General Category > Music Threads

Monday 15 Feb Music Thread:


Zappa's Joes Garage.
Catholic girls rule!


I am a big fan of American folk music scene of the 50-70s.

We tend to kick music styles back and forth across the Atlantic, making the music better.

A niche sound is "West London Folk" and here are Mumford & Sons (playing a Red Rocks, Colorado)


--- Quote from: truth_seeker on February 16, 2016, 12:20:31 am ---I am a big fan of American folk music scene of the 50-70s.

We tend to kick music styles back and forth across the Atlantic, making the music better.

A niche sound is "West London Folk" and here are Mumford & Sons (playing a Red Rocks, Colorado)

--- End quote ---

I like it,too. Please feel free to post any folk music (or any other type of music) you want any time you want. I just ask that if you start a new music thread,you start it in the folder for that day of the week,and put a date on like like 15 Feb 2016 so people can identify it at a glance and know they have seen it.

What we really need are ping lists. It would be so much simpler.


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