Author Topic: JEB HIT BETWEEN EYES WITH SENSATIONAL ALLEGATIONS - Roger Stone turns to GOP candidate after exposing Clintons  (Read 2787 times)

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NEW YORK – Just as the Bush family is about to put on a full-court press to save the failing presidential candidacy of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Nixon confidant Roger Stone and co-author Saint John Hunt, son of Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt, have published an exposé titled “Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty.”

“Virtually every one of Jeb’s failed business enterprises is a carried interest in which he put up no cash but used his family name and connections to secure loans, financing, waivers, or other financially significant benefits,” Stone and Hunt write. “No less than five of Bush’s former partners in these endeavors are in jail.”

With Jeb Bush recruiting his family’s assistance in the South Carolina primary, Stone seeks to make his new book every bit as relevant as the one he published last October with Robert Morrow, “The Clintons’ War on Women,” which spotlighted Bill Clinton’s history as a serial sexual predator and his wife’s role in covering up for him and attacking the victims.The new Bush family exposé follows in the tradition of Kevin Phillips’ 2004 bestseller, “American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush,” and Russ Baker’s 2009 book, “Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces that Put It in the What House, and What Their Influence Means for America.”

Stone and Hunt trace the family history back to patriarch Prescott Bush, father of George H. W. Bush, presenting evidence of the role Prescott Bush played in financing the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

Stone and Hunt write on Page 92 that shortly after Pearl Harbor, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, Franklin Roosevelt shut down Union Banking Corporation, a bank Prescott Bush ran as part of his duties at Brown Brothers Harriman for the benefit of Fritz Thyssen.

Thyssen was the German banker first introduced to Hitler in 1924 by Rudolph Hess, who went on to write a book published in the United States in 1941, “I Paid Hitler,” in which Thyssen described the key role he played financing Hitler’s war machine.

Stone and Hunt write on Page 322 that prior to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, George W. Bush, together with his long-time adviser James Baker and former British Prime Minister John Major, visited Saudi Arabia to solicit a contribution of more than $80 million to the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based $16 billion private investment firms with ties to U.S. intelligence that was “paying huge fees” to former President George H. W. Bush and Baker.

The authors report that the FBI was pulled off an investigation of the bin Laden family and Saudi royals after George W. Bush was elected president, ignoring evidence that on Sept. 11 Shafiq bin Laden, an “estranged” half brother of Osama bin Laden, gave the Carlyle Group $38 million to manage.

“It’s therefore not surprising that the BBC reported that FBI agents in London were pulled off an investigation of Bin Laden family and Saudi royals soon after George W. Bush took office,” Stone and Hunt comment. “In addition to Osama Bin Laden, other members of the family had terrorist connections and were under investigation by the FBI.”

Pot, CIA, failed businesses

Stone and Hunt on Page 15 take Jeb to task for his “conservative” stance on marijuana. They cite former New York Republican congressman John LeBoutillier, who wrote in 2013 that two former classmates who attended Phillips Academy at Andover told him at Harvard class reunions that Jeb, while attending, not only ran a marijuana and alcohol ring selling product to his classmates but also was a habitual marijuana smoker who was “stoned all the time.”

Stone and Hunt write that Jeb Bush played a role in the Iran-Contra affair. In 1977, George H. W. Bush, as one of his last acts as CIA director, got his Spanish-speaking son to work at age 24 as a “branch manager” and “vice president” at Texas Commerce Bank, then “an optimal cover for CIA activities.” Jeb Bush, who knew the language as a result of his time as an exchange student in Guadalajara, was sent along with his Mexican wife, Columba, to Caracas, Venezuela.

Jeb Bush officially was Texas Commerce Bank’s “top point man in the Venezuelan capital and, unofficially, the CIA’s main financial liaison to the Venezuelan oil industry and the Colombian narcotics cartels,” Stone and Hunt note.

“Jeb helped lay the groundwork for the future Reagan-Bush administration’s 1980s covert war against Nicaragua and leftist guerrillas in El Salvador by establishing banking and money laundering links between the CIA and the Medellin and Cali drug cartels,” Stone and Hunt continue.

