citizen until shortly before Ted’s campaign for the U.S. Senate. If he really loves the country and thinks it is as fabulous as his enthusiastic words portray, why the 50-year delay in applying for citizenship? That bothered me. It struck me as opportunistic for him to wait until his son decided to run for the U.S. Senate to apply for citizenship. Were they planning a presidential campaign even then?

As for Ted Cruz, what did I learn about him personally that changed me from liking and respecting him – to see him as Donald Trump says he is: “a liar”? Well, there is plenty about Cruz that bothers me but it’s the Cruz luggage on the bus that I'm disclosing here.

Let’s start with the Cruz campaign manager, Chad Sweet.

It is pretty well known that Sweet served as Chief of Staff of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS). What is less known is that prior to that position Sweet was an investment banker at two firms: Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. Furthermore, he served in the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA’s) National Clandestine Service.

That comes directly from Sweet’s own biography statement.

Then, there’s the Woolsey connection.

ROBERT JAMES WOOLSEY, part of Cruz’s foreign policy advisory team, was the former Director of the CIA during the Clinton Administration.

In his book War in a Time of Peace, David Haberstam states that Bill Clinton chose Woolsey for CIA Director because the Clinton campaign courted neoconservatives leading up to the 1992 election. It was part of proving to voters that Clinton’s promise to be tougher on Taiwan, Bosnia, and human rights in China was for real. You remember. That’s when Clinton's policies were being compared to the movie, Wag the Dog, because of Bosnia mistakes.

Woolsey got the job and became the token neoconservative in the Clinton Cabinet – in the two years he served as CIA Director, Woolsey never had a private meeting with Clinton. Woolsey, A DEMOCRAT, got his BA from Stanford (Phi Beta Kappa), his MA from Oxford University (where he was a Rhodes Scholar – as was Bill Clinton) Woolsey got his law degree at Yale. He was prominent and active in the anti-Vietnam War movement.

Woolsey was CIA Director when Aldrich Ames was arrested for treason and spying against the United States and was harshly criticized for not giving more attention to the Ames leak within the CIA more quickly. Woolsey was forced to resign as CIA head when he refused to terminate anyone at the CIA for not digging Aldrich Ames out of his treasonous sewer more quickly than was done. He has served on numerous Boards and in advisory roles – and the word “Global” appears in many of the organizations with which he affiliates himself.

He is only an advisor to Cruz on foreign policy, but Woolsey is clearly a neoconservative Democrat (hawkish on foreign policy but liberal on economic and social issues). Some now equate “hawkish” in the Middle East with “nation building” and “constant ongoing wars” as a means to stimulate America’s economy. Woolsey currently is Chancellor of The Institute of World Politics.

ELLIOTT ABRAMS is also a member of the Ted Cruz Foreign Policy advisory team.

Abrams is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations – he’s a CFR leader. Like Woolsey, Abrams has a colorful past history.

Various Internet biographical sketches describe Abrams as a key figure in the Reagan administration before being convicted of charges related to Iran-Contra. He was later pardoned but his Iran-Contra involvement is a fact. Many people believe Iran-Contra was a program implemented by Vice President George H. W. Bush, not Reagan. That idea is supported by the admitted involvement of Ollie North who, when things got hot turned on the paper shredders and it is a fact that North was assigned to the Office of the Vice President (Bush), not the President (Reagan).

Those who are as old as I am remember the appointment of Lawrence Walsh as Independent Counsel to investigate Iran-Contra. Walsh prepared multiple felony counts against Abrams but never indicted him. Abrams worked with Walsh and because of his cooperation he entered a plea agreement of “guilty” to two misdemeanors of withholding information from Congress. He paid a $50 fine, was on probation for two years, and was also sentenced to 100 hours of community service.

Then we have the guy who sent the message to Iowa voters stating that Dr. Ben Carson was “returning to Florida” with a soft suggestion that those planning to vote for him should vote for Ted Cruz instead.

