Author Topic: Bachmann: Islamists Plan to Destroy the Christian West Through ‘Civilization Jihad’  (Read 470 times)

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Bachmann: Islamists Plan to Destroy the Christian West Through ‘Civilization Jihad’

Radical Muslims plan to destroy the Christian West through waves of immigration into Europe and the United States, and ever-escalating attacks on Western mores in what is called “civilization jihad,” said former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

Young male Islamists are being sent into Europe to establish a “rape culture,” she said, and France already is a “religious battleground” where hundreds of Christian establishments have been attacked. “This is intentional and it’s meant to destroy Western Christendom,” said Bachmann.

The lawyer and former congresswoman made her remarks in a Feb. 6 interview on the radio show Understanding the Times with Jan Markell [1].

“What we need to realize is the more [Islamists] that come in, the more they act upon their religious convictions and their stated religious convictions,” said Bachmann.  “The imams from the original countries that they come from, they recruit and send these guys to come in and to bring about this destruction.”

“Right now in Europe it’s called a ‘rape culture’ that’s coming into Sweden and Germany and all across Europe for the specific purpose of Islamizing these countries, and they are falling,” she said.

“As a matter of fact, France it’s called a ‘religious battleground,’” she said.  “I want to read this from Mark Steyn, I love Mark Steyn, you can find him at  It says a church in Fontainebleau, in France, was targeted by arsonists, the latest in an increasing number of attacks against Christian places of worship.”

“According to a newspaper there were 591 acts of arson or vandalism against religious buildings in France in 2014,” she continued,  “79% of which were Christian. Meanwhile, if you look at the number of weekly congregants that show up at the Church of England, it’s an all-time, 760,000.”

You see, when we don’t defend our faith, when we aren’t on offense, not only are we on defense, we’ll lose it,” said Bachmann.   “Because one thing we need to understand, Jan, is that Islamists have a plan.”

“They have a plan to destroy Western Christendom,” said Bachmann.  “It’s called ‘civilization jihad.’ By bringing Islamists into our country and destroying us from in. They don’t need to just have a nuclear bomb. If they send their invading army into our countries and if young men are doing what they did on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, and other places where they are literally sexually attacking and raping and groping women and causing them to fear, we are looking at a completely ramped-up level of invasion, one like we have never seen before.”

“Not only is Europe getting that, the United States is getting that, but we need to recognize what is happening,” she said.  “This isn’t unintentional. This is intentional and it’s meant to destroy Western Christendom.”

Michele Bachmann, 59, served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, from 2007 to 2015. Prior to that she was a member of the Minnesota Senate, from 2001 to 2007.  She holds a law degree, and she and her husband, Marcus Bachmann, have five children and have provided foster care to 23 other children over the years.
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When one hears the word 'Islam,' immediate death, murder, rampage, and chaos come to mind anywhere it surfaces.

Their version of 'god.'