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“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” —Joseph Goebbels

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. —Proverbs 19:5

"Accuse Others of What You Do" — Karl Marx

Bashing Trump with Eminent Domain

Jeb should have his name legally changed to Hypocrite Bush.

During the pre-New Hampshire ABC GOP presidential debate, Bush slammed Donald Trump on eminent domain. He was playing to a clearly hostile anti-Trump crowd, knowing that the Trump supporters only received 20 tickets for the debate. Jeb used eminent domain as a club to bash The Donald, citing a decades-old case of an elderly Atlantic City lady who refused to sell her property to Trump, which he wanted for a parking lot. Atlantic City condemned her property, trying to force her to sell, she challenged the condemnation in court and won. Trump quickly abandoned the idea in favor of more willing neighbors who sold their property to Trump for his parking lot, and he paid them quite well for their properties.

The Atlantic City story is now being repeated over and over again by the neo-cons to try to destroy Mr. Trump. They're using the tactics of Joseph Goebbels, repeat a lie often enough....and people will eventually believe it.

As Florida Governor, Jeb Bush loved eminent domain and practiced it.

Jeb Bush and Jesse Hardy

The government wanted his land, but Jesse Hardy wasn't interested. He said it wasn't about money, it was about fighting for what is his. Jesse James Hardy was a symbol to some people of an individual besieged by government authorities and their allies in the environmental movement. Think United Nations Agenda 21, because that's what this is!

Governor Jeb Bush authorized the State Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent domain proceedings against an elderly man who just wanted to keep his land.

Jesse Hardy became disabled from a chopper jump after 14 years of service as a U.S. Navy Seal. In 1976, he bought 160 acres of swampland that nobody else wanted. And he intended to keep it, but the State and Florida's EPA had different ideas.

When Jesse bought the land it was nothing but shallow land on an underwater reef which no one wanted, and no one owned. Jesse built a shed, then a house, and dug a well, he made the unwanted rough land inhabitable. Life was pretty crude in the beginning. He'd wait for a warm day to take a shower. Eventually though, he had air conditioning, reverse osmosis, a washing machine, a cell phone, a satellite dish. He had solar panels on the roof and a big generator out back.

Jesse was a businessman, he ran a limestone quarry on his property that generated considerable revenue. His land, he said, was his life. Jesse Hardy fed bread to the fish in one of the stocked ponds on his land. The ponds were a byproduct of his limestone mining operation.

In 1995, the niece of a family friend gave birth to a premature boy with severe medical problems. Tara Hilton, age 43, and little Tommy had nowhere to go. So they moved in with Hardy, who raised the boy as his son.

A year after Tommy's birth, Hardy said he dug a test lake and stocked it with catfish, bream and tilapia to see whether his dream of establishing a fish farm could come true.

Like Tommy, the fish thrived, and Hardy and Hilton said they hatched bigger plans to dig four 20-acre lakes for recreational and commercial use.

Jesse in front of his stocked pond

Then Naples started growing, and encroaching, as the everglades to the east became drier.

Florida first laid the groundwork for taking Hardy's land in 1985, when it began buying 55,247 acres of the bankrupt and largely abandoned South Golden Gate Estates. Environmentalists considered the tract vital to restoring the natural flow of the River of Grass and protecting the water supply.

(President Bill Clinton and Gov. Jeb Bush met in the Oval Office on Dec. 11, 2000, to launch a $7.8 billion effort to revive the Florida Everglades.)

Nearly 20 years and $121 million later, the state owned almost every inch of South Golden Gates Estates, except 800 acres claimed by the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians -- and Hardy's 160 acres.

Mr. Hardy's land was in the middle of the failed housing complex, Southern Golden Gates Estates. The land for that development was carved out of a swamp years ago, and subdivided by canals and dirt roads. State authorities and environmentalists wanted to tear up the roads and fill in the canals, and allow water to flood the land, to restore it to its natural wetlands condition.

Nancy Payton of the Florida Wildlife Federation, an environmental group that has worked to restore the area for years, said Jesse's land was essential to the project. "Southern Golden Gates is a keystone parcel, because it is surrounded on almost every side by public lands, conservation lands," she said. "It is remote from any public facilities. It is remote from schools and from even a supermarket. It is not a good location for people to be, and the best and highest use for Golden Gates Estates is to restore it."

Hardy paid $60,000 for his 160 acres, valued for tax purposes in 2000, at $860,000. The state offered him $711,725 in 2002. He said no. It offered him $1.2-million in 2003. He said no. $1.5-million? No. $4.5-million? No. No. No.