DAN P. GABRIEL is a former CIA covert officer. He was with counter-terrorism for 10 years, and is an expert in countering violent extremism, directing counter-insurgency operations, and counter-radicalization theory. He was a senior strategic communications advisor, consultant and strategist to the U.S. Government. He founded a company called Applied Memetics which specializes in “cultural sociosphere.” What is that, you ask? In the real world it’s called propaganda. Gabriel is a propaganda specialist. That’s what he did for the CIA and is very likely what he does for Ted Cruz.

Is there anything wrong with the above facts? If you are comfortable with a candidate for the Presidency of the United States being surrounded by what most conservatives consider a rogue U.S. Intelligence Agency, the CIA, then it will not impact your voting decision.

If you are like me and believe if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck, you will find someone else to support.

But, you may suggest, the above comments really are not about Ted Cruz. The comments are about his wife, his father, and those responsible for advising Cruz and for running his campaign.

Well, you really don’t have to be a duck for my comments to apply. If you see a bunch of ducks walking towards an objective, the chances are strong they are being led by a duck. These guys are a bunch of CIA ducks, Council on Foreign Relations ducks and are men whose feet are firmly buried in the George H.W. Bush CIA history... men who create propaganda of which the old Soviet Union could only dream.

There are so many red flags about the Cruz candidacy in the above comments it feels like May Day in Moscow.

A friend of mine from Toronto called this morning. He said Cruz was a concern to him because of his affiliation with dominionism. I decided to find out if this was true or false... and I wanted to know more about what “dominionism” is. It asks an important question: "Does Ted Cruz think he is the Messiah?"

I would suggest to all evangelical voters who support Senator Cruz because of his obvious Christian roots that they go here and read the very informative article on dominionism. If Senator Cruz and his father, Raphael, are your kind of Christians, fine. The linked article explains that historically dominionism began as an offshoot of Christian Reconstructionism, the sect founded in the 1960s by defender-of-slavery R. J. Rushdoony. Dominionists, the article says, seek to replace secular law with Biblical law.

Any Christian who believes secular law should be replaced by Biblical law may be a good Christian, but cannot, by definition, be a conservative. The most basic philosophic principle of an American Conservative is a total acceptance of the United States Constitution... very much as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (God rest his soul) defined it: Textualism and Originalism. In other words, as it was written by the Founders, meaning what the words meant at the time the Founders wrote them.

To impose Biblical law on those citizens who do not believe in God would violate their freedom of religion under the First Amendment. Agnosticism and atheism are religious beliefs, too.

Whether it is the CIA, the CFR, the North American Union, Goldman Sachs and other too big to fail investment banks, the Cruz campaign staff is filled with them. As I said: there are so many red flags here it looks like May Day in Moscow.

I guess the bottom line is this: I don’t want to replace one narcissistic President who happens to be a tyrannical liberal progressive with another narcissistic President who happens to be a tyrannical neoconservative President.

You may feel differently about the Cruz victory speech in Iowa, but before I heard of the dominionism connection I thought how arrogant he was that night. Then I read where his roommate at Harvard, Damon Watson, stated that Cruz did not want to study with anyone who had not been an undergrad at Harvard, Princeton or Yale. “He said he didn’t want anybody from ‘minor Ivies like Penn or Brown’.” Does this sound like Christian humility to you? It doesn’t to me. These are not the words of “a man of the people.”

As I said... a deep sea of red flags waving. They got my attention. I hope they get yours. And if you know a voter in South Carolina, I hope you send them this article. They vote on Saturday.


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« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2016, 06:37:36 pm »
Trump Threatens “North American Union” Scheme

Simply put, the plan is to submerge the sovereignty of the United States of America and politically integrate the U.S., Canada, and Mexico into a trilateral entity called the North American Union.

The major media won’t report on this because major Republicans and Democrats are in on it. Much of the scheme was hatched under the Republican administration of George W. Bush, but it is now being carried forward by President Obama.

