Author Topic: FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations  (Read 634 times)

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FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

Posted By Blake Neff On 12:55 PM 02/14/2016 In | No Comments

During a Sunday morning appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer decried the intent of many Senate Republicans to prevent President Barack Obama from appointing the successor to deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

But less than a decade ago, Schumer advocated doing the same exact thing if any additional Supreme Court vacancies opened under former President George W. Bush.

Almost immediately after Scalia’s death was announced Saturday evening, Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates began arguing the appointment of his successor should be left to the next president. Schumer lamented this outlook as pure obstructionism.

“You know, the kind of obstructionism that [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell ‘s talking about, he’s hearkening back to his old days,” Schumer said, according to The Hill. “In 2010, right after the election or right during the election, he said, ‘My number-one job is to defeat Barack Obama,’ without even knowing what Barack Obama was going to propose. Here, he doesn’t even know who the president’s going to propose and he said, ‘No, we’re not having hearings; we’re not going to go forward to leave the Supreme Court vacant at 300 days in a divided time.'”

“When you go right off the bat and say, ‘I don’t care who he nominates, I am going to oppose him,’ that’s not going to fly,” Schumer added.

When George W. Bush was still president, Schumer advocated almost the exact same approach McConnell is planning to pursue. During a speech at a convention of the American Constitution Society in July 2007, Schumer said if any new Supreme Court vacancies opened up, Democrats should not allow Bush the chance to fill it “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer said, according to Politico. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.” During the same speech, Schumer lamented that he hadn’t managed to block Bush’s prior Supreme Court nominations.

Notably, when he made his remarks in 2007, Bush had about seven more months remaining in his presidential term than Obama has remaining in his.

Much like Republicans today, Schumer’s sentiment was clearly based on a fear that another Bush appointment would radically shift the overall makeup of the Court’s ideology.

Of course, Schumer’s attitude back then provoked a response from Republicans very similar to the one Democrats are making now. Bush’s Press Secretary Dana Perino argued at the time that Schumer’s statements showed “a tremendous disrespect for the Constitution” and amounted to “blind obstructionism.”

As it happened, Schumer’s suggested obstruction never came to pass, as no more vacancies opened during Bush’s presidency.

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I'll bet old Chuckie will say he was "misunderstood" :facepalm2: back then.

Offline MACVSOG68

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Nobody's hands are clean when judicial nominations are being considered.  The Democrats were filibustering W's nominations in 2004 and 2005 and it took the Gang of 14, 7 Dems and 7 Repubs to put an end to it.   People still complain about the part Graham and McCain played in the agreement.  But the filibustering stopped until the next Congress.  Dems started it all over again, and during Obama's term, Republicans have filibustered or otherwise delayed far more judicial appointments than was done under Bush.

But with this vacancy all bets are off.  The Democrats will do any and everything to get this seat filled; the Republicans will do any and everything to block it.  Both sides will do exactly what their constituency wants and expects them to do.  And perhaps the greatest short term impact will be to bring out the vote for both sides in November if as everyone expects, no confirmation is made. 
It's the Supreme Court nominations!


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Where there any Supreme Court nominations between July 2007... and the end of the Bush administration?

If there wasn't, this is hot air.  If there were... and they were confirmed; this is even more hot air.