But the offers from the state kept coming, and the pressure kept mounting with the price. So, too, did Hardy's status as a folk hero. His celebrity, though, would prove no match for the state. After Hardy turned down the $4.5 million, Gov. Jeb Bush and the Florida Cabinet authorized the state Department of Environmental Protection to begin eminent-domain proceedings.

Hardy settled.

"I'm telling you, I got took," he said. "They stole my life. What they're trying to do is take all the humans . . . bunch up people like in real close proximity, get all the people in one damn bunch so they can say, 'Don't go out over there! A chicken'll get ya!'" "They're trying to stop a way of life."

Jesse was right about that, and what he describes is UN Agenda 21's Smart Growth.

The full story of Jesse's battle can be found on his website:

Jeb's Florida Citrus Debacle

When Jeb was governor of Florida, he ordered backyard citrus trees to all be destroyed without compensation to residents, because of an outbreak of citrus canker disease. This was the largest private property confiscation via eminent domain in the State of Florida.

He not only ordered seizures by force, but it was Bush himself who refused to reimburse the residents for the property he unlawfully ordered to be removed and destroyed.

What happened in Florida under Jeb Bush's administration is nothing less than a chipping away at a fundamental guarantee in the Constitution.

"I stood here and watched them take our Ruby Red grapefruit, a Key lime, a Valencia orange and a Calamondin," said Coral Gables retiree Walter Jureski, eyes brimming with emotion. "It was heartbreaking. We loved those trees, and they were loaded with fruit."

For his losses, Jureski, 80, like other homeowners, received a $100 voucher to be used in the garden department at Wal-Mart. But even if there wasn't a ban on replanting citrus, he wouldn't do it. Said Jureski: "I couldn't stand to go through that again."

The people were violated. They said, "The Agriculture Department's hired goon squads break down your fences, trample your rights, and destroy private property."

Under an emergency order by Governor Bush, canker crews do not need an owner's permission to walk onto private property and take out citrus trees. Lushly landscaped yards have been reduced to vacant lots in minutes. "They raped our yard," a caller named Lynn told a Miami radio talk-show host. "I'm horrified, appalled, furious. Just livid."

Bush’s action is now costing the State of Florida hundreds of millions in lawsuits and legal fees. A south Florida jury has ordered the State of Florida to pay $11.5 million as compensation to 58,225 residents of Broward County. Similar class-action lawsuits took place in Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Lee, and Orange Counties. The Palm Beach verdict came in at an estimated $16.1 million reimbursement.

Bush Family Used Eminent Domain

Jeb's brother, George W., who he is using in spots to campaign for him, acquired most of his wealth when the City of Arlington, Texas grabbed homes through eminent domain. Bush could then build a new baseball stadium for the Texas Rangers and an accompanying parking lot, a team then-owned by a group where George W. was the general manager and key partner. You might want to read the article in Pensito Review regarding the shenanigans pulled by George W. The article states, "This is exactly the sort of gambit used by former Illinois governor Otto Kerner, who was convicted of tax fraud as a result."


Next time one of the establishment folks brings up Donald Trump's Atlantic City development and the use of eminent domain, remind them of Jeb Bush's actions while Governor of Florida.

Jeb Bush used eminent domain to take the one thing most loved by a disabled veteran, land he bought and developed and intended to live on until he died. All for the EPA. Jeb trampled homeowners' rights with the destruction of healthy citrus trees, and no compensation for their losses, resulting in the state losing millions of dollars in lawsuits by homeowners.

The entire Bush family obviously sees no problem with eminent domain. So yes, Jeb Bush should have "hypocrite" in front of his name.


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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2016, 07:10:04 pm »

It’s one thing to offer a home owner up to $5 million in repeated offers to buy a piece of property worth 6 figures, and walk away when it is clear the answer is no, as in the Case of Vera versus Trump. Of which the property is still standing, only to be looked upon as a run down eye sore.

It is also important to note that Trump’s casino investments in Atlantic City helped to turn a run down area that was on the skids, into a thriving hot spot on the map. Yes, that’s right. Atlantic City was run down and on it’s Detroit styled economic death bed until Trump invested in it and built it up, making it the thriving Atlantic City tourist attraction we all came to know an love, in spite of a rather out of place building standing out in the middle.

It is quite another thing to use your government clout to actually seize property under the eminent domain opportunities that Jeb Bush agreed to at the debate, but failed to explain his families underhanded familiarity of the use of eminent domain for underhanded PRIVATE deals he so boldly and falsely blamed Trump of doing.

What is now kind of front page news again is the Bush scandal of 2005 – abusing eminent domain to cushion his own private sector interests.

“(The Chicago Tribune reported in July 2005 that)“members of the Mathes family [the owners of the property that was condemned to build the stadium] thought their 13 acres were worth $7.5 million, [but] were offered $817,000 to make way for the baseball stadium. After many years in court and substantial lawyers’ fees, they got the $7.5 million.”