It turns out that Trump has only scratched the surface of a scandal that threatens American sovereignty and would make it easier for millions more Mexicans to come into the U.S. completely legally.

As Rush Limbaugh notes, Donald Trump has indeed made illegal immigration into an issue of national debate. The liberal media and now, apparently, the chairman of the Republican Party, have objected to Trump’s comments about criminal aliens. In fact, what Trump has done is jeopardize a plan that goes way beyond mere amnesty for illegals, and which has been on the drawing board for more than a decade. Simply put, the plan is to submerge the sovereignty of the United States of America and politically integrate the U.S., Canada, and Mexico into a trilateral entity called the North American Union.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) calls it a “North American Community,” as if the corrupt culture and government of Mexico can be made to mesh with democratic systems in the U.S. and Canada. It means open borders and more criminal aliens in the U.S.

Accuracy in Media attended a conference on the topic of North American economic and political integration in 2007 which included proposals for a North American Court of Justice (with the authority to overrule a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court), a North American Trade Tribunal, and a Charter of Fundamental Human Rights for North America, also dubbed the North American Social Charter.

The major media won’t report on this because major Republicans and Democrats are in on it. Much of the scheme was hatched under the Republican administration of George W. Bush, but it is now being carried forward by President Obama.

It turns out that Trump has only scratched the surface of a scandal that threatens American sovereignty and would make it easier for millions more Mexicans to come into the U.S. completely legally.

As he takes on the media in tough interviews and holds his ground, even turning the tables on shallow liberals like CNN’s Anderson Cooper and NBC’s Katy Tur, Trump has found one fellow candidate who is sympathetic. Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said, “I think he’s terrific. I think he’s brash. I think he speaks the truth.”

But this is somewhat ironic since Cruz’s wife, Heidi, an investment banker, was a member of a Council on Foreign Relations Task Force, which in 2005 developed a plan for a “North American Community.” The recommendations of this panel included a multi-billion dollar North American Investment Fund to pull Mexico out of poverty, a North American Border Pass to facilitate travel between the countries, and expansion of “temporary worker programs.”

In 2011, when he was running for the Republican Senate nomination, Cruz had called the CFR “a pernicious nest of snakes” that is “working to undermine our sovereignty.”

In addition to serving as a member of the CFR, Mrs. Cruz, a graduate of Harvard Business School, served in the Bush White House under Dr. Condoleezza Rice as the Economic Director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council, as the Director of the Latin America Office at the U.S. Treasury Department, and as Special Assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, U.S. Trade Representative. Her CFR bio said, “Prior to government service, Ms. Cruz was an investment banker with J.P. Morgan in New York City.”

Today she is a managing director at the investment banking firm Goldman Sachs in Houston, but is reportedly on leave from the position while her husband runs for president.

Perhaps the key figure in the CFR task force was the late Robert Pastor, a former official of the Carter administration and director of the Center for North American Studies at American University. He wrote the book, Toward a North American Community.

President Clinton had nominated Pastor to be Ambassador to Panama after he had been instrumental in the giveaway of our Panama Canal under Jimmy Carter. But the late Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), the then-powerful chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, prevented a vote on his nomination, on the ground that he was aiding radical forces and undermining U.S. interests in the region. Pastor, who had been an official of the Clinton-Gore campaign, withdrew his nomination.

Pastor tried to play down the idea that a North American Community would develop into anything resembling the European Union, which is regarded by many as a bureaucratic entity that can supersede the sovereignty of its member countries.

But the Bush administration was viewed as facilitating the process of creating a North American economic, social and political entity through a process called the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP).

The dangers were so great that the late Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus formed a “Coalition to Block the North American Union” in 2007, to highlight how a North American Union would run roughshod over U.S. constitutional processes and guarantees.

Yet, President Obama has continued the process and, after meeting with the leaders of Mexico and Canada in 2014, said plans for a “North American Transportation Plan” and a “North American Trusted Traveler Program” to facilitate travel and exchanges would go forward. The next North American Leaders’ Summit is scheduled for this fall.