“Jeb’s friends in the Colombian cartels, particularly Medellin cartel boss Pablo Escobar, would help finance the Nicaraguan contras in return for CIA-supplied weapons,” the authors write. “While in Venezuela, Jeb cleverly managed to hide the Colombian cartel’s drug revenues as oil industry revenues of ‘front’ companies. Texas Commerce Bank was the bank of choice for Latin American drug cartels. It was later discovered to have stashed $7 million in drug profits for the Gulf cartel of Mexico.”

Stone and Hunt write that Jeb Bush served as liaison for the Nicaraguan contras when his father was vice president, citing evidence in Pages 17-21 that Jeb was deeply involved with the CIA-led operation to traffic cocaine into the United States and sell it to raise money to fund the Nicaragua Contras after Congress cut off the funding with the Boland amendment.

While Jeb’s brother Neil was a board member involved in the fraudulent lending that bankrupted Silverado Savings in Denver in the 1980s, Stone and Hunt detail on Pages 40-41 how Jeb’s business career involved the bankruptcy of Broward Savings and Loan.

Jeb and a business partner borrowed money from the bank to buy a building, with the federal government ending up repaying most of the loan after the bank went insolvent. The government paid $4 million to make the loan good as part of the bailout of the savings and loan industry, after Jeb and his partner negotiated a settlement with the regulators to repay only $505,000 to retain the building.

Profligate spending

On Page 5, Stone and Hunt cite the Cato Institute’s analysis of Jeb Bush’s term as Florida governor from 1999 to 2007.

Cato documented that Florida general fund spending increased from $18 billion to $28.2 billion, or 57 percent, and total state spending increased from $45.6 billion to $66.1 billion, or 45 percent.

“There is no reason to think his appetite for big spending would be any different in the White House,” Stone and Hunt argue.
Stone and Hunt note that while Florida governor, Jeb Bush directed $150 million of the public employee’s pension fund to an alternative investment fund run by Goldman Sachs while Bush’s cousin, George H. Walker IV, ran the firm’s alternative investment division.

Jeb Bush directed another $250 million of the public employee’s pension fund to Lehman Brothers. Then, when he left office in 2007, Lehman hired him for $1.3 million a year, paid to his consulting firm Jeb Bush and Associates. Two months after Jeb joined Lehman Brothers, the firm sold Florida hundreds of millions of dollars of toxic, mortgage-backed securities on which it lost more than $1 billion after the securities defaulted.

Supporting the argument Stone and Hunt make, the Washington Post reported July 2, 2015, that more than a third of the $33 million in proceeds made by Jeb Bush and Associates from 2007 to 2013 came from banking giants Lehman Brothers and Barclays. Bush was paid a combined total of about $12 million for his work as a senior adviser, plus an additional $8.1 million in speaking fees.

“Bush has denied playing any role in Lehman’s sale of toxic securities to the state pension – as should be expected,” Stone and Hunt write on Page 48. ”He has not commented publicly about Florida’s initial investment in Lehman while he was governor. But the sequence of events with Lehman is par for the course with Jeb.”


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How Jeb Bush’s firm made him rich — and created a nest egg for his family

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s former firm, Jeb Bush & Associates, earned $33 million in proceeds from 2007 to 2013.

Shortly after Jeb Bush left the Florida governor’s office in 2007, he established his own firm, Jeb Bush & Associates, designed to maximize his earning potential as one of the country’s more prominent politicians.

Tax returns disclosed this week by the Republican’s presidential campaign revealed that the business not only made him rich but also provided a steady income for his wife and one of his sons.

The family salaries were among the new information to emerge from this week’s disclosures, which provided the most detailed picture yet of the structure and finances of the firm that formed the core of Bush’s private-sector work during the past eight years.

The returns show that the company set up a generous and well-funded pension plan now rare in corporate America, allowing Bush to take large tax deductions while he and his wife built up their retirement portfolio.