That … set of facts – an offer of $817,000 for a $7.5 million property – suggests the nature of what we’re up against. It looks like grand larceny.

The Rangers new owners apparently refused to pay the court-ordered $7.5 million settlement for the land Mr. Bush seized (through eminent domain). As a reader from Arlington wrote last week:

The Rangers refused to pay the difference to the Mathes family, which forced the City of Arlington to pay it in order to protect its bond rating. This in turn caused increased taxes and decreased services – all to make that little moron even wealthier than he already was.”

Read more here:

(Listen to the applause Jeb gets, and boos Trump gets on this one)

So there you have it folks. Eminent domain can be good, and it can be bad. It can also be scandalous. Jeb needs to learn when to just be quiet, but, obviously he is among the other establishment elite who believe the people have no memories, and are uninformed illiterates that must be pushed and shown who to vote for as we can’t make intelligent decisions.

Also read:

Dianne Marshall
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 07:13:12 pm by HAPPY2BME »

Offline Meshuge Mikey

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« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2016, 07:14:33 pm »
two wrongs don't make trump right!

Have Indentified as a Male since birth!

Offline musiclady

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2016, 07:16:55 pm »
two wrongs don't make trump right!

That's for sure.

Imagine the hubris of a poster who thinks that bashing Jeb on eminent domain helps Trump, who adores the practice.   **nononono*
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.


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« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2016, 07:18:27 pm »
two wrongs don't make trump right!



  : a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs

  : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

  : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Offline Meshuge Mikey

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« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2016, 07:21:05 pm »
I would no sooner vote for trump than stick my head in a blender

I don't give a Trump for Bush either

« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 07:22:26 pm by Meshuge Mikey »
Have Indentified as a Male since birth!


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« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2016, 07:23:59 pm »
Jesse Hardy

Fighting to keep his land

Jesse Hardy became disabled from a chopper jump after 14 years of service as a U.S. Navy Seal. In civilian life, he became involved in real estate. In those days, the best time to buy Florida property was during rainy season, exposing the high, dry land. In 1976, Hardy bought 160 acres in Collier County less than two miles south of the east-west corridor of I-75.

It is recorded as being 13-to-14-feet above sea level.

Jesse got the idea of creating 20-acre fish ponds for families to visit, camp and fish. He obtained necessary permits from the county and state, and proceeded to dig, selling the quality limestone to the county for road fill. A win-win situation.

Jesse and Tommy

His hopes and dreams for Tommy's future were running high.

Those who helped him with the permitting had a change of heart. The 8.5 billion dollar Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project (CERP) includes deconstruction of roads and plugging canals (originally built to drain the land and direct water to the Gulf). The intent of the project is to restore natural water flows. The government proceeded to buy out all privately owned land in South Golden Gate Estates, formerly planned for housing developments. Hardy, the last lone holdout realized that the Northern-most point of CERP is some eight miles south of his property, and that flooding cannot occur unless his 160 acres is leveled, which isn't in the plan.

Hardy and his son lived a primitive life with all the necessary commodities, clean water and air, a generator for refrigeration, air conditioning and heating. This was his choice. He valued his land above any material things in life, and was generous and willing to share his fortune with families, in an education process of days gone by.

Hardy had one of his finished lakes stocked with fish and he and Tommy enjoyed their time fishing and swimming. A remarkable feat, since Tommy was born with hydrocephalus and diagnosed with the inability to ever walk. His grandmother asked Hardy to take him in and care for him, as cancer would soon be taking her life.

Today, Tommy attends school, rides a bike and performs like any boy, thanks to Hardy's custodial love and patient willingness.

For years, Jesse Hardy fought with all his might to hang on to his homesteaded property. In the end, at the last of twelve hours of negotiations, Hardy signed over his property to the state. He was beat and broken.

The state paid him 4.95 million dollars for his 160 acres with lakes and limestone deposits. Nowhere in Florida can Jesse buy another 160 acres, and certainly not with leftover cash after attorney fees. About half of his gains were spent on the purchase of a 2-acre lot with a modest home in Collier County.

Stocked Pond

His dream of aquaculture farming and family camping for Tommy's future, is now lost.

The 55,000 acres called Southern Golden Gate Estates, South blocks, were purchased with tax dollars. Condemnation of 200 miles of roads, along with 25 or 30 bridges, is just a part of the growing 8.5 billion dollar project approved by voters as "Florida Forever Project" in 1999.

Program details eluded the minds of voters, as did the expected overruns and no guaranteed results in achieving the desired outcome. In the meantime, private property is taken, not just by eminent domain, but by harassment, attorney fees, forced wetlands, mitigation fees, and saving endangered species for environmental and state control.