The idea of an annual North American summit meeting was one of the recommendations of that 2005 CFR task force.

Jerry Corsi of WorldNetDaily has noted that the criticism of the CFR put Senator Cruz in an uncomfortable position, since his wife had been a member of the powerful group.

“I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America,” Mrs. Cruz said in an additional statement in the CFR report. She also urged that economic investment in the region “be led and perpetuated by the private sector.”

At some point, if Senator Cruz is himself serious about his praise of Donald Trump’s tough stand and comments about illegal immigration, Mrs. Cruz may have to come forward to explain her involvement in the CFR panel’s controversial work.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 06:41:46 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2016, 06:37:48 pm »
Cruz donors accused of money laundering, helping tax cheats, pro-amnesty

January 6, 2016

It is doubtful that Ted Cruz supporters know these things about him. It is up to them to reconcile this information to continue supporting him.

Credit Suisse Group gave Cruz $33,442. CSG is under federal and international investigation as the money launderers for the crooks who ran FIFA the international soccer association.

 Cruz has taken cash from both sides of the amnesty issue. He has received $705, 657 from the pro-amnesty Club For Growth and both financial and volunteer support from Wallbuilders, an anti- amnesty Evangelical group whose founder, David Barton,  has written a book on Thomas Jefferson that is frankly ridiculous and justifiably mocked by Jeffersonian scholars. 

Goldman Sachs gave Cruz $69,350.  The pro-amnesty Goldman Sachs is under an FBI investigation that just started in June. It has a long history of dirty dealings and being a Democrat ATM. Is this money a “pay it forward” bribe to Cruz to save Goldman Sachs by having a “President Cruz” call the FBI off of his wife’s employer?  BTW Goldman Sachs gave a fat envelope to Mitch McConnell – aren’t they on opposite sides of everything? It seems not.

Morgan, Lewis gave Cruz $67,550. They are an Illinois law firm being sued for allegedly helping a client cover up illegal tax shelters. The media would keep asking Cruz if he would help them out of this mess once elected president.

As soon as it became apparent that Cruz would be the Republican nominee, the media would jump on these things and paint Cruz as a fringe person not representative of the “American mainstream,” who is willing to overlook his donor’s criminal activities to keep the cash flowing.

 It makes no difference what his supporters think, Cruz will have to defend Credit Suisse Group, Goldman Sachs, David Barton and the rest of this seedy bunch or lose their very big financial and volunteer support.

When called upon – and he will be- to explain taking say Credit Suisse Group’s cash how will Cruz talk his way out of it?

 How will Cruz “walk through the rain drops” and reconcile his support from the anti-amnesty Wallbuilders and those of his open borders/ pro-amnesty other big money backers like these?   

Sullivan & Cromwell gave Cruz $58,900. S&C they are a Wall Street trial lawyer firm that specializes in defending the “Wolf of Wall Street” types. So is Cruz for them or us when it comes time to cracking down on S&C’s clients?

As we have seen lately, when a candidate is explaining himself he is not making progress and usually falls in the polls.

It remains to be seen whether Cruz’s supporters can overlook these contradictions in his campaign. 


« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 06:48:46 pm by HAPPY2BME »

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« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2016, 06:40:45 pm »
Any time I see an anti-vaxxer video on a site, I know it's tinfoil time.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2016, 06:54:12 pm »

"For those who at one time were worried about the North American Union – the joining of Mexico, the United States and Canada into a single nation – Heidi Cruz is listed as a Task Force member by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in its Task Force Report on the Building a North American Community Committee. Mrs. Cruz totally approves of the recommendations contained in the report: Make the three nations into a single entity, same as the European Union?"