They also illustrate how Bush — who has touted his business experience on the campaign trail — relied on his public persona and political connections to rapidly increase his net worth.

More than a third of the firm’s $33 million in proceeds from 2007 to 2013 came from banking giants Lehman Bros. and Barclays, which paid Bush a combined total of about $12 million for his work as a senior adviser, according to the tax filings and campaign officials. An additional $8.1 million during that period came from speaking fees.

Although Bush presented the release of 33 years of tax returns this week as evidence of his transparency, a review of the filings shows that more than a third of his company’s income was from sources that his campaign has largely declined to disclose.

[Bush tax forms show income of $29 million since 2007]

Bush’s small firm paid more than $2 million in wages over seven years. A large share of that money appears to have gone to his youngest son, Jeb Bush Jr., 31, who worked as a management consultant. The tax records indicate that Bush’s wife, Columba Bush, was collecting an annual salary that averaged about $31,500 — totaling more than $220,000 over seven years.

01 (//The Washington Post)

The position she held at the firm is unclear. Bush did not mention his wife’s role during his tax-document release this week. His campaign declined to provide any information about her duties. A campaign official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss Columba Bush’s position, called her a “true partner in work and life” who “contributed significantly to the firm’s success.”

[Jeb Bush dogged by decades of questions about business deals]

Bush launched the firm in February 2007, less than two months after leaving the governor’s office. He first set up shop in a glass tower in Miami before moving to a suite at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables. In late 2008, he was joined by his youngest son, then in his mid-20s, who had previously worked for two years at a South Florida real estate firm.

“If you ever have the opportunity to work side-by-side with one of your children, I recommend it,” Bush wrote in a statement about his business history released Tuesday along with his tax returns. “It was a phenomenal experience.”

In its first year, Jeb Bush & Associates pulled in $2.7 million in gross income, tax documents show. One of Bush’s first consulting clients was InnoVida, a Miami-based company that marketed prefabricated housing materials for use in disaster zones, whose chief executive was ultimately convicted of fraud.

[Jeb Bush kept key roles in Florida firm amid signs of trouble]

Half of Jeb Bush & Associates’ income in 2007 came from Lehman Bros., which paid Bush about $1.3 million annually to serve as a consultant, in part because of the global network of contacts he developed as a big-state governor and as the scion of a powerful political family .

That summer, as the bank slid toward insolvency, Bush was dispatched to Mexico in an effort to persuade Carlos Slim Helú, a telecommunications tycoon and one of the world’s wealthiest men, to take an ownership stake in Lehman.

Nothing came of that mission, which was dubbed “Project Verde” by a Lehman colleague and first reported by the New York Times.

The bank ultimately failed in a crash that jolted global markets. Bush was not implicated in any way, according to a person familiar with examinations of the conduct of Lehman officials.

After Lehman’s demise, the British bank Barclays bought its North American assets and retained Bush as a senior adviser. He also got a substantial pay increase, earning an average of $2 million annually from 2009 through 2014, campaign officials said.

In his statement this week, Bush said his work for Barclays taught him that “the United States can be much more competitive and create new and better paying jobs if only we learned the lessons of why companies choose to invest other places.”

A senior Barclays official said Bush did not advise bank officials or offer investment advice to clients.

“He was not a dealmaker,” said the official, who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Instead, Bush’s role was akin to that of a global emissary, whose star power appealed to the bank’s clients. Occasionally, the former governor was a keynote speaker at dinners with chief executives and senior managers of companies doing business with Barclays. He often shared his views on economic trends, the significance of events in Washington and other general matters, the bank official said.

“It would be intellectually stimulating for our clients,” the official added.

By 2011, Jeb Bush & Associates had vastly expanded its client base, tax records indicate. Its gross annual income that year rose to $7.2 million, up from $3.9 million in 2010.

The full scope of Bush’s clientele remains shielded from public view.

Nearly $13 million of the $33 million the firm was paid from 2007 to 2013 came from sources other than Bush’s speaking fees and bank consulting. Among the company’s clients were the online education firm Academic Partnerships, the asteroid-mining company Planetary Resources, and the health-care companies Clinical Medical Services and All-Med, campaign officials said. They declined to release a full list, citing confidentiality agreements.

[Jeb Bush severs ties to for-profit education company]

In March, as he geared up for his presidential run, Bush sold the firm to Jeb Bush Jr., a campaign official said.

From its inception, Jeb Bush & Associates made large contributions to retirement plans for its employees. From 2007 to 2013, the company put nearly $2.4 million into a pension plan and a 401(k) plan, money that it was then able to deduct from its taxes. That’s more than the $2 million it spent on wages during the same time period.

A large share of the retirement contributions went to a ­defined-benefit plan for just two employees, according to records the firm filed with the Labor Department.

The campaign declined to say which family members participate in the plan. But, spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said, “by virtue of being predominantly a family business, the Bushes were able to plan for their retirement through Jeb Bush & Associates.”

Bush has noted that he declined the state pension he was due as governor.

Defined-benefit programs are considered more generous and stable than defined-contribution programs, such as 401(k) plans, in which employers contribute a set amount to the plan annually but benefits can vary depending on the stock market.

The pension contributions by Jeb Bush & Associates were first reported Wednesday by the Wall Street Journal, which cited an earlier blog post by Oregon-based investment adviser Bill Parish.

Pension experts who reviewed documents describing the plan said it was designed to pay retirees a maximum pension equal to 80 percent of their salaries.

“It’s quite a nice deal,” said Donald Williamson, a professor of taxation at American University and an accountant who prepares taxes for small businesses. “It’s the kind of pension that my father might have had working for DuPont or some other big company back in the 1950s.”

Such plans are increasingly rare in corporate America but often still available to government employees, drawing criticism from Republican budget cutters.

For family businesses such as Jeb Bush & Associates, a de­fined-benefit program offers key tax advantages, allowing the company to sock away large contributions for its employees while taking a tax write-off.

“The pension plans are about the best deal in the tax code, because the employer gets a deduction for making contributions to the plan,” said Rebecca Wilkins, a tax expert who serves as executive director of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition, which seeks to eliminate corporate tax loopholes. “The employee doesn’t have any taxable income until they take money out.”

If Bush is among the participants in the pension plan, he gets a tax write-off as he finances his retirement nest egg.

Daniel Halperin, a professor at Harvard Law School who specializes in pensions, said federal law allows companies to take a tax write-off for large pension contributions in an effort to encourage them to offer solid retirement plans to their employees.

He said those rules make less sense in the case of Jeb Bush & Associates, which offers the plan to only two people.

“It is generous,” Halperin said. But, he added, “the law allows them to be generous.”
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 04:09:08 pm by HAPPY2BME »

Offline Longiron

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Thank You for posting the BOOK. This should be a game change as the BUSHIE family is exposed. I posted something about JEB being a COKE addict the other day from this book. Stone just did one on Clinton War on Women and exposed Bill Clinton and not a lawsuit filed. Same will happen with the BUSH book. Thanks again Happy! Hope some will read both BOOKS. Well worth the time and little expense! :beer:


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Thank You for posting the BOOK. This should be a game change as the BUSHIE family is exposed. I posted something about JEB being a COKE addict the other day from this book. Stone just did one on Clinton War on Women and exposed Bill Clinton and not a lawsuit filed. Same will happen with the BUSH book. Thanks again Happy! Hope some will read both BOOKS. Well worth the time and little expense! :beer:


If Stone hadn't done it, many others would have gotten the courage to do it. 

All one has to do to confirm any of it is simply google it.  The chips are about to be cashed in.

Offline katzenjammer

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It will be interesting to see how much coverage this book gets in the various media outlets.

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Offline Jazzhead

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The Trumpsters are out in force peddling the usual sleaze.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline LottieDah

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The Trumpsters are out in force peddling the usual sleaze.

Sleaze-- what else can you expect from a candidate who seemingly lusts after his own daughter.  With all of Jeb Bush's foibles and flaws he is more Presidential than Trump.  Hell, Michael Jackson's former chimp Bubbles is more Presidential than Trump.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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With all of Jeb Bush's foibles and flaws he is more Presidential than Trump.  Hell, Michael Jackson's former chimp Bubbles is more Presidential than Trump.

You just can't find the words to honestly support the Bush family--standing all on its own, can you?       No worries, other than spouting a few time-worn platitudes, no one can.   :shrug:
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 08:34:19 pm by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline aligncare

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You just can't find the words to honestly support the Bush family--standing all on its own, can you?       No worries, other than spouting a few time-worn platitudes, no one can.   :shrug:

Interesting isn't it?

The two previous posters support someone other than Jeb Bush. Yet, they came out of the woodwork in order to defend Jeb, simply because the author once worked for Donald Trump! At some point it becomes revealing -- if not amusing.

Offline flowers

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It will be interesting to see how much coverage this book gets in the various media outlets.
yes it will be.

Offline katzenjammer

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Offline musiclady

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Interesting isn't it?

The two previous posters support someone other than Jeb Bush. Yet, they came out of the woodwork in order to defend Jeb, simply because the author once worked for Donald Trump! At some point it becomes revealing -- if not amusing.

As far as I know there's only one person on this forum who supports Jeb Bush.

What's the point of the sleaze attack on Jeb?  Who does it deter?  Who does it help?
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

Offline Longiron

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The Trumpsters are out in force peddling the usual sleaze.

Well many cannot handle the TRUTH! does that ring a bell? **nononono*

Offline Jazzhead

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Well many cannot handle the TRUTH! does that ring a bell? **nononono*

Bush is not my first choice.  But it seems that whenever sleaze is posted to this Board, it's the Trumpsters who are promoting it.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline Longiron

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Bush is not my first choice.  But it seems that whenever sleaze is posted to this Board, it's the Trumpsters who are promoting it.   

But it is ok for CRUZ,BUSH,CARLY,RUBIO or any other candidate that was supported on her to bash TRUMP and call him everything from a child molester of his daughter, ego manic, big mouth, stupid 'etc" You have posters like yourself, Cu, Si, on l, AB and others and you know who they are?  They cannot complete a sentence without  bashing TRUMP but they never say what their candidate would do different or whom their candidate is.. It is a BITCH when someone fight back! 888bravo *look*

Offline aligncare

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But it is ok for CRUZ,BUSH,CARLY,RUBIO or any other candidate that was supported on her to bash TRUMP and call him everything from a child molester of his daughter, ego manic, big mouth, stupid 'etc" You have posters like yourself, Cu, Si, on l, AB and others and you know who they are?  They cannot complete a sentence without  bashing TRUMP but they never say what their candidate would do different or whom their candidate is.. It is a BITCH when someone fight back! 888bravo *look*

I wouldn't worry too much about it, Longiron. After he wins South Carolina, Trump moves forward with an almost insurmountable lead in national polls. Let 'em vent.


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I can say without doubt no  sidewindin', bushwhackin', hornswogglin' cracker croaker like Donald Trump is ever puting his money grubbing right hand on a bible to take the oath of office.

You members of the the Chuch of Trump, please have your fun now..... while you can.

Offline aligncare

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I can say without doubt no  sidewindin', bushwhackin', hornswogglin' cracker croaker like Donald Trump is ever puting his money grubbing right hand on a bible to take the oath of office.

You members of the the Chuch of Trump, please have your fun now..... while you can.


Offline musiclady

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I wouldn't worry too much about it, Longiron. After he wins South Carolina, Trump moves forward with an almost insurmountable lead in national polls. Let 'em vent.

Oh, I'm going to vent much more if he wins the nomination....... because whether or not he wins the WH, this country, as it was founded, is officially OVER.

No more representative Republic if Bernie, Hillary or Donald wins.  Not even a shell.

And trust me, you will hear and feel more wailing and gnashing of teeth from patriots who love this country then than you do now.

MUCH more......
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.