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« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2016, 06:58:33 pm »
"For those who at one time were worried about the North American Union – the joining of Mexico, the United States and Canada into a single nation – Heidi Cruz is listed as a Task Force member by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in its Task Force Report on the Building a North American Community Committee. Mrs. Cruz totally approves of the recommendations contained in the report: Make the three nations into a single entity, same as the European Union?"


That was never what the North American Union was about and everybody posting to this thread damn well knows it!
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2016, 07:03:08 pm »
"For those who at one time were worried about the North American Union – the joining of Mexico, the United States and Canada into a single nation – Heidi Cruz is listed as a Task Force member by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in its Task Force Report on the Building a North American Community Committee. Mrs. Cruz totally approves of the recommendations contained in the report: Make the three nations into a single entity, same as the European Union?"

Senator from Alberta, Rafael Cruz Jr. is the perfect North American candidate, with ties to Cuba, Canada and the US.

The two-for-one bonus is a wife that is considered an expert on the subject.

Both Rev. Cruz Sr., and Sen. Cruz Jr. can and do preach prosperity sermons in church.

"The Prosperity-Preacher-President" from Alberta, North America
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« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2016, 07:33:59 pm »
That was never what the North American Union was about and everybody posting to this thread damn well knows it!

But it was posted in bold font.

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« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2016, 10:46:09 pm »
"For those who at one time were worried about the North American Union – the joining of Mexico, the United States and Canada into a single nation – Heidi Cruz is listed as a Task Force member by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in its Task Force Report on the Building a North American Community Committee. Mrs. Cruz totally approves of the recommendations contained in the report: Make the three nations into a single entity, same as the European Union?"


Yes the NAU and SPP have everything to do with joining Mexico, the United States and Canada. George W. Bush, met with Calderon of Mexico and Harper of Canada to discuss the NAU -- the meeting in Canada was protested and the protest was disbanned by Canadian officials. In fact there was a resolution before Congress to STOP the NAU/SPP - H. Con. Res. 40 (Ron Paul/Tom Tancredo).

While doing research on Ted Cruz BEFORE he even announced his candidacy, one of my primary concerns that I had was indeed; did he have ties to the NAU, SPP or the Trans Texas Corridor?  I did not find any direct ties with Cruz to the NAU, SPP, or Trans Texas Corridor nor did I find any ties to Cruz and Giuliani or Perry as they had direct involvement to the Trans Texas Corridor.  As for his wife, I recently (two weeks ago to be exact) was questioned on her ties to the Council on Foreign Relations and I looked her up once again in the current roster, her name IS NOT included.  Could her name have been removed or could she have dropped out?  That is a possibility.

In doing research I found one thing to be true; you can just about find a 'source' to prove any theory or rumor floating around and you can just about find a 'source' to disprove the same theory.  It takes a little while, but you have to dig a little deeper sometimes and sometimes you just have to go with your gut when you find conflicting 'sources' and the research comes to a dead end.

I stand with Ted Cruz.  My gut continues to tell me, he is our very last chance of restoring this country.  (this is a very old website and I was surprised it is still up, but informational).

Ted Cruz 2016!  Reigniting the Promise of America
« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 10:48:48 pm by libertybele »
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2016, 10:58:15 pm »
Heidi Cruz pulled down high 6 figure $$ with GS, and that is as far establishment-crony capitalist as one can be.

GS expects and will get, what they already paid for, sooner or later. The fact is most politicians go in fairly middle income, and later are rich. the connections often take awhile to fully pay out, but pay out they do.

I have traced some locals over a few decades, from planning commission, city council, county supervisor, state assembly, state senator.

If they hop off the path, they get picked up by a "public service" legal firm, or something related.

Set for life. And Ted/Heidi Cruz are already set for life. Same as Jim DeMint. They are career government people, through and through.

To say they are outsiders is naïve and ignorant. It is highly incestuous. My US representative is as conservative as they come, and he is in precisely the same game. Historically our county was so conservative, that the establishment wing was the conservative wing.

Some of them rotate from job to job. Wives included. It is naïve to think otherwise